-&morsble 8. G. c+rvsp
.County Auditor
&mlr county
8s~ dntonio, Texas
Ilear Sir:
nty’s Officers’
t of your 33 ttor
f 0 requisition is issued b{
& Governok ot Texd in oorqlianoc wi h
Title 14, Code of Orl3dnsl. Frocedure, for
s ysroon chm-fgxl 0x14 inrlicteil for n falouy
in 2extw County on4 halO w~dor mrcst in
anothex Stoto. an& the Governor ims COZI-
~norable E. 0. Gnrvay, pnge 2.
itkd0n0a a parson 0; eraons at8pi0y6a
Sn the oriloeo of Shor Pff or Crkalnel
Dlstrlot Attorney of Bexar County. to
“take suoh requisition, oan t&is Gnty
out or t5 urrlcma
rirr or. o&i or sny
othormfuna, to oorar the aotual erpeaes~
inourrea in tolrinng re~ulcrltlon ana re-
turning prlsonar, unt.ll this expense hss
been peia by the State Article 3.006,
GO&3 .Of ~iIil.tllti ~TOOdUrlr?
“(bl can this county
loo,olly i3aoan0e
mom out 02 tn6 oslary mna or
d ariff or out of aiw other fundo for
ihe #a& .purpdses and u&r the ome 00~1;
altiona a? above stated, lr the Stats or
Texas-has no appropriation to pay ~%pcnses
tar this purpose?
*2. (a) If no requisition tie b&n is-
cuaa by. the Governor or Texas or .thb GOV-
ornor has refused to iseus a requieltlon
for a person charged and lndiataa ftm a
Sslony in Bexar County an8 hfAa unbar ar-
rest In another Stato, and it is the da-
sire of the Cr5.minal District Attorney of
Berm Count’v to ._ ~GIV~
_.~ .- ths
.~_ orlsonar
=--~.-.~.~ rsturned
to thgs County, cm ,this County lewll~
out OS the orfiaem Salary
orirr or out of any oth6r
ma, to cover the notual srpenacs in-
curred in.eoing for and returning the
.u(b) IS your snewcr to woutlon 2
(a) la in th.s ncgativo, can this count
lmdly dlsburso monae oi5Xtho c+fricors
Salary Puna or the Sheriff’ or out cf any
othar- fuud’uuder tho PUZXJoonditlons OS
stated in Q.uuastlon 2 (a) to oover the
actual exponreo lncurrad to and from the
Ststo lint, If the Cri!zln&l District lit-
.tornsy pcrsonnlly pa 8 the cxpcnO6n in
going boyone the Sta 5 8 llno and raturalI@ .
prisoner to the Stnto llno?
&oreble 8,. 0. Gervey, pgi&e 3
purpose6 sna u&or the same aondItIons
88 8tfma In rrll of.th8 proooainp, quae-
tlono, and .oen this dlsburscamt be made
before lnaIotments
leaally dietmao
oqrs Snlary ‘ma8
or actual srpenses
tioumoa in going for an9 returnlag a
prIsonbr either wIthIn or wIthoat the
State before the-am -0 In-
ai0taa fora felony?
"5. . Can this County lemll~ Bisbursa
m out of the Offloars Salary Ifund
of the CrImlnal DIs GrIOt Attorney or
&erirt, or out of. any other fuad to
oover the eotusl expenses Inourrsd Ia
bTlpsl a witness to this County fP~m
eom4 otT er St.ats?w
~rtioi~13 2005 ana 1006, cod0 or CrlmInal
Frooaaure, read as Sollowst .
. “Al%. 1005. Govarnor nsy amand fig-
nWhen.the Governor &eew It proper to
deana a person who has. oom?cIttell an oifsnse
In t%Is stats and has rled to another Otato
or torritorf, ho my oomlselorr enp suitable
p6Pson to take such requisition. The aa-
cusea, It brought back to the State, shall
be ilelivere21 up to the ohsrlrs of tlio ocuntp
la which It is alloGe& he has OO~lttcu an
0rmf3e. .
urt.’ 1006. aly ar egant.
Vhe offloor Or person no co~ls3Soo6b
shall isaeiva as O~npenP~tiOu the OotuO~ btli?
n6ooseary traveling oupensss upon raqulsltion
of the Governor to ba sllol?eb. by such GovoP-.
‘nor ati to be paid out 02 tbe Stnto %‘reaeWy
upon 0. certifl oat0 ot ths Governor re-
oltlug thci Gervlaos r8ndoreaand the al.-
loxanoo thorsfor.”
