Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Fred C. Branson Stat3 Banking Commissioner Austin, T0xas Dear Sir: i( ',: Certificate 0 for an opinion construing, lature, 1838, General Law,, fo110wirg qI.lef3tions, es to adopt the er such bill, is esolution of the (a) by two-thirds Banking Board, or can the Banking Cm- nissioner, upen compliance with the re- quirenents of S. B. Bo. 268, issue a certificate of authority nuthorizing the exorcise of additional powers with- out action by the State Bar&&g Boardtg Yon. Fred C. Dranson - Fnge 2 Article 648a, added to the statutes by S. Z. NO . 268, is QS fOllOWS: .Ssction 1. That Artiole 646, Sec. 2, Chapter 9, ilevis& Civil Statutes of the State of TeXas, 1926, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as followsr **Article 646, Seation 2. To re- oeive money on time deposits, and to purchnsc, sell, discount, or negotiate bonds, notes, oertificates of invest- ment and chooses in action for the pay- ment of monejr at a time either fiXe& or uncertain, and to reoeive payments therefor in installments or otherwise, with or without an allowance of interest upon such installments. To purchase stock in Pederal Deposit Insurance Cor- poration.* *sec. 2. That a new article shall be added to Article 648, Chapter 9, Devised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1926, to be hereinafter known as Article 648a which artiole reads as follovst n *Article 548a. All corporations now chartered under the provisions of this chapter may adopt the powers herein grant- ed by filing a certificate t0 suoh effeot with the Cosmxlseion of Banking, provide& however, thst the incorporation of corpra- tions in the future under this chapter shall make application to the State Bank- ing ijoard ad be gmerned by the provis- ions of Chapter 2 of this Title.* *sec. 3. All laws and parts Of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealea t0 the extent Of such COnfliot Only. *Sec. 4. The importance of this legis- lation creates an emergency and an impera- tive public necessity that the Constitu- tional Rule requiring bills to be read in Iion. r'rxl C. Branson - IQ@ 2 each House on thrca several days be sus- pended, and tha same is hereby susperxlsd, and this Act shall take effact an& be in foroc from ati after its passage, and it is so onactod.@ (General Laws, reg. 80s~. 46th Leg., 1922, pp 72-73). In our opinion 30. O-1642, rcferrocl to by you, this department advisecl you as followsr "It is, therefore, our opinion that the certificate of adoption of the bank- ing powers conferred upon existing Gor- porafions by Senate Bill 288 should be made only after the ame has been authGr- ized by a stookholclers meting either in the annual meeting or in a meeting oall- e& for such sp2Cific yrposs. *Ve do not undortakc in this opinion to go into the question of the delegation of authority to the Uoard of Directors by tbo constitution or by-laws of any such Goryoration; neither CLowe go into the question of whether or not the adoption Gf tho ad&d pOWsl' WdCr GeEits 3111 268 nust be by a unanimous vote of the stook- holders or oan be by a majority vote there- of. We simply hold, as a general proposi- t%on, that the adoption Of such add& pow- ers by the Board of DireGtGrs nrould be an insufficient aoceptanGe thereof, as re- quired by Senate Bill 288, on the part of the corporation, but that such should be done by tha stockholders GOmpO8ing the corporate body% We proceed, therefore, to answer your questions in the order in which you state them, as folloss: 1. iW.or to the a&option of 9. B. 268 ory,aniza- tions 00mOnly knGHn as *XGrris Plan hankSa VCr3 not bank- ing institutions, under our Constitution and statutes; they were made such by the adoption of that bill. prior to the enactment of the bill, SuGh corporn- tions wre chartered i?s other lprivate COrpOrationSI by the . 1 aon. Fred C . uranson - Tage 4 Secretary of State, thou@ they vere placed under the supervision of the Banking Comissioner. How, by Article 548a, above quoted, SW& iustitrrtions not only .a30uuder the supervision of the Baukiug Comissioner, but all such institutiaus organized after th:2enactment of the bilL a?e required to be chartered in the manner provided for char- ter%@, baukiug institutions. In keeping oith the L&.ncd~les aud conclusious announced iu our former opinion Ho. O-1542, 818 think the power given to au esisting xorris Ran Bauk corporation, at the time S. B. 268 becam effective, to adopt tho bauk- in;, @.vile;;es of that bill, &odd be esercised or sathor- ized by the stockholders iu the mnner-prwided by statute for the sxerxbuent of bankcharters. That vould be by a vote of the stockholders holding tuo-thirds interest of the caj&tal stock. TM.3 is not because ef auy expR?SE statute but is a uatter of conclusion from the aualogies. 2. Article 2Sla, which ire have thought by analogy affords the auswe~ to Tour second ~xx&ion, declares: eSuch amudments shall be in force and take effect when adopted by a vote of the stockholders holdiuz two-thirds interest of the capital s&k and nhen approved by the Banking Commissioner of Texas and filed in the archives of his officov~. h'o ~wi6ion ov requirement ~_ - _ is -made ._.for any action A_ uhatsvever by the Stat0 Sanklug Board. SO that, upon tne paper action by the stockholders and a pro-per ObservaZMX of the requirements of the statute, as to notice of the meeting at which such action has L-en taken, the Baukiug Conmdssiou- cr is authorized to accept a satisfactory certificate as to the adoption of the baukiug privilege oonferred by S. B. 268, and to issue his certificate of authority thereunder, tithout reference to the lhnlring Board. Very truly yours ATTOF- GEkEBdL OF j&IS APPROVED JXT i2, 1940 62 kp BY Ode Speer OS-hiR Assistant