Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. Tom A. Crarsn Countr Auditor flohnnan County Waoo, Taxar Dou Sir8 of October S, thl8 depw! tmsnt or to you iron Eon. nnan County, Taaa, part, a8 roii0~8t rhloh the 8bstraot 16 roe- the mm ot onlq one d&and-t %r ahown, whloh 18 the only dofondant the &ulgment wa1 CbooTer- ld againat. 8hould thlr Judgment bo lndrxod lgalnrt all thr.8 of the defondmtr, in the Nit, or the on8 dofondant only in the reoorerl 08u8WO . . Hon. Tom A. Craven, JM@ 8 .. m. 8peOia8n lb8traOt Of jud@mont lnoloaod with TO'out letter rcad8, la part, a8 r0ii0rn8 "1, Ilofi Hitoh811, Clark of th8 County Court of YoLonnu~ County, ToXa8, do hereby oor- tlm that in a oertaln ruit pondlly In aald oourt, wherein Soha Doe plalntlfr, and John #mith, T.J. Logo 8nd BirdI. Wll80n &ra d8fmd- ants, Ho. 41Bl. The 8aid plaintiff, toha Do., reoorcred Judgment lg a inr t drfandant, 8aid John Smith + l + l Judgment lien8 lr8 oreated purely by t&a &at- Ute8 oi thi8 rtate and the am0 taking ot a jud&mentby .A* lgalnrrtlBa dld not oroat a 11811 at oom.aon law. rREQuH OR JtlXLmTS, Sth Edition, Vol. 8, pg 19B7. A8 a reault, the ststutar must,ba 8triOtly tollowad and by their term8 a lfen dOa not 8ri88 until the lud@n8nt 18 properly abstrooted and lndaxad. t9 TEX. JUR. p. 558. Tar a proper underetandlng of the naturo or judgment lien8 and th8ir oreation w8 8et rorth In full &tiOl88 5441 and SUS of the Revired Citil StCItUt88 Ot Texar, 19esr 'Arti !MM.- Ibatraotr of fudgmantr. Baoh olerk of a oourt, when the per8qn in rho80 taTOr a judgment -8 rendOr8d, hi8 a&sat, attornry or lsaigloe, lp F lie8 thsretor, 8hal.l Mb out, oertiw under hi8 hand and Otfioa 8.a. and dollrerto 8uoh lpplioMt upon the pm-t 0r the rem allowed by liar,a nlb8traOt or ruoh JUd@lG& 8hOWinB: 1. The name8 oi th8 plaintlti and of the dafendant in 8uOh judgnmt. 2. The number OS the 8uit in whlah the jUd@aOnt -~8 r8ndered. 3. The date whrn 8uoh Judgment wa8 randared. 4. Th8 amo*lnt for rhloh th8 judgment war rendered 8nd tha balanoe due ther8on. . Hon. Ton A. Craven, page b 6. Et!trat. Of inter.8t 8JSOiriOd illth8 lUd& . "Eaoh just1.e Of the p.aO. 8hall al80 mmk. and deliver an abrrtraot of any jud&nent rendered la hlr oourt In the mm83 herein prorlded, oer- tlfled under hi8 hand.. ‘Artlol. s440.- Reoordlng judgmenta. Bach oounty clerk rball keep a well bound book oalled the *JudgmentReoord,* and he 8hall immediate1 tile and thrrein reoord all ropm- 1~ aathentIoated abstraot8 of judgment wRen presented to him for reoord, noting therein the day and hour of auoh reoord. Be shall at the sbme tim enter it upcn the alphabetloal index to suoh judgment record, ahowlng the nanm of eaoh plaintlif and oi each defendant in the judgment, and the number of the pwo of the book upon whloh the abstraot is reoorded. a8 8hall leave a 8pC. at the r00t.0r 88Oh 8uoh abatraot for the entry 0s oredit and 8atirfaotlon0s suoh judgment, and rhall enter the Pame when proparly ah~wn.