. .
non. C. R. T'eminf$oa, Pn~o a
Tha reooa33 of the .Soo:*ctflry
of 3taters opcice re-
vet21thet 12. X. J. CroPoct was Zcosidezt of t?.o Gulf COaat
y;sterCoqxiny, a C~m23:Io o~rp~ration, on &wot 6, 133s.
Act3 1834, 4Srd Le&slatui*ej 4.thCalled je3dIon,
inSO 19; Ch.
7, C?.O6tin$ tho LO%XZ? Colorn.doRiver Authority,
rcrds, In port, a3 follo::3:
that no pcraon shall be eligible
for 1:'he h33,
3ucl-1 a~pOIhti~IOn% during t219 p-cccd-
135 t?.qe (3) bcforo hi3 npgointmsnt bocn
enploy$ by'an oltctric ~oxcr end lir,htcoqmy,
gc3 coqmy , tclcp>onc coiqany, or any other util-
lty oorqmy af Eriykind Or ch&roCtcr xhat3oevor.*
(Underscoring 01.~3)
Sinoo the facts .shOi'ltht Yr. X. J. Crofoot ~133
the i‘residontof the hCrqtO:'OXoncztioned cOrFO?ationj ;ivr- '
Inx;tl:opccediny t&xo (3) year 3 before his op;oi,asc:e,:crrt to
the Board of Dirootom Of thic, LOX;er COlWQdO River Authority,
the dcteminiq ~c3tIon xould GOCSI t0 kc!w!lctk~r or nOt ho
\mmdo:ploycd by the 3sj.doorporations -&thin the zzeaninx02
the hoo~e .o_ucteCrart of the Aot creatind the Laxer coloro~0
River J,uthorIity
. -
%%a &a ~~e~~~loyod*t
ha3 mmy zssniqo. N It 93~ nean
any person who rczder:r2
labor .or scrvico to Another. wl’latson
v. XQ. cc., 50 ft could Inclu~~cevery ,,;e-
3?. 1.1. a. ma.
JO.?in ~~$Yl$ij
u . \r~'e.6-r.
&rGdq Or rank, or the nature of kio dutir3. Ia're Stryi:er
ot (11,63 N. x. 525. As us04 in Its broadest 3eU30’, the
SJord %n~loyedq8 denotes every person who I3 in the ,sorvioo
or a oorgooratlon. 32 L.2.A. Q7 Zt pa&e 113, The word "ez-
ploy&* denotc3 028 *.&o,rim~era Oervice. Sot 'h%h3tcr~~sm.
f~tcrnatiO361 3Ictiomry, 3OCO:ld ZditIO!l.
yieiuote frc.2hbbdtt V. L:o::'i~,
77 I<.'.?!.
94, C3.fOl"
loxs :
n anyone e:i~lcycJby R corporation in arq
cnpocitjjmay parhara be consi?mrcd as ezplojjecof
the co7pcrntion (aA if frm the context such as:
pccrdl to bc tte mxnin~,.thc officera of' the cor-
Foratior,ni,:hSbe irrtondecl by tba tcr::urdar 8om
cirom~tacccs) .,.**
The question ie: -Vhat is the sense in ~ihichL,he
word ~ezployc~I*~
13 123~4in tho above c,uotodpzrt.of the Xct
crentiq t,k.eLo::er ColornCo River hutbority? Ceriafcly this
is to be de:crsL!:eC!fro:1t:leocntst, end the apynrent 6b$jcct
aau pxpoi;a of tllo pcvi3lcr..
It cann.otbe said t!z:stt& presideat ci a ccqcr-
aticn is not in the SSFS~.CCof the carporction. IS ho not
.tho qcnt of t:ic corgoretion :vit?in t>a scope cii~oxu-a dele-
&at& to hi!!by the bonrd of directors7 Soes he.20: enforce
&m¶ defend the various rlzhts of thu cor~croticn7 IS he not
promoting the intsrcst;:of the ccr;croti.ozz % believe that
tImso r,ucsticr~sma only be 4rmfcrsd in the rftiratetivo.
Ih6.Lq$.slaturc plainly ir.&icctteCt?,ot til persons
oxpl.oyc0by 8 utility cozpcny->fit%.nt?ree j'ofir3 prccedin~
the Cute of s~;ointmnt 3hculC not be eliqiblc for aaid a;-
~i&-tm3Iit, X3 there imy eoui%Iaridlogical remon for saying
that the cf?icsrs of e nti'litycoqmy We not esglcye~ by.
that ccr;oratico within tho :xzninrjof the.Aot? ';;c thiak
not. WQ cc?zn,ot believe that tho Legislature inteabe:lthat
such a oonatruoticn ehould be~plrtced-02 th&~~Ier@,c~c-_r_o mm-
tioned oocticn of the .ct,~ ~T'c~thecotitrnYy,it would op~car
.thot them 13 a far fpeator ret2300 for saying t!latt:?eoffi-
ccz'sof a utility company are incli:~iblcthan t&?re ia for
sayid;;that only tho subordinzte eqloyoos, aa:aely,the ol-arks,
;;a.mcsg and.evcn the janitor, are~Inell&bla. The pctcsibi-
A r,isonief and evil arising out of tineappoiritrtmtof's
subordinate e~;?lcyecof a utility-coqmy i.3for lez~sccqcr-
od to that of appointins anofficer 0: h utility con~my vfho,
no Cou%, is a stookhclder axI who would be is a positfon
to pCrsO?.nllybenefit fro;rthe nppolzt?xz& to t2.cIJmra Of
Dircotcrs of thc.l.oacrCclcrnclcFlivi:r Authority.
-&3 concl.\;Ee
es",yox are 30 i?&i.x5 l&it ty:c &pl:GiF:-
ted of 3. ‘II. J. *ofcot to the Bx.rt.of ‘iiractr?rs~3 tkc
t,owr Cclornio River ,Witority 13 I n Siroct violetlo~~oi” t30
kcrcinzbG?c xontiorrod 3ecticn of tileAct croatiq tf;eLGm?r
ColornGc Bivcr hct:tSlcrit;y. I:,t%rafcre inali-
gibl6 fcr t!:cRp;oinkent *WJth Bo&d cf 3ircctora,cl the
Colorado IIivcrAut?rority..
Yo*ws very tru>J