Dn Julr 6,’1939, thle departmenthda in an
opinion mitten by flonorab1.o Bruce V. Bryant, Aesfstaut
httornoy Gen6ra1, addressad to Uouorable Csor a Il.
&ep ard, Cou troller of Publlo Acoounts, the & the
shcr Pff uubt Poak alone to Article 1006, Code or
Cridnal TroOedutiG, l’or his oonpensatlon, wbloh la
myable out pi the Governor’s Lan Suforceaent Fuud;
said oplnloa ‘16 Rti. 0-1016. Ue are enoloslu~ a copy
of that oplalon ana ale.0 a copy OS our opinion x0,
O-1590, ~plloh nn8wete quaationa closely rslataa to
the questions subsitted In your Inquiry.
-The Unlted Statas Cod6 Amotated, Title l,e,
s~otlon 662, prwiaos that: .
“All costs or expensss lnaurred la
the apprahendl , saourlnp;ana’tranpult -
tlng such f&t Y 90 to the ctate or torri-
tory nakLng ouch d02iUa, Sha= be paid by
t3uc.h otatf3 or territory.*
ln the oaeo of EE part.6 Goodman , 182 8. W,
1129, the oourt held that the len8 of Texas em gov-
smea by the abovo nentlonod fkmgrsss~b3a1~Act~..
Ths above &tiOnea Seder01 SthtUtS pl’OVido8
that a11 CO8tS OX 6XpGliSS8 ilIOW.rf%l in the apprehondlng,
oeourlog nad txonamittlnS of the Sugltive to the ‘etete
or torrltory damndlng., &a11 bo paid by that 8tate.
I%r&&h (a) or Section 19,‘Artlole 39126
V&nat9~ CIVIL Btatutaa, definitely provldos end Plx~s
the enount of salary to be’paid to the dlstrlct attorney
or orlalnsl dlr;trlct attoxnsy; as the ease my be, and
othef otflcer’o raaned theroln In oountise hsvinr. a popu-
1..tlon in GXc033 of 190,GGO inhabitants, moordinS to
the lost prac@dJng fedora1 census end an UGXer COlInty
h3n a population of over lC,O,OOO~chnbltonto; aocordtnS
to the last fadaral aensun, thlo statute Is ap~llceblu
to mid county relative. to the VadOU8 Sahri3S in6n-
tionad thcriin.
r;o+ogroFh (6) OS S&&u 19 Of hl%.C16
Bonorable E. 0. Garvep, page ‘5
39120, IlUprfl, read8 as fo11aPr8r 8
*In addltlon to other sum providea in
this -__...
seotion, the.
__ dlatrlot attorney or oF’Im-
anal. axnmot attorney may be allowl by or-
dar OS the Coz!alasionersf Court oS his county
euoh amount a8 mid oourt may deem neoeaaary
to psy Sor, or eid In, t&e proper administra-
t&on of the dUtio8 OS auoh oi’floe not to 6x-
oeod.Tuo Thousand Five liuudred (!$,500.00
Dollars ‘In any one calender yser) pr0via0
thut suoh amounte as reap be al.lowsd shall 60
8n0rk3a tipon written plicati0n of SUO~ ain-
trlot attorney or crlnnal 9 dlatrlot attorney
ehot;ciu! the neceeelty therdor, aud provldsa
further that 8aid ComlMIlonerBf Court may
require any othsr evidence that It my daem
llOfWMEIl’$to’ shon the nocensity Sor any euoh
expendltureo and thst lta juQment 4n allow-
ing or roSus& to allow the 8cm ahall be.
final. No paymnt thereSor shall ba redo
exoept ftemfzed 8Wrn statement OS
eueh expsnsss riled 4n ths manner provided
In this sootion for other expanee8,”
Peragra bs (I) end (3) o? .Saotion 19 of Artlole
3912e, supra ; roe B as Sbllows:
“(I) There &all bi created E fund
Sor sauh otflaer sSSeotsd by tha provl~lons
boreoS to be knoun 80 the’
Salary nlnb of county I
Texas’ (insert the tit10 of the off’icar
afiected end the n%e OS the county) end
nnoh fund shall bo kept separate and a art
hrOm al.1 other county S’unCaand shall ize
hold b.n6disbursad Sor the purposs of pey-
InG the ssls.ry 0S such officer, the salnrioe
of his d.‘sputiea, ‘bsnls tM%s, olerks, etenon-
raphers, end lnvestlGator8 who are autlrarized
t0 arm R 3almg rr0A ma fina unEer th6 pro-
visions OS tlris %&loll and to ay the author-
ized and approved expcnsos of hEB 0SSice.