~ A8 8tated in CITIZENS STATE BANK OF CLfiRIENDA, IOXA f8. DEL-TXX IiJVE.?lWNTCO. (Cl+. App.) lZ?iS.W. (a) 450: 'The objeot Of the rtatutor~ prooeedlng for abstraot of judgment and reoordrtlon thereof ia to put rubsequent pUFOh.8aZ8 or enoumbrano8sabf properw aought to be oharged on notloo of the lien thereby or8at.d”. ha stated in BURNETT~8~ COCKSHAlT, ET AL, tl S.W. 950, B CGA so4: “Wiil. the ind8xb 18 aad . n.O.88ur 8t.p ti ths oreatlon of the lien, and whllo a aub- 8tantlal oomplianoe with the 8tatutory direotlon o.nnot be dirFbn8.d with by the OOUXt8, then 18 no re80on why the purpo.8 0s thore requlre- . Hon. Tom A. Craven, page 4 nam+~~+~~~~~~~r~~~~hora~ nex w-8 ats'z'ii6r'fiinTIiill~ u the law provider, the purpose 18 8ub88tr.d and the rtatut.8 8hould not bo oon8trued 80 teohnioal- 17 a8 to imp088 unueoe8aary diffiOultib8 upon the jud@.nt oredltor 8..kin~ to 8bOur. 118X&8 on the property of hi8 4ebtor.* (Undor8oorin(r OUT8.1 see alw BRADLEY vs. JANJSlW;93 3.U. 506 at page SO8. Artlole 5448, Retlsed Clrll iZatut.8, supra, provide8 that the Clerk shall *'enterIt upon the alpha- bet1081 Index to suoh judgment reoord, showin& th8 nam or -- eaoh glalntiff and of ._-_- -m- eaoh def - endant In the juag- -- raontl l l ” (unacrsoorlng OI3r8.) We are main17 conocrnad wlth a proper oonetruo- tion 0r th18 portion of Art1018 5UR, in answering your question, and we notice at the outset that the 8tOtUt.8 (Artlol.85447 and 5418) them8blv.8 both provide In haeo rerbae that the namer 0s eaoh FlaiAtifr and or eG6 W tendant in the judment must be indexed and not the names 0r eaoh 38mirr and 8aOh defendant in the 8ult. From the euthoritiei in thi8 rtate it 18 quita olear that an abstraot of judgment 18 not admlsslble In erldenoe to ahow a lien olalmed under it, ~1188s the proper indexing 0r the abstraot arrirnatirely app8arr. CORBETT v. RXW OD, (Clr. Ap .) S8 S.N. SSO; mxTEAKx? f. HILL (CIT. App.P 179 S.W. 5s9; LEONARD v. BU?CRD LBR. CO. (Cir. Rpp.) 181 S.V. 797. ad we knor al8o thr,tthe ~2’0r1810n Ot hrtiol. S448 rb- qulring the olerk to eater upon the alphabetloal Index the naam of lr;ohplalntlff and of eaoh defendant ha8 been held mandatoq. ~ARAXTT ZPATZ BASK f. XARIOH CC;Wl'TNATICCAL BARK (Civ. App.) 293 3.1. 2181 BAliTON V. PARXS, (Cir. App.) 127 3.1. (26) s76. Hon. Tom A. Craven, pagr 5 OULLEXTQIN CO. 18. OLIVER, RI AL, 78 Texan 186 14 3.X. 4S1, 18 a 18adln8 0888 in thfr rtate In whloh the Supreme Court of TeX88 h.8 hmad.4 down it8 lnterpretatlon 0s the statute8 go+ernlng judgment 11~~58. In th8t oaae jud nt had been rendered agalnet the ln- dlTldu818 Ooolpo8 Yng the partnerahlp Of Mltohell and soruggr . The abotr8ot wa8 indexed only under thr letter %. under the partn8r8hiQ name and th. oourt held thl8 to b8 ~8urrioiaat, rayingr nphe language Of the .t.tUtb IS Olear, and it8 FUrpOt Obf1OuI. Th8 1od8x to 8uoh judge aent reoord shall be l lphabetloal, aad rhall show the name of eaoh pl8lnti~f and Of eaoh de- fendant In the judgment, and the number of the paga In the bi-ok upon aHoh the abatraot Is reoorded. Revised Clril 2tatutt8, Artlola 3158. Thir mean8 that ecoh name must