Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN We roorired your 10 whloh made 88 fbllorrrt # a6 Drmented to low 0p1nl.0nwill 13@rtha requert tar an 0, ',bOthe porltlon 0r the 01an:rrt iOrth. That Honorable Orville 8. Oerprntor, &meea r*nt texor on aerteln mployore, and ao- rordingrj, Qonloy paid unuploynrrnt Lrrs thereon. Durtag the month or AU&u&, 1986, the Oamalrriondetennlnod that Qonley wea not the aployer but, rortb purpoae6 0r the TUW unemployment Oompeneation Aot, we8 the egent ar the ainolalr Rerlnlng Oompany dete of ,theoriginal law to end inol&ing the datr af mid rultng, rwultiag in l dOUbi* pa)glrt Of tW8 011 the 8~3 O~piOy~O8. Theraerter, itoailry eppliod tothe oo~01i~sion for 8.retud ot tb terar that ho had &maid, end he WEB raiunded all of raoh texrr tlm #lo detb of whioh wea not eerlirr than one yuer prior to the datr of hllrap lloatiin, a8 p0~ide4 for in SWtiOn 14 (dP ot the Abt. Hi* epplioatfon rOr rMWl wer deuled with r*rpootiti7jtuclr in the emount of $16R.R4 thet. he6 bwc4@ &te more than on0 year prior to thr det, or hi8 appli8etion. *ThhrTOXes ~ql@lOgpsnt ConaprnratfonAot we8 ‘ua&~drd,etfeathe April 1, lOSO, and old Sootlon,14 (d) use umandodto BOWseat1 on 14 ( j) , in nhioh the period. or limstetion wao rxtendod rrem on0 par to far. Honorable OrvIllC ~3. Carpenter, pa&e 3 ‘?yaythe Comirrion meko a.refund of thin &amt~~of~#l6t;Eb to either Copley or tho ginolair Refining Ocqpany under OIther of the oontentiona sbtorsprorrnted?* i!iibreotion (41, Artiolr SiSlb-18 Vornon'e AAAO- tat.6 ~1~11 Btatutrs Of Tofaa, wbioh extended tho period 'of limitetidn from QACIto four yeam, reeda es follows: wWhero SAy olaployingunit has made a mymeAt to the OolaniraiOA Of" OOAtribUtiOAs alleged to b6 due, and it Is later detarmlnsd that oU@h OOAtribUtiOA8 W@Jl-eAOt dU(1,‘iA whole OS iA.F4Tirt,the 8lEplOyi~ UAit ElSkiAg suoh &WJlWAthay m8ke 8DDliO8tfOA t0 th6 Commirbion.ror SA adjustment thsrebf iA OOA- AeOtioA with OOAtribUtiOA ByBlQAt8 then due, or, for a rerun4 thereof because suoh adjust- meAt 08AAOt by Bed&, sad it the ~%I!JUL~IJS~OA shell dote-s th&t euoh oontrlbutlone or penalty, or eny poktlon therrof were err~n- eourly oelJooted,,tkn Qommlsrlon shall allow EUOh~kid~~O@i~ UAit,to 'lMk# aA 8djUStiieAt therae? wltiioutInte*err$In ooimsotion with oontzibutloit-payment8then duo.by auoh .uaploy- iq6 Unit, or ii,etWh abjU#tmAt OAAAOtbo Rae, the coapri8oion~shell rarund odd own fund mey be 6'0madr'on,.the~OlYAllIei3IoA~: initbat~vew* (~underroorlng our6) fn via+ ‘oi our @piAiOA NO. 0450, dated kieroh 17, lOM, in,whI@h we held that tho' refund aou$ht by v. T. oonloy wee barred ee to all OOAtrfbUtIOAe dU0 prior to oAe.yeer betare, the date of applIc8tlon, the eole questfon to be oonrridorodhere ia whether the ex- EonorebXe Omllli 8. Oarpentsr, Page 4 to&ion or thr gW&&od oi limi~etlon by the Legieletun, In fh@ hubeo#tian~‘#4t out ebovo, would NVIYI e aewe 0r~eotIoa llror4y birred. .Tho err00t Of the AOt ellow- Ing en idju&mnt,?r~ tOre8 crrro~oouel$paid I8 the eanm, in a0 fe2 ‘U OoSetitUttfOml Inhibition8 er0 OOllQerA~d, ia the feYu& or nmp ior 8Uoh pepumt. n13.lrgleletIoA has proOp0otIve roroe and 0fr00t, ~~e~~tfoepootlvef: tuber r~preeely provld~d IA the law . Heetu 8Ad Rebortr v. Dome Irr. Dl~t..,S39 S. a. 993, C. C. A., (writ of error refused).~ 'IA trOetiAg the eubjeot oi retroeotivity or rrtroepeotitity, the ConnIerlon of Appeclle in AmrIo SUrrty Oomprny 111. Axtoll OO,‘, S6 8. W. (Zd) 7.90, quot- ing rrom lqaorpue Jurie r-4, 6eOtiOA 778, said: ?*A ret?otpi?otivr taw lo OAO tht re- Ivmto, 6 pretloue frrent legal 8rr00t uader the law whOA oQnurotion the 'tdrme It IO trnnOoOererJYor u0 to dstmmim the quoe- tiOA 88 to wh.th.k~th.~~(rielet~o OQuld hare Mde the itettiterdm8OtiYO;iYai 61080 lxeminetiOA 0f A&IOU %~erb-U;‘Lubeertioa.(j “, dgae not dIlclOloer enf lrgis- letitr .Intmt tlWIt@;~ 4 8$?58,~8bellhew #UQh @itrOt. YOU .~arOt~~f~O,~~vl~~id~thZt It I8 the.opl+bn of.thIe de- partant ttmt ow Opinion go. O-459,enewmiag our quen- tlon in~.thr.aO$~t~tO,'vtil~eppliO0 to thie aleIm.