Eonomblr 0. x. Olrroa
COllDff Attoroa~
xotor County
Odrrm, Texas
DIar Sir:
LI thr aborr
rtatad pue8tlon oerrfull~ Oon-
rldarrd br thlr
al Procadura
OS Taxa8, pro ?'aid8herlff6
and oonateblr SIotlon 1 o?
allraer frrs. 680-
fro8 ror attaohin&
on 3 of aala lrtlclr
Jury 1D aaoh ~888
lrlaturr of Taxar, prorldaa mllrae0
rlalnrl prooarr and rumonlng or
Swtlon 6 o? raid artlolr al80
raying attached rltnoase8 to court, proridw tar8 snd
lxp0arr8 Sor ooavrylng dtnraarr in hab888 oorpus pro-
oaodl~r out of hlr oounty, rto. soatlon 6 ot raid
r r tlo plr
r o r lda
fr or fo
8 rlttmdlaprllonar8
u on
~_. ---.__.. - ..-.. -- . ..^....... -.- .-.~“Y.~~r-r..~~.“r”“.Y...l “..I... ..slnT.YI
.,. ..,
~Onorablr 0. X. Oarron, page 2
habear OOrpUB, with ailr8ga f808, rto.
Arti018 1034, CO48 Ot CriJBiDal krOOBdur8 of
Tarar, prOYfd88 for the BXaainatiOD and approval or
diBBpprOYa1 by the di8triOt jUdg8 Of tha officrrr’
aooount rgalmt the State.
Artlolcs 3883 all6 3891, RBI188d CiVil.8t~tUtBB
Of Taraa, 88t Out the MIilWm f888 rhlOh may be retained
by PrBOillOt, OOUnt~ WI6 dirtriOt OffiOBrB Of thi8 Stat@.
% Cal1 yOUr attention t0 th8 1a8t paragraph
of b.rtiOlB 3891, RaIisrd Civil Statute8 of Texas, which
read8 a8 fO11owBl
*The ccaip8n8ation,limitation8 and %axl-
mum8 herein fixed shell also apply to all
?888 BIldCO?3ptIllBatiOD WhEtBOBl~~ OOllsOtad
by aaid officer8 in their official capacity,
whether aooountsbla 88 fess of offior un-
aor the FI'BBBntlaw, end Bny law, caneral
or apccial, to the OOntrBry i8 hereby ex-
pr888l.yrBpC9lBd. Th8 only kind and oharao-
ter oi oompansation axcnpt from tha provlrlons
of this Act shall be raaards ra~air8d by
Sheriffs for apprehension of Orimill81# or
fugltlr88 from juatlaa end for the rtootery
of stolen property, and EonBy reaaitad by
County fUde88 8Xld ~UStiCBB Of the Pea08 for
~crforalng marriage osremonics, which mm
shall not be accoantabl8 tir and not requirrd
to be reported as fas8 or offica.w
ClBarly, th8 fe88 Bet Out in !hiUlB 1029,
Coda of Criminal Procadaro, do not Oclparlthln any
of thr exooptlonr In the last paragraph of Artiola
3891, Rotlsr4 Civil Statutrs, mpra.
T0a are thaNfOr r88pectfully adrisad that
it IS the opinion of thlr department that your question
should be anrrsrrd in the affirmatirr and it ie 80
Tour8 vary truly
23, 1940
Wm. J. Fanning