appear in the index in it8 alphabetioal order. The evident objeot le that pereon searohlng for raoord8, In order to di.OOT8r the .rl~t.ac. 0r judgment 11058, ma7 hare the peons 0s asoertalnlry whether mob lion8 exist or not, with pro:.pt- no88 and certainty. In t:ilsoase a third per- aon, dealing with 3orugg8, who had no knowledge of the FlUtiOUhT judgiaent, would hat. been oompelled to exaaine th8 entire reoord In ordar to hare asosrtalned that the abdtraot had been reoorded. It 1s evident, we think, that ln thlr partloular the 8tatute ha8 not been oom- plied with, either llterall7 or in rubetano... On the other hand, la GLAdSCGCQ[18. PIRCE, 9R Tax. RIl, 47 S.F. 965, rsodlfylng4S 8.W. 415, the oaae W.8 diNi888d as to one member Of the pmtner8hlQ On 80- OfXnt of non-serrloe, and it me held that slnoe the ant did not arreot the diaIPis8.dpartymFa8 wr- raiiindifidual, hi8 aam. wa8 propulr omitted rrom the Index. In Y9OMTRLIR~. COODT (CO~U. App.) 59 9-W. (Rd) 819, air. (CIT. A;Q.) 39 8.n'.(I?d)8sS, Char. R. COOlEb.8 had raoorared a jumant in the d18triot oourt OS Jonsa Counq aganst 0.~. coody ror debt, and a881nst said CooUf and 0110U-8. J.T. Qoorgr for foreolosuro of a vendor*8 lien. No personal Judgment wa8 rendered in raror or Coomber against th8 defendant, Mr. J.T. Oaorge, but Lirs.Oeorge reoorered judgment agalnat her oo-de- isndant, O.R. Goody, by reason of his oroaa aotioa against her, and the orrioerr or the oourt recovered Judgmentagainst the reapeotlre parties ror oosts in- ourred by them. We believe the raota In your h~thetloal oase are analogous to those presented in the YoOlothlln oaao and the sole question before the oourt there was whether or not the property of Ccody was charged with the judg- ment lien by reason or the iallure to index the abetmot oi Judeent alphabetloally lc the lnameor L:rs. Oeoree. The Court held Wet IIOJudgxzentlien was oreat- 06 and speaking through Shcrt, J., prlsiding Judge of. Seotion B of’the Co~isslon of Appeals, said: Tlowerer, the articles lnrolrsd here are b449 and 5446, and it a:penrs that according to the prorlslona or Article 5449 the olerk of a oourt, upon an aFrllc?tlon having been made, shall nake out, cert.lQ, and deliver to the ap- plioant an abstraot or Judgment shoring fire dlrrereat things, the flr8t of w%lOh 18 that the abstraot shallTo= zs EeTla- ‘fTTrsand not~nZiG FOX +r Tii43Zrsn antr,FiT~~~-~~, Ifthsre serersl.w4hnnamerntm nJd&UU, ii.&has k~ ansaL mm rh japea 4hafQaQfm- After tbir’has been done, and this instrument hsn been handed to the olork, wuherelt is soaght to oreatm a lien, then, aooordlng to Artlole 5448, mm u m &,U rrotxrU etloated abstract& cuired Ln sr&z U arm 4hp gbpbbbet~oal &&a 3Qnvnp--,m*Ba* olUtiprWntb ilk&l.2 and the number of the gape in the bi;ok upon whioh the abstraot is recorded. In other Hon. Tom A. Cratsn, page 9 word8, the Judgment lien glron by plaintirr in a judgment is purr4 a statutom one, and a person who asserts that ho hns suoh a lien must show that eaoh a ndlreq requirement or the statute has been followed in order that he shall establish the existence or suoh Ilen.