aoh fund s!~oll ba deposited In tha county
ilegoeltory and shnll be protcct~zd to ‘the
8aine extent, and ami the 8a’1e ln+raat,
aa other Cdunty Sun&. The Coxuisoionera’
honorable i. 0. Oarvey, pa&e 6
.Cburt of each county aifaoted by the'pro-
VldOnS of tld 36CtlOB, at it8 first.rqgt-
kar aaethf3 in hDt!ary of each coleudar
par, fX~Y’dr,terainc, by order amda afid &
tared in the niwtos of said oourt, thst
all Seea,.oosts, ooupaueation,aalsriea
6xpon868, eta., prodded for in~thle St&
tlon, shsll be paid into 'and dram l'raa
the'general fund of auoh oouuty; in xhioh
event' each rbference la this Section to a
salary fund shsll be read es and lntgpmted
to be %meral l%md.~
"(5)' Eoch.distriot, aounty, and pre-
alnot otficar @a shsll bo oozspeosatad 0x1
a salary basis ehsll oolitinue to charge
for the benefit of.the Oifioere' Salary
?'uud of his oifioe provided for In this
Seation', ell feoe aud oonu&ssious nhloh
ho is now er hvroeftsr my bo authorized to
charge a&net and colleot from the State
of !Psx~s 'for aervtces psrsomad by hi31 in
olvll prooeediu@eBd to Pile clslms for
the faes'or oodsaio~s due for ouch SUlTiO68
in tho mmr now or horeofter provided by
ltvr; aud it shall both6 duty OP said of-
flcar to acoount for and cauee to be paid
to the cslaryfuud created for such ofriocr
all suoh cornlesions end fcoo nhan paid by
ths State In like usnner as ror oosto ool-
lected frm prlvete partics! provided fur-
ther, thst suoh warrants issued by the
State Coq?troller of Fublio Aooounts eball
be made gayoble'jointly to tha OffiO6r in
offioe at the date of payment and to the
county trcssiwer, and thrrt upon endorse-
.ment thereo$ such warmute shall be de-
poeited eald County trenaUrer
1x1 the salary fund created for euoh orfioar.*l
Earqraph (L) or Sootion 19 of /mtiole 39120, oupra,
roods in psrt ore followar
w(ll fsch district, ouudy and pm-
oinct ofSj.ccr roaelvln3 an annual oolary
OS coapmmtion ehall bo ontitled, subject
to the ~mavlnlonn 4P thin Sootion, t0 imN0 '.
\.‘.f)ppnnt:c: nnninrrt .t.i,r, e-1 .7vw i-wnrl f-r*** -a
&iorabl.~ B. 0. Barney, pa&e 7
: oeiva for 64rvicae par~onn4d under their
euthorlzatlons ot employaant. And suoh
ofMoar~sh6lL be antitled to fllo claims
ior an6 lssup warrants in payment oi all :
aatual and naceosary expenses inourrod by
him In the oonduot of his offior, such
as skrtlonary, otaqs, talephma, trsvel-
la expensas, pro?aluma on deputies’ bonds,
aud other neoassary expenaos. If such ex-
peneae be incurred ln commotion with eny
pertlauler oaso, suah oleln ahsll state
8uoh OeSe,' All such olalna ahall be sub-
jeot to th6.audl.t OS the odtmty auditor;
end $i it appears that any it.ed of such
exReuse:vas not incurred by such otfioar, . .
or.suoh ltcua wao not a neoeesary expa!~se
ot otfioe, or suoh olaia is lnoorreot or
unlawful, such ltaa still be by such auditor'
rejeotod, In whioh casa the oorraotuess,
legelltji, or necessity of suoh itess may be
adjudloutsd in any Court of oospetaut jur-
isdiction. Frovidad, the Assessor end.
Collector dTa%es~sh6ll be authorized in manner emually to Incur and pay. for
insuranoe premium la a reasonable sum for
polloies to carry lns~enoa figafnst 10~6
of funds by.flre, burglary or theft.
“At thi cliwd of eaoh ~ioith of the
tenure of office, eaoh offloer~named haraln
shall &eke as s art O;f t.ha re .. rt required
by Dubiisatfon (o P of thlo Bact Pou en itemized
ma snorn etataclont of all axronse claius
paid dtirhg naid aoonth. Aud 6did raport
&iOll &Vi $hS IlRiW, FO8itiOB, SBd S;poUBt
paid to each cutborizad e!%ployaa. op euah
c#fioer. Suah daputics, aasistmt8, clerka,
or &her ar3ployaas OS wall as expenoas ehall
be paid from the Offioers' Salary %'undin
cauas in xhiah the ofticor is on.9 aaltxry
basis, and fros lacn emned and colleotcd
by such officer In all cases in which tha
offioar is coqenoatad on a basis OS fees 6erued
by him."
