Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

845 4 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorablw Jaama E. X11&y, Pqo 8 18d vehicle for the purpose 0r tmin8p0rtathm or 08rria.p of pmpwrt fbr compenrratlon or hire QP(YF8Uy pub110 d ghw8y ln the Btate ex- oemz in aooordauoswith the prorlelanw of tblw ..l n Bectloma 3, S end 6 of the Aot require such '"motoroarriw2n" tc~8ecurw oertlfioatesoi pub110 oonvan- iMC0 and MCO88it~ Or &+43l'Idt8hplpthw R8ilCBad &UUEd~- 81OflOl TUNE. sweti0i.A 1 (8) or thw above hot thrine5 8 %ot.or oarrlwr" in the following language: w(g) The tcrrm*motort3arrier* mwm8 any pormn, tlzxar oozpQrat~on, oomply, oo-part- LlWmhi~, SUOO&lltiOU Or jOtIlt 6tOok a8aOOia- tion,ena thcllrlwe8aeu,reewlvern or true- teu app0lntet-l by any court r;ht&sc~sr, own- ing, aentmlli~, mwu3gln~.,opematlng or oaualngto beoperated anymtorpropslled vohlole umd intransportir@ propwrtyior oomgmnmtlon or hire omr any pub110 Ngh- olodo and tN8 Aat shall not apply to motor mh.68 opwratwd lxalaalvellywlthin the in- corp0ratsQ limft8 or oltlws or towneJ.- Thw proper detwnaiaationof your q~estlone depond8 upon the sdmnlng of tbw term *motor warrier" as de?lned in Bbuae Blll3Io. 335, and, more apewltiafilly, thw Wxmtion Or the I&J,i8;L&llV in insOrtiI&f th0 d18UtW, "WhWn, in the aourseof 8a& tmmsportatloaa hlghwag&tmmt~or~~ faoorporatadoftles, towns, or Vil3.l%&5WS 18 trsvar8wd." The priu18rypurpo8s in conetrtzfng8 rstatute1s to asawrtah the intent&xx of the Le&lat~w+ Otiitiw rords in 00mton u8w contalnsd In a etatuts will be glVe2l thsiraaturalsnQ popularnteanlrrg: tmleu,aoontrarplntwn- tion I.8 0163arlyapparent from the eontext or tml.mw there is worm rmoeaalty in a partloulsr cuarwfor 8doptfIlg a &it- r0rcmt tm8tr00 tion. The laqtirg $8 not to it8 ClbstZaUt memlng, but aa to the sense in vihiohIt in naed~ hence, in evwzy waae thw gartloularm depmde apo& and mast be awtemlned by, the aonterf and subJwct matter, and &oooreble J-8 r,.xlldey, Paage3 the evident lntentlon0r tha Lwglelatur*r.The history Or legislet5.ongenerally, pertaini~ to the aubjwot mattwr, may be oonelderedand resort muy be hrd to lagislatlv? founxals au% rsoords to aaaW$Tlnxth;~8tury OS the bet a8 M aid to oon8txnotion. 197, 3eot1on 105; p. 193, seotioxl104; p. 231, dwt3tiziP' 23; p. 230, Se&ion 122, and w88w8 thwrwln altwd. Aota OS 1929, Forty-firstLe&slatun,, Regular session, page 698, Rouse Bill Xo. g!M Cbaptwr 514, de- rinfd the term %otor 08rrlei aw dow8t Yieotlon1. (a) The twna *motor oartier' when Wed in thi8 Aat dMOte# 8SlypWl'8OU rlxm, oorpoz-ation,oo-gertaerehlg,aclsooia- tion, joint stock aeeooiatlon,reoeiver,true- tow, or lwssww who opwrstwaor oausea to be opwrntwd any motor propelled rwblale (not u8u- ally op8ratwd on or ovwr ralle) over or along the highreys or strwefo of this stete for tS parpoee or oarrylng or frenwportlng propsrtf Sor compensationor hire bwtwwen tvroOT mure lnoorporatedoltlea, tarns or rillag~e.