* (Under- soorlng ours). Lrr SiIRkT VS. TRUST C ‘Y.: Alrr GT TEXAS, ET AI. (CCA 19S4) 69 S.U. (2d) 835, writ reruaed, ths lbstraot or judgment Fepared by the oounty olerk was indexsd only in the nasiesor the plalotirrsand defendants ap- petrlag in the abvtraot and was not isdexsd ln the mum of eaoh derendant apyearlng in the Judgmant. Them vas no personal reoc;reryfor debt by the Flalntifi against the defendants whose names were omitted from the ab- straot, but the Judgmmt did deorcs a recovery br plaia- tlrts or all the costs or the case against oae or the defendants not naLled In the abotraot: an& likewise t.?other detendant whose name did not sppear in the abstraot vts deorsed s raoovcry of all oosts inourred by him against tha plaiotirr . The oourt quoted with aprrorel the language above quoted ln LfoOlothllnVS. Ctody, suprs, and held that the abstract and Index did not crette a valid judg- sent Ilon. Sea, also, in acoord SZIREY ii%AL fs. TRr ,T CGxi~AKt OF TEXAS (CCA 193b) 98 5.8. (2df 24s. In BARTON vs. PARXS,127 Y.U. (Ed) 37b (CCA 1939) a Judgment had been rendered In favor of Lmlso L. Parks against Y. H. IEaddox,John J. Burke, Cerl TZ.Barker, and saoh 0r thsaaror (10,S40.00, with 10% interest and oost or court, and ror a ioreolosure or liens against certain propetlss against all of suoh defendants and the defend- ant John Bredanus. Ilopersonal Judgment vas rendare against Bredamus. The nameor John Bradems was omitted rrcm the sbstraot of judgment filed and his name was net entered upon ths alphabetloal lnder to such Judgment reoord 88 reoulred br law. The eourt quoted with aptroral ths otae or malothlln ~6. Ocody, supra, and Shlrey vs. Trust Com- pany ot Texas, supra, and held that the abstraot and . .z Hon. Tom A. Craven page 0 index did not oreate a ralld judgment sgalnst the prop- arty of la. H. Kaddox for the solo reason that the ab- stract and Index Omitted the name of John Bredems. In OUAMNTY STAT2 BANK GP DONNA vs. EAFlIC2-J cOt!x- TY RATIONAL BANK (CCA 1927) 293 3.W. 248, the abstraot or Judgment vau alphabstloall~indexed in the name or each deiendant against whom Judgment was taken, but was not alphsbetloall~ Indexed In the name0 f aaJ plaintlit. Thr oourt aald: *The statute (Art. 5446) prOvidea that the olerk shall reoord all abstracts or Judgment illed in his oftloa ior that mrwzm. and ahall alao at the same time enter thekb~~~act *; the alphabetical index to suoh Judment rej h n e r etoh plalntffi-and or Faog’ ffi$nbkj%e judgment and t e number o”?e Z e h ~“~e~~n,ae~~~?hi~~~~~:~t kdr!; ooastr& to man that the names of eao& --to the $&p-eETb~dXnZ??-aiX XZZn #=ant _ must appearinthe lad& In alphabetloal order. GIN coxi$NY vs . CLIVZR, 96 TRXAS 162. 