&nor6ble 3. G. (iari6y, p6Se 8 .
paraerepb (d)'W Soot&m i9 ot Artlob 39126, nupra,~
reads es follows:
"*The riscal year, wlthin tho mesnning
of tti Seotlon, still be&In on January 1st
Of 66Oh yeart end eaoh 4istl'iOt, OOUnty,
6tnd pr6CillOt Of'fiO6r C&Ill ti16 his StUIUSl
report and make the final .eettleEant re-.
@red la this Act by January 15th of eeoh .'
year; prmidsJ, howeY6r, .&at oftioare ro-
oalviw an annual salar ab ooqmnsatlon
tor theif servlat3s ebal 1 on or baforo the
Ziitb duy of mob month file sitb the oounty
auditor on forma preaoribed by. biro an4 a8
pert of the report require& bp tUlb66OtioIl
(1) of .thle'Soatio?l, a dotedled 8114 ltemie64
E6pOrt Of all teas, oorilseiona, an4 oom-
psncations oolleotab by him daring the prs-
oedlng month and ohall forthwith pay into
the Offlcsr~~ Selary.i?und 0x his opiioe,
all fees ooaPisaibnt3, on4 ooapansatio68
oolleoteb. by hiiu during se14 month.. Whenever
auob offlatr 86rv68 a ireotlonal port or the
fiaoal r63r, he shall, n~~erthttlsse,~fflo
his report an4 make f5aal settlaznent for
such part of the yeer as be s6rvoa an4 sbali
be.entitl64 to such proportioamte part of
his iXmppans6tiOn as the time Of hle esr9Ioe
b6are to tbo 6t;lro year.*
Conforance opinlo’n MO, 2862, Reports of Attorney
Oenoral, 1930-1912, pope 291, dated July 12, 1931, con-
strued the law to be.tbtwhen a eheriff ~66 o~m1ulssione4
by the Covetinor of Texas to go to another otqte aft6r a
fu&4tlvo from juatioa for whom tha Covclrnor ha4 iaeued a
raqulsitlon, he. could rocelve euoh aospen6atlon
the Covornor might allow bin, undar the sutborlty oon-
Terr64 by hrti.010 1006, Codo of Cx!i&‘kIl Procodura,
In the &se of BrlShtasn v. Stete, 59 8. W.
(2d). 112, ths sharirf of Oozmncho Oounty Ma8 diosntls-
Pi64 with the conclu,unlons of law cot out in tb6 abov6
~antlon64 opinion pnd oought to heva tho Supraa6 Court
coapel the C~ptrollar to q~prboo his account, .wh?hich
the Co!@rollar ho4 provlously refuao4 to do, an4 in
bbich he hn4.q cln5.n for nilcago to and tro!n the. state’ ”
yono*bl8 X. 0. Oe&6y, wS8 9 . .-
llntk Thi @ata In tha aaae my be briaily statad ae
:. He ha4 bean conmlsaloned by the Gov6rnor to go
.. ~%?aSteto. o* Ilontens for a fugitive from juetloa, who
he4 bean indict&d In Conanohe County for a tolony. .He
7.m also arias4 with a oapiaa issue4 for the refugee by
the 4latriot clerk of Comanohe County. This osplas wau the fuugltka by the ehorlff as soon a’s the sheriff
en4 his rlsoner oroascd the stata Delbort,
%X08* 8 rQhtmaa cla5.384 no coapenaatlon fro61 Do&hart
to the place of arrest id Uontane, nor for returning
tha prisonor. to DelEart, but SougQt onlg,tha statutory
fee for ‘imklug tha arrast ia Texas, and the statutory
dleage trsvelea in ~(011~3to Delhart an4 for rsturning
thd prlaonar froiu that placa to Comanche. The rofugae
welv64 bin sXtxa4ition rights, If any ha had, after
th6 ~?8l%O~ Of %ltsna he4 isSu04'bis GX8oUtiV6'VJlW~"
rant for ble'arr6St en4 dollvcra4 It to Brightnen. It
w6s the contenticn that aa was aoting In tllc dual cep-
eoity OS brrzh'shorlff adl aSont, en4 0oul4 collect'hle
tees (18 sheriff for servloea rendered in the State, an4
naive4 his right to such coupanmtion 88 the Govsmor
might allou him. a8 atjent under Artlola 1006, Co40 OS
Crimi&1lFrooe4ure. The court roJeotc4 his oontontlon
an4 eustalned the construction Oiven the applicable
statutes in ooa+8r6n08~oplnion ho. 2862, aupre.