* soon after the passagw of the 192Q -AattN.8 de- partment rend~erwd an o~ioion in reaponaw to a quwmtion pro- pounded by the R8llroad co9paLs8lon OT Tame tConforeuoe Opinion 720.2776, Book $3, &qe 160, 6ete6 June 26 1929, Repzt and OplnPons of t&w Attorney General, 1928-iQ3C, pagw 2181, in xvhlahit ~88 ruledr *Beotdon 1. (a) of the Act de&tiesa 98otor oarrler’ a8 bein@ 8 motor pmpell8d rehlwls operatwd along the Nghmye or etreets Tar thw purp;roee of oarryW@ or trans- porting property Sor aoapamatlon or hire *betweentwo or more incorporatedcities tome, or vlllagao t. Ke believe that thb Act 18 olwar In r~equlrlag that before a motor rehlale oonstitutasa motor oarrier, the op- eration must be b&wWn t= or msrw oltlea, .tmvn8, or tlllaagee I whloh am inaorptxnta6, and that the opwratlon bet- tam po%nts, only one 0r wbioh iarlaaorporatwd,dose nab QOD~(~wIthin thw flaPi of thw kat 80 WI t0 l-0- qulrw sugwrrislon and rlagulation by lthsRalX- Foad ~OkWitt8hIh Honorable Jamew E. Kllday, Page 4 harry or transport property for tiireor oom- pwnswtlon,end (2) must opentw betwewr!two imnfclpal aorporatlone;othexwl6*,it la not 8 motor aarrlwr unbr tN8 hot if It 16ak8 either of these two aheraatwrlstlae.W It will thu8 bw sewn that when t$e pr68ent etat- uts was enactedw 8n amendment to the 1929 AOt, thb tew *motor oarrier* herda restrioted meaning and applied o;ily to operationsbwtwwen tvropointa, both of whlah werw au- nlalpal clor.mmtfons. This law apparentlyprored lteelr to ba deieotlve in many rays (Seatlou2Zb, Bouwe Bill No. 333, Aofe Hal), Mb 8 aomprwhwnalvea8NndmeatWao 3a8Wd in 1QSlmaldng ~~rngee, one of which wae the deflnitlonof a fmoter . Howe Bill Ho. 335, Aata of 1831, Forty4wo0aU fn~8b&tUlW. As favorably rapart& vvithaawndmmta by the I~OUSWCo!%&tew 0i El~$~uay8and k&Or Traffic Halah 17, 1931, Eousw Bill No. ?M aontaiawd thw follodng deflni- tiOl3Of 8 *DOtOr 08ti%~t *Seotlon 1. Cft)Thw tam3 'motor aarrlrr’ means any par8on, rill;, ~oorporatlon,oompany, oo-partnwrwhlp,ae8oolatlonor joint stwk am saalationand their leawees, reoeiosre'or trwteee 8ppolntwd by any tourt ubetsowver, awning, aantralllng,manesie, opmitlng or OttUeiry! to bw ope2vlted 84 motor propelled To- hicle uawd in tranaportlngpropert for com- pensation or hire ovwr any pub110 E i&mar in this state; provided that the tern *motor osr- rldr’ as uswd In tAl8 Aat ahall not include end this Aot ahall not ap ly to notOr vahialee ope,ratwd6xolWlrwlp with% tha lnoorporated 1lmlte of oltlw8 or toruns." Tbla defltitlonwas very aonprebOnaiv% WI rap- rwwwntwd a distinat 4wpflrturwrr00t thw imnmr Wt8tUth It lno1udc6within thw owratlon ol' the Aot all tmn8portatiw of graperty far hlrw by sotor rehloalwaovwr all gublla high- waya in this Stats, outelde the aorporatw limits of oltlwa or toarta without refwrwnaw to dlstanae or points or origin and destfnstlon. v%Tlou8 CiURWdMnt,SWiBrCOfi&TWa in t&W fi~Um ard Senda, thw airwot OS whiwh a3tildb~Ye bwen tb Sx4#i@tae~= Fionorable Samee L. Kllday, Page b taln aommoditiossnd traneaat~006r0or Yen maxlm~ die- tancee, but rallee or acloptlon.The r&orenur t0 V.raverse*IS rouna in an amendment orrerea In the E?ous* and later la the senate, bnt