thin th moaning oi
Arta or the 44th
Ar$iol* 614 ~.rnon’# xrrl~rd Penal Cob.. veer
authority la the Qc~&‘io~.r oi Labor to snforao Ohmpmri-
810~ li the Mt rqulatiu# the pruOth8, oonduotiag or
rlnklnimg or rmi0 oub4t8, wroatling nmto1Ya, boxi-
Eonorablo Xoo Xuuohlk, ComioUonor, Pqw B
or m roakrtr or lxhIbItIonr for mo(uy, remanoratIon,
PUS* or priu oquitalentte b8 reoolrad by partloiqantr
or lo nto eta nt8, or shore aa ldaIa8Ion far therrto or there-
for i.8ohar#ed or roooftd. The aot further proridrr:
ho i8 honby 3r.n rpaoifio authority
b3B3BOilMI~O88al7ia U?l7i8# Out thr pWpO8.8 Ot
, . . . The d.finitiM Ottha rOti ‘fOXO?,'
*tlomkuper,* *8aoo
the -8.8 'fi8tir O&&d,' 'WTO8tli4 matoh',
'b& OWtO8t' a8 UWb in thi8 AOt Shall.b
~000 t.d a8 6Ofino~ br t& &tiOEd Boxing b80-
atattoa and the ktlonal wrwtllag A88wlation,
Mb the rUl@8 rin(lr@tion8 Of bor-
14 Ma mrtl latO8t8 Or 8pUTillg 6Ollte8t8
ot WbllUna, thdr roroad8and refrrem 8hall
looordaaoo rith Oh@80 rat out by the Rational
hs8aeIatIon and tho Xatloaal Wrestling
IIt i8 our uodorrtanding~tbat the National Borily
AsaoeIatIon and the Aatioml Wrestlinq Amooiatlon are oom-
PO804 Of OiiiOid.8 Oi th0 ~8riOU0 888tOS WhOH d~ti48 ia‘
thdx re8pertire Itat. repuin them to ~upcnlso In 8uoh
rtata8 boxIri#and rrwtlIn& lxhIbI6ioM. It i8 OU1 OOMtTIlO-
tlon et the iorogplng statute that ths Laglslaturo 8p00Ifl-
oally oontepkted that tha OvmaIseIonsr of Labor, In pur-
8uanoa t-12 hi8 authority 80 prOnU&ptO rule8 and reC(uletiOM,
8hould lxar0i.80a voioe in detaldning the tie8 and rsgu.b-
tIon8 to ba pmmul&atod by tb 1BatioaalBoxing Ae8ocIation
an6 thr Hatlonal Ylre8tlIn#AeroaIatIon, rinoa the =aanIEg
Oi Oortain mrb8 aad p-808 U8.d in the AOt will be a8
bOiiMd br there h880&8tieZl8, and the rd.88 gotrrni4g rin(
ra~latlvnr of boriry and wrestl.ln(oontemt or warring
oont88t8 or ~exhIbItIoru,thalr 1aoond8, and refelW8,
promlgatod and onfomed by tha Coma1i88~onerof Labor mw!t
be In aeeordanae rith there set out by the AatlonalBoring
Aaroolatlon and the Lktional Wrestling Amooiatlvn. In
ennotingj ouoh r0vI8ioa8 into the law, it i8 our opinion
that th8 Zagi8L tura thanb intandod to inVe8t the l%t~vfial
l#oxIryAwoaiation and thr ii ational Urostling Ammolation
HeBOSWbiO a0 xWOOhik. Cori88f&O~, Pago S
with aa offl8ial Oharaotor, inrofar as the dotormInation
mad0 by t&O80 ti8OOiatiOM 8hOUld bo bindlly Upon the Labor
~Omi8OiwOr Ot 8hi8 88a80 and in?~UOnOO 8hO-Maniug and
intorprotation‘to bo plao.6 upon tho Tour law rawtin&
boxing and rn88llJlg. In othor UOrd8, wo bolIery.that tho
above 88a 8U80 lO,
M tr UO6
a 8a wholo Oviden a lOgi8la-
tlro Iatoat to romr4 tho~ktlonal &zing hsooiation and
the 88tiOd bBtlin(l b8OOi8tiOn a8 OffiOial or sod-
a 88188 0r govorwont for ruoh ~~~~0808, and
8pOOiflOtiry ooatompktor that tho Codssionor or Labor
or hi8 npra8ontatin 8hall partioipato in euoh assooIation
aotiritior, inmofara8 tho 8tatUtO oOntOIaplaOosthat the
lOtivitiO8 ef tho8o A88ooiationo #hall bo binding upon
tho Ooriuionor of Labor in his lnforooaont of the Toxar
Wo thoroforo hold that tho mooting whioh Mr. Suxin
attondod was a wotlng of an offlalal or ooai-o??IolalIn-
8trum8ntali~ or aeOnor of gorornwnt, endnot a resting o?
o?#aaisatIon,10 a8 to iall dthln tho prohibition
Las&& In the Qopartmuitalappropriation bill agalnot tho
~~*$;g--~I~ :~~tg8*awt;y of Oon~ntIon
Ojdion AO. O-1100 holdIn& to tho oontrory, 18
qmolfloall~ ovorrulodand wfthdraun.
Tours very truly
ArnRAEY 07m OF lTixA8
prr ,,/l&ig&&&
R. 8. Irdrchlld
31, 1940