Your Tequmt for the abore eatad
qaestlon haa been rraeited bp this &apart-
m6nt. 56 quote ea foUaw
6 letter fror
al moQ, Drug;, and
h Aot la herewith ig-
the praotioa of the all&3207666
th Department hemie0r6 t@ ao-
mcleral sood and Drq Mmlalo-
Qn4OtiOtl Qf 66tIiP166Or fOOdS
U in lntentatr trafiie when srioh
loe wan. bo murrQ6red without in-
ourring ad~ltimaal 6zpsn66 or fmruting any OOII-
sibenbls amaunt ot tillu ofs #6 part of the Wi-
ploy66, and when mob &ip1Ep1oaam gal& for br
rouoher &awn on th6 r6d6M1 CQve~Pnm6nt. In this
~0~~3~oti.5 it ham bee0 n6as088~ tar 66Eh i66p66-
tor of tlitleI)spwtmnt to 681~~ a4 tuthorlaatiem
nerd aign6d by the U. 5. s8oretary oi Agriaul-
tun, euoh suthorivtion b,ain& linrited to this
partimlar servlo6.
'Tdnee the N&bra1 Lew ha5 been anend6d,
tha qusstioa he5 arl8en whether tha Stats 8661th
cm .06r or en employ66 oi the Stnte E6alth De-
partmcmt would be prdtted under ts8 Sate law
to aooept the com~Uelon a8ntloned in Kr. Pri8bie*lr
1stt.r. . . ."
S6ction 703 (a) of th6 Fed61’61 PoodB, Drug*, end
Comzatlo8 Aat, prcmlde8, In part, that:
"Th6 S60rC+t=y $6 aUthOtiZed t0 OOndUOt 6X-
amin6tions ana -1nY6sti~atlons for the purpore8 of
this &et, through otfTie6ra 6ad employees OS th6
D6QWtdU~nt or through any he6lth, food, or dr~e
ofi'ioeror employ06 of any State, Territory, or
polltl6sL rubdirleion thoreor, duly Qolshli88iOn66
by the seo~retarya8 an orfioimr
or the Demrtmoat.
. . .* (under8oorln~ Our8)
It Is to be noted th6~tWhen a perssa in th6 publlo
mploy 1s d68lgnated a8 an orftoer otithe U5lted Stats8 by
th6 t6mulnOlogp of.the Federal ltatu l8 th6O that p6non i8
&80~0;;~?~ OiiiO6r. so6 Ze Oplni,nr
% united State8 Attora6y
Arti 16, ScAtlon 83, of the Constitist~on pro-
Vi886 P8 tOllOW8:
*The Aooountlag Wficere oi this Stats shall
nolthor draw nor pay a warrant tlpon the Tmamry
irt ravor of any per8on, for 8elrrry or oo?rrp6naatlon
as a@%nt, o?tlcsr or appolnt6s, who holds at the
6ams tirm any othsr offlee or posltlon ot hOnOr,
trust or protlt, unear thle state or the mated
States. . . .w (uadereooriing;Ours)
Sootion 40 of Artiole 16 of the Conrtltatlon pm-
Ytdea, in'part, that:
Vo person ohall hold or exeroi8e, 8t the
se&e time, more than one CiVll cmtoe Of %m%lrk-
mmt, . . .n
The eoBBtftUtiOnal prOVi5iOn8 csierred~ t0 6boF6~
prooeee to a6t at oertain 6zQ6ptiQB8 anne0ssMry T'or a8
to eonolder her6 Sor ole8rly ncm rcbuld 6mbraos oar aitaatloa.
foua4 in ‘Artlole 16, matloin
The word -e6301amonta
&I, eat out abme, L~~pLleswsne 11% of pro-Fit,gala, or
b8nerit. It is our ua4entaaQiag that the Pedsral Qovem-
~8% Cocm not pay sahrles to those v&o are co~lesionsd
UI~ lro ofriaom 0r the ,nep8rtPsnt of ltgriaultwe pursuant
to Seotion 7CZ(r) of :,heFodozsl Food, ~r,rclg,41~4Coaznetioa
hat, Eowavar, there is aonBi4rrrtlon is the tranonotlon
in thlcrmanaer: In Uoasid.mtiOn t%ftha a6SueiptiOllof the
nrious dutlo ao r smvla ea lttaohbd’tbomto the Fe4enZ
-Gorommoat will be&or a oona.Wiionoga5 the person M
ua4xwtakl.a~ the gwirformw%u6 thereof. This aonPtltut8sa
tid pfo ~110. #hethor ar hot tBi* ia consbhwatlon w;Ebia
A;- a meaning ot the word %*lttmmt" pn8*nta a qtaertion of
consIderabledoubt. In our oplnloa it is not. mwevbr,
you 6ro advbwd that tba Ofilw or &Witfon aoniernd by
tha stiasion oomu wLthia the mope 0r Artlcla 16, seo-
tion 55, aupm. The poultlon conrwmd has aqle attri-
bates ar ane of *honor- or *trttet*;
Thamfore, la tko opinion of this department,
ArtiUle 16, %otlon 35, of the Coastitutioawould pF@hib&t
aad ndmla the msaountiagoffieon of thi8 W%te fmm
par&g thooa wha are thus ctammi8sl@mdby tbaPeUera1 Corrm-
mat any salary or wmperurtlaa for tha servloen they are
now radoring the State or ml@. readw In the futtaM!JW
long as they hold their porltioaerriththe m4m61 Gtmtra-
Trusting that the above 8atfrfaotorllyanammm
pmr inquiry,we am