r6116d Or edoption, wbloh woul8 have Inserted In SeotIon 1 (f) ju6t before the pro- ~180 th6 r0ii0tiq langtmger q%ers in the oour6e of suoh twn6porta- tlon a highway is traoeroedbetw6en two or SW6 lncorporatsdtown6 or dtfo6.' hmendxentswere made In tho Senate to other 6600 t.iOM Qr t&S Aot, th0 nOU6e r6fU6& t0 OOWIJr, and a tSV@O ooaierenoe eomittee war appOinted. A6 t6pOrfsd flW% the rroe oonferewe oaxmltteeand 86 rinfay ensoted th64Laatteer Were In the oour6e or suoh tr6n.6 rtatlon a hI@ua tw660 two or xu3relnoorgoratedoltr06, townci,or *I1 i6 trarerseb,"we26 Inal0u68 in 3eatlon 1 (4~) aerinitig a 6t0- tor oarrler. X6 think It Is Masonabk! to a66uae that th6 free aonfereaoeocamlttee tborongblydIscruseed the maanIng.ald erreat of ohanges !aa&ein the a0t durl their dollhera- tlon6 am3 -t&etthe stmbera 0r aaoh oh132 ttae were f6mIlIar ?I. the pur 06)~~ tmderlpllG;the am6n6~8nts madd in 0Qmmit- Tho bif1 naa reported fzvm the ooxaittes with a6 ree&UatIon that It oa6s as mtitton, but 6 Qinorltf &6tmo&i py86ril6d by &iBbeXYJ&Ok 6Od hp4!, SXld ~titO& Thi6 6tetogQnt read in pati a6 rOilOW6: *Vie,the andersignednumbers of Fiou6e Free Cantorewe CormIttee,appointed to consider Bows Bill6 lia.336 and BTo.366, have fai&d to Sign th0 Mjbrity rop0rt On ?hUSe ml1 30. ?I= for ths r0liowingr6a60n6: . . . *AEJre,portsd en8 ro~o~~~en~Ietl by the astjor- Itg at this aonferenoeoomsittoe Rou6e Bill Ipo.333 pr0vldo6 (motion 5) that wery 00zam0n 6arri6r shall obtain Floraths Bailroad aolasria- sion a oertlflaateor ?ubllo Com~:oismaa aa6 aeqmeltp and a pemkit (section6) ii t2xe6p- plloant desire6 to operate a6 a oantraot oar- rler. Nalthnr o6rtl~Lonteor permalt,h0wwer. Boaorable Yama E. Kil.t?ay, Fwe 6 in the linlts 0r lworpoXatod oltleo an4 tcnm6.w House Journal, Bbrtp666ond I&nlature, pm EO5!5. The general purpose 0r the ohaago ~4660in soctlm 1 (g) ma6 olearly to r66trlot the d&inltlon In its 600 The langnag la qwr6tfontight beooiutnmde6 d66orI of the hi&ways *hers regulationwould be ofSmd.lve, the jostedlctlonof the Coxdedon would extend to the*?& uhtlon 0r hauling ror hixe only oa or upon puhlfo hlebrrrpr, altuatod or looatsd betw66n lnaorgeratedtown6 aud to *b-a- Temo" 6uah a d66arib6d hIghway,u6an%ng to jouraey along or upon it for any dlstanoe %dmcoow6r. On th6 other.hand, the lenguags my be cocatrueda6 d66orIptlvo0r the rmioe, l.e., the regulation or that ssniae owr any hl&~, whloh 6exvI0e extends b&moon or through tw0 or more it630rp0m0a towna without rererence to the origin or altiarte dostllu- tiOn Ot'th6 tl%lM&Wt6tiO~. Eridsntly at lea& tso rparbarsof the Szse oonfer- 6aoe~ttee thou&t thelatterm6anSngrrrr iafend6d66 IndIoat6d by the %i.Wrlty 6t6t6fumt QWml abw6. '$86hsu. nOw @nE tha A6t a6 a Wh0l.o(LoUI dd In 6etoxmIaIngwhether *txa~er60wwcu iateldod to man tm- for any di6tOWO oli.!ig on a poblio ai&iu 6itU6t6d bdW#Wl tn, or more IxcorpozWod tomu, or trwe &I botwaa throu& OT beyoad two or wnre ia66 l&ml foatl on say Quhlb hlgh- My. It 06anot nmm txw0.l T ng r0r cay dlstanee ffasay h%gh- way else the lanp;usgs b66aa66 6i6atXiaglO66~ Seetlon 1 (h) derfnas 6 *anntmwt6ati6r* a6 5 Oth6Ethan 66 6 c-0 6erve, rO6tW aad regtalat6trazmgortatlonand to the exkrrtIx%and all ruture uadue buxdens on the hrghwarr; arlelng by reason o? the u66 Of th6 highram and 6ba11 e-0 "oonsidmtlsn to t&6 - tg gnyl6siormr6* oowrts or th6 6~6~61 counties and bo ommmndatloas oi the Looak gw&rnm6n t 0r MY norti~i- pallty through or between which nmtsr OaTrlen Olg~tO*~ 851 Se&ion 5 re@res com~n oerrler *notor camlore* to 60- atireoertifioatesor 2ublia oonvtilenceand neoe66Ityto operate *over the oubllc hiprhwaysr of t5is State.* Rumer- 0116other rules aad regulationsa~6 oontained in the A~ot governin,:the aperationsof rotor oarrlets whloh we do not oonoider neoeasarv to enumerate here. soctlon 22b. In de- elarIq* the 1edeiLatlvepoliay, made, In part, a6 iollmmr “The bUSInt6S Or Qp%7ktIIX& a6 6 Nor Oar- rler 0r property for hire along the highwa~ 0r this State 16 declared to be a buelnsea arreoted with the ~ubllc lntereot. . .* Upon a oaretul cofisidcratlon or the Act ae a &ole w% hare cor.clud%C the).tb.eLegislatureInteaded to re&.ate motor ro!ifolesrendering a oetialntype serrl00 dor:neC IA the Xct a6 nwtor oerrIer6*,the servloe refer- red to boln(l: that in nhfoh the earrler ln the oour6e of hi6 tramportatlon travel6 rron.one Incorporatedtom to.anoth- er over any publIe,higbwap in this State. The purpose-8 not to remlet all motor vshlclea regardlessoi the nature ot"thc 6exvIce, operating on certain highwayas Thus eon- &rued, the kot cams -intoherIUOAya6 8 Whole. Tke constn;ctIon we have given th% Act f6 amax- entlp in acoord 31th thu unllors,departmentalconetnration 0r practltje in the enrora~nt or the Lot rr0m 1931 until reoe!ztly,acoordiqj to our irimm%tIon. hs pointed ‘out above, prior to the 1931 amend- ment.,the temlnl or the transportationw66 required to be munlai~al corsoratloue. h elgnlflaantohange ~66 made la ags in E.ouaeBill X0. 333; howwer, It 16 only *in the course of such t.ranaportatfonna hIghway be traversed betwee twc or iimreIWOxpO~ted tarns, thu6 sI@?lryI~ that lee6 than the lib314 route WJuld be 8UffIdeEt to brlw, the op%r%tor XithiA the term or the act. It .mxstbe presumed that t&e Legielaturehad purporrein nlnc!In ohaa&ng the wording of the deflni- e.o.oA Tha ract th%t IAhighway betwaen two Incorporated eftlfigIs traverse& in the oourse 0r a contIauou8trampor- tation SGQ InaLuded In the route.Is the taatir whioh con- stitutes ths operator ror hire a %3tor oarder*. Ea6ed upoc the fore~olng aaalysls, It Ie our apinl9,nthat: !fheXailroad comIsslon or T%zas has author- ity to isok a certiiiouteof ;rublIcconwnienoe and Weee- 852 H0norabl.c 3a-,cs L. Itildey,Pape 8 R The TIaIlroac! C0mn.taslon of Terns does tot have authogty to Isme a'ocrtlflaatcof publlo convenleme and necessity Txm rw inoo~orated tuwn to an un.hmorporat- 4a town n-htrethtra art no towns betmwz.7 the tra since no portionof ttc trans;?ortstion or mute is between or thmugh two or 9or4 inO:aqod4a cities. 3. Thsr4 is 8 tlistlnatlon between the tuo opsr- atlona deeoribed in your letter of rspuent.