Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorable klton T. Freeasn County Attorney Caine 8 county Seminole, Texas Dear sir: ?hie will aoknowle iese3 y liable to such oounty intangible rtiluatlon? cf Sea. 6 of Senate Bll&,442 it is ci aaseiwLr@ and oolleotlng said equallea- siv4 therefer the sam ooqanoatlon as 18 and oolleatfng school taxes in doprmon 822 HO5. AltOn T. Freeman, Page 2 *The Tax Aeeeesor eball reoelve a oomlsaion of one-halr of one per cent for assessing suoh tax, and the Tax Colleotor a oommlsslon of one-half of one per oent for oolleotlng the same.” 1. You say the Asseeaor has assessed the dlstrlot rate of 40# on the $100.00 of the total valuation of the property ln the dlstrlot (oounty) -#S,OOO,OOO.OO - and olalms as his feea thrretor wo54-h41f of 054 per oent of total ralua- tlon whloh Is #8,000,000. and hls fee figures out to be $400.00;~ but one-half of one per oent of $S,OOO,OOO.OOwould be $40 000.001 Obviously, the Asseaaor has not arrived at the amount of his f44s in tbia way. The proper way to arrive at the amount of suoh f448 is to oaloulate one-half of one per oont of the taxes aaaessed- b4lng 406 on the $100.00 of the $S,OOO,OOO.OOTamon, amount- ing to $32,OQO.O0 - whloh would give $160.00, as oontended for by the board under your further statenasnt of the tintrorwuy. The oompensation to the Asmssor aad llkewlss to the Colleotor Is based upon the taxes aas4ssed and oollected, r4sp40- tlvely, a&l not upon the valsn of the property agalnet whloh suah taxes have been asseemd. 2. With resp4ot to your s4oond question, you ax% advised that Art1016 9105 of the R. C. S. provides Par an a5ma.l tax upon the Intangible propertlen of oorporatlons, suoh as 011 plpsllne companies,in favor of the State end of the oounty. The tax therein authorized in favor of the oounty means the oounty as such. There appears to be no authorlty for the impoeitloa of the tax upon auoh lntanglbllee in favor of dlstrlots or sub- dlrlslons or the oounty. In the pr4s4nt case the entire oounty is embraoed in the oounty-tide epualleation dlstriot~, but, nevertheless, It Is a dlstrlot and not a oounty within the m4an- lng of this tax law. T&8 question seems to be ruled by Bell County Y. Hines, ale s. 1. 656, where it Is saldr *we do not think that the oak4f;$tate v. Railway Co., 209 S. X. 020, la an authorlty as to ~the.‘i&su4 lrmolred in this ease. That was a suit to OOlleet tqeb for the UUO and benefit of the Harris oounty ahlp ahannel navf%atlon dletrlot, on the intangible asaets a@ rolling 8toOk Of the railway company which had been appcrrtloned to Hprrls county. The boundaries of the navigation ‘diatriot Wr4 the HO& Alton T. Freeman, Page 3 Wsame ae the boundaries of Harris oounty, but It was not Harris county. On the aontrary, It was a body cor- porate, a separate legal entity, capable of suing and being sued as such. In that ease the court held that, while the Legislature might have authorized the dls- trlot to Jevy a tax on the lntanglble assets and rolling stook of the railway company, it had not done so, for the mason that It had authorized the tax to be levied upon property ‘wlthln said district’; and, while reoog- nlzlng the power or the Legislature to fix the sltus for taxation or all personal property, as It had not fixed the sltus or rolling stook and intangible values ror taxation for district purposes In any district, the fa~lf~tlon oompany had no power to tax auoh property. The ease Is followed with approval in Texas k Paolilo Railway Company Y. State, 43 8. ?I. (2d) 628. Trusting that this will answer your inquiry satle- raotorlly, W are Your6 very truly ATTORREYGRRERALOF BY a4 0014 ASS 0s:MR COMMIITEL