In View of the foragolnp, authorities, we
aaswr your que8tiono as follows:
You% qu6stlon Ho. 1 (a) lo enmare In tha
napat&, bcaauae.suoh parson CraQt315 not as an Of-
ficer, but as:an agent of the Oovornor, an4 nust looh
to Article lOO6, 0040 of Ori&Ifil Troc64urc, alOnQ for
hia ooap6nsetlon. The offioera' cm be us04
only to pay salarlas an4 othu: exgonnee authorlead by
lou end in tha manncr'prssdrlbad by statute. There la
no duty hpOS6d upon the diatriot OttOI3'Iey or Ori5in01
&i&riot attornay, as tho case mey be, to go for an4.
return foeitiven to tho do?lanblnp, county. Ther8 is -no
prwleion nede.for sdvanoonont of expeoos money to any
offl08r, by tither Ccction (b) Of Article 3S99 or para-
4rarh (0), Ccftlon 19, Article 39120.
subdivision (b) of your first question la also
eastrarad in tha ncg0tivc for m5son5 state4 above, and
such oxpenns cannot be pal4 out of the Saner61 end for
. :
g0sprabl.e E. 0. Qsrpey, pa66 io .
t6~5cas statod ln opinion No. o-1590.
Youi~quastton No. 2(s) is answertad in the
.seSetive beofiuse the statutes do not euthcrise suah
~pnaltures In this qubotlon.
Qmstioa ??o. 2 (b) ia onsnered In the aMlr;za-
aye, providded the ahoriff ‘or 8-e other peace offioer
606s to the state llne.and 82TeSts tha fugitive end re-
ttmnu him to :tha demndlng county: hia naaeeearp aad (La-.
tie1 expenses am ullowed by the above mentioned StatUtGs.
dr answemto ‘the p&ceding questiods neoeoearflg
onewar yOUr third*question,--only such expeness can be paid
as above deearibed; It is Imeterial whether such expenses
am lnaurraa and paid before or atteS indiot3ient.
Me are.&nable to find Article 3912-l mntfoned
3n your inquiry. Uowaver, ir you rsrsr to. Lrt%ole 39128-1,
we aall your attention to the that this stetuta ap-
plies to oountias heviq a population of 300,OCO inhsbl-
tent8 or %ore, and less then 355,000 inhabitante, sccord-
lng to tha last preoediw fedarel oensu6, and therefore
dooe. not apply ,to Boxar .County.
Question Wo. 4 is answered in the affirmptioa so
rer‘es the ectuel and necessary expames apply to serviaas
renderad by the sheriff or scme other peace offiaer return-
ing a prisoner to the desoanaing ocunty within this State,
but neither the sheriff nor any other peaae orftaioer wsuld
be entitled, to any expenses bayond the state line Mthout
firet obtaialng.a requleition ea providad in hrtialao 1005
and 1006, csde of Criminal Frocedure. The above ncntionad
etstutee do tmt provide ior any expanses of offiaere be-
yond the &ate ZSna exaept as my be ellowad under hrt-
Lola loo6 Code of hd.nal Procadurs.
Pour queotion X:0. 5. is answered In the nogatlvo, ”
ss there la no stfttutory authority for seaurlng en out-
of-stats nitnoso, nor is thsre tiy prcvlslo?l mdo chatso-
ever for ompenastia& such rltneet or elloa~l~, the aatual.
ext;~asee incurred in soourlng auah witnaeo. In ti7io aon-
neation, aa cell ycur attmtlon to tho poliay of the
Co3ptrollar1a off ice in alloWin& am. psying r:itnase8ec
fees to an out-of-statto witnsos where euah wltnaes ti
Eonorabl8t. 4. mrv8yr.pag8 11
~bpoanarbwlthintha Statrlntha mm* laoantan4mmali
aI out-of-oouuty witauau am paid. To llluatrata,If
u out-of-atato-wltau8 voluatarllyoamrm ta a pointnithT
in tha St&a,-for lMtaa00, Ii raahrlta~rr owl* to
Toxarkanaau& ir subpoenaadto appar la oourt la Saa
&itonlo,laah witnaaawould bo uxtltlard to aoohnitn~aa
teaa an6 mlluaga froa Torarkanato San Antonio,aId from
8ur Antonlo to Toxarkaua,ar it ruoh wltmaa raaldrd In