Hon. A. X. Hlokeraon
County Auditor
Jrontglxmy county
conros, Pexea
Sear Sir:
Hon. A. E. Elakexon, h&-4 2
Artlole ZlQ4, fi.C. a., 1925, provides as fol-
"The exponees of oonveylngall public patients
to the aaylumahall be borne by the oountlea res-
peotivslyfmmwhloh they are sent: and said uountiee
ohall pay:.theaame upon the aworn aooount of the of-
rioer or personpsrfondng auoh eervloe . . ."
Artiole 9195, 2. c. S., 1925, provides:
*The exponee of aonveylngto their hams pub-
110 pntlents dischargedfnm the asylums, . . .
shall be paid by the State. hy 0rrioer who may
oonvey a patient to the asylum in aooordanoewith
the pmrlalons or the prooeding artiole ahall be
paid for aUoh suM.oe out al the runds 0r the asp
lum . . . at the rcltdof ton oents per mile for
himself and eaoh neaeesarygmrd he nrayemploy,
going anareturningaml the wme ror the ptiont
zzo lng . l . -
hourso inep00th 0r the frpo 8tafia48 at10~ 14~46
ah a 44r
lntpw18i0n0r P but rrom a t3tiuay or th4 rm84r
statut48 aoawrlag tb4 autt4r. t la uur oplnlon that th4y say
be r4Q?n6ll4a.
Underth4 h4t8 oi 3.876, at zwg4 l(tr,..i~wfqsolmsrly
pma4a the th0 04tmy dmua pag a4 srpsnous at-oomomis
a -pubVo &atleat rromthe
hrfiialr146 provUl4d thst the county wa8 to pay
0r wmyan44 ta thd aaIylnuh l!ho 88~4
on mtma$p48r8 iaArtia&e ~sL94,RIUA, 1988.
Artlo~e’l.47 laposbd upw the atate thS obliga-
0r4mwrg44 patma ta
ln tIl4 r& eentelmo 0r &tit410 SlQ6, R&.8., 19%
Ilon.A. E. Hiokerson,
Artiole lfJ3provided for the apprehensldnof
eeoapd imiates. Thifiie88me ~ro~Islan IS mw round
in Artfcle 31.96,3. c. E., 1925.
AFCblls 149 protided ?or the rsynent or the
expen8a8 nrisiag rromthe aonvemno~ or the esoep44
Hon. A. E. If.lckemm,Page I.
allw patients to tmporarily absent themelves. We quote
fro12the Statute:
The f5uperlntendentof any lnstltutlon. . .
may pemlt any Inmate thereof temporarilyto leave
such inlrtltution
In Ohargo Of hle,guardian,rela-
fiverr, frien4s, or by hl.mself . . . and may x-e-
oelve him wheu returned by any auoh guardian,rela-
tlpe, friend, or upon his arm application . . .
wlthout any further order or aomltuent . . .
kr?psuch superlntendent,guardian,relative or
friend nay temlnate suah leave of abeenae at any
time and authorizethe arrest and return of the
patient, Any peaoe offloer of this State shall
oause suah patient to be armsted and returnea upon
the request O~:W ~n@h ettped&ttndat, gtlardlW;-
reletlvo, or mma. . . . *
HOA. A. 3. Ei.cksmOA,S&age5
f'romtho ererolse of 428 supOrinteXXd~t'ssole diaoretlonas
provided for In Article 31931. fn this instanoe, the patient
remained the State's charge and the 40&e ixh&d rest Upon the
Abil4Ae State 3Iospittirather then upon oomtlcs tiah have no
altermtlre wlth regard the in- QQ of these additionalob
ligaticms,t&i&h are in DO way related nor oonnecte& with that
primary expemze attending the orl(riti commitnmt.
Tpstlng that the above sotlefactorilyanswer8 yvur
qwetlann,w6 are