rrity of loernine;r 8%quotapros thnt oplnsonr
lrpplylng the &rina2p1eshero allnomo%d
to tho foots of the inet8ut oasa, it my be said
that the uzdrctrtitycor~ou had the vsr to
mnke, either SOP ittmlf or See the henex t or ang
or its WrralatQd or omillsuy eutlools, a oontnrat
mtas~nablfu%WsstbryPot'the pz'omotion of+its bus&
nQo1 or tJlafulfillmentQP the plrpaws ror WI&h
3.t ms inoorporntod,prw#& slushcontrwt WM
not in Ylantion OP th% l&w or xiphlst &xmlo pal-
-Y* Sbee the aourtfound that &oqital faaili-
wosuar%newssopy to g;ivetbe staaont5 oft&?
%6dicnl Sal%01 &ii%olial%al -%tloll F%quir%ii,
ue.aro of the optnion that It was ulthin tXm COP-
pouers of t?m urtir0reit.y
tunkoth5 oontraet SOP tbs reut of a Bullding in
~hlsh tha hospitaltsightbe established. %or do
88 thillk tdlltt
th0 fisct thtlt th% StUdWtS Of th6
Akeaonl school had the pri*oge aad 0pIswttmlty
of ritdidng other hospzltnxo 5x1the tdty, in eon-
nootiotlwith their course in a1lxdas,a%mld dotor-
Eptpbth5 matter ot the r%sson%ble naoeesity at pm-
yitUng hoepltal facilitbttmartsd&%%tly ux+d%~the
wzttrolofm3sdmrs ef tb% iaMity oftbeX&.l%al
SWmolsuchas fshae sbolninth%%as%ioe the
hespGa.l eonbactedby tb%EospstalAss%%i~t~on. tdght bo said ultb aore form io the mw%s
0f,%0rstY. Lwls and riiltarf3emf. mm CO.)
su~,t~tftaasnot~sonablya~s%sry for
t&sJU%u~Conaaoyto b%%on;e%?m%tyforthopay-
m3nt of tha rant of am3of its oust4mWs,'%r on%
uho aould tim'oby bscors. ntlo or its %ustim%re, as
it could finl customersfor its -&,a sithout
ascMninp,such svroty. %ut the test hare, OS tber%,
is whet&r ths aot doue was in the masona?ale and
&wSul pramtim of tha gmp%aos and 0bfDcte ?or
uh%ab the aorpwntian uas orwtott~ The POW tms
%uiverwPty' lztplie5an 1ustitutionof asrgrddpnrt-
aaant5,anl tbebuildlng:upirp on%dqmrtmolltof
th% sohoor oc the scrturinlr of students POP oue da-
partmant would aatumlly ppsir%wmably~t%nd to
Tta ul% vulfmw and glwim of otIx?rdqSFt.-
netlteaud or the ins&itut2on as a malo."
AppQd.rq WS rula 0f? Iaw tQ tha ~oOnS~~Ctitm Of
seu. 2(a) R!nklngal% spprogdat~cm, the opzl.nlon
af this
dapwtmat that pour iquiri%& should ba %nmmvd a%t%goriocl-
ly as FoUow3t
Bon. Tomc. a - Fag%6
1. ofltttln~ %Btmw~lz~te
afihl* 8atititles 1m the eeops of the plwposes
of slloh l.n8titutionm. Meed, such tmtirities appear tobe
ate not only for the physicnl depelo~t ctf stu&mts
wea3 to have sspeols1 h%l~ms in the titwrtislng
ud, tharefora* the &%%laral t3tt0#88 of- the institutions tham-
x0. nmre lm no *st
relcrfion between the In-
-8 travel*
stutl0nts in
calmootion vftb the
~tiyei%e of the institut10n that voulaJnstay the paymx?nt
of+preardPmstherefor~ Suahio -% ie not ressonitbly mes-
snry nor&3r%talmcitl5w%nproperastul-tlttoth%
tl!a%t$enenoeof the institution.
The pr&eiolis reTerr& to In that3 qu0stlon
XW. The college mplr%t.- the esprit de corps -
et? the s&&t impro+sct.By th% eolle@ ban&.
body is atdtititteiily
Inarery just stmse thebatdthus oontrihntesto the su006ss
of the institution.
Thereis not the neGossory
incid%ntal nited,
ami proxl&e ]o%iribtation, tbat would make %otor bonts to be
use& for al0 ente- t of stw%mts aml. CsnprayeSs of the
college a proper item of experts0 for the support, meintenaeao,
spew&Ion at&i imprwetnent of the instifuficr. zf a motor
boat,uhy not an~4xLvpUme or a~ysobtt
7.. x0. Thtoilaty of pm~li&ts ana otbec
usixa and ordinary safqgaards,such 8s those at street Snter-
emotions, belong5 to the dty 0tk-l the placing of srrch lights
is wt a reasonable SnoicIent $0 the mar&x? OP the Ssstitu-
tion53.tpom3rs of the cf3llega. mssiblg a spcolalt~c
Eon. Tom c* ang - Page 6 251