14 3.X. 451. The trial court having round that the Judgment *was no t llphabstloall~ Indexed In the 11-6 ot any plaIntirr*, the statutory requlre- ment was not met, the registration was ratally 49r40tire and the Judgment lien was not lffeot- uatsa .a iUndsrsoorillg ours). In 5A.RARTONLO LOAN I TRUST CCEPAHY VS. 3kVIS, 236 5. U. b13 (CCA 1921) two defendants names vere omitted from the abstract and Index, and although no money Judg- ment was reoovered a lisn was roreolosed against them and the oourt held thet the abstract and index were Insurtlolent to oreate a lien. Xe take notloa oi the oaees oi VGN STEIN VS. TRSLLR, 23 .3.W. 1049 (CCA 1693) and BLUK m AL Vs. KiZYySSR (COA leQ4). 26 3. F. bbl, whloh rollows thb Trexler oars and awns to be authority ior the proposltlon that a sub- stantial oompllanoewith the statutes Is sufrlolent and . . 4 Hon. Tom A Craven, page 9 that an abatraot that Is oorrcotlr indexed 1n respeot ot one of several derendonts creates a lien agtlust & property. Viebelieve that this line of oeses in so far as the point here l-mlved is cononrned wus render’ed obsolete by the oourt in YoOlothlIn vs. C5od7, supra, when it said: The opinion of the oose of Blum ~(1.Keyser, supra, is In partial ocnfliot with the opinion in this ease, tnd to the extent that It 1s in oonrllot it should be overruled. In that OOBO the oourt held that it WCS not nsoessary to plaoe the nme on the indirect lndox. To that extent +h’e thin;:the opIr.1~~of the court in that oa3e Is erroneous.* The statutes provide tCfitt&e names ci e:kob plelr~tlftand of c~.chdefendant 13 the JuQment shall be Indexed, and not the names of eaoh I:laIntlffand of e-:chdefendant in the suit, and these n-es must be 1rAexed properly to oreate a lien. NYK, iiTAL vs. ZCiDY, 70 Taxes 434, e S.0;‘. 606; N=, 2,TAL ~8. CT,lBBLb70 TCX(LS458, e 3.\y.60f; LioDANIEL.ET AL vs. KILN%. (CCA 19291 19 3.X. (24) 42s; aft. 3 preno Co&t-36 3.w. i24) 992, 120.Texas 160; CCfXK VS. CGNCULST, (Clr. App.) 2 S.W. (2d) 992, lr r .( c o t1~pp.1 1 4 113.s.w. (24) 346; 3ECbiITY WTIOML BICJXOF WIC!iiTA FALLS Vi. ALLiBd(CIT. A~p.1 261 S.7?.1059. We believe that the yrrbpartest for the County Clerk to app17 In all crisesis, the names of the pleln- tiffa and the 4etecdGnts appeorlng cn the rtce or the Ii a rarty is whown as a plalntIrf or t de- #%%%n the _Judgment “1s name should be lndoxed. Th’e take it that Rich the abetraot oi Judgment iorm submlt- ted the on17 derenatnt acpearlng upon the race or ths judgment was JO% Szlth. In such ease, oalp tho nems or John Doe, ~ltlntlff, and John Smith, defendant need be Indexed AD reoulred by Artlole 54M, RsElsed Ci~ll . . . P Hon. Tom A. Clark, page 10 satuter, b!oClothllnva. COOQ, wqra. Con8oquontl~, r0U are rerpeotSul1~ ldrlrad and it 18 the opinion of tbie department thst under Artlcl8 5448, Rerlred Clrll Ytatute8, the Count7 Clerk of Mo- L~IWAO COUnt7, 8hOuld elltibrupon the elphabetIOa1 Index to hi8 judgmsllt reoord the nime of la o hplaintiif and or caoh Urfendant appafulng upon the iaoe of a Judgmnt, in order to efiectuata a judgment Urn. YOreOter, it IS the OpiniOn Of thie department that it 1s the duty of the count7 olerk to enter In al- phabetical or&w the nam of eeoh plaIntlit and of caoh defendant appearing upon the face of a judgment (in order to create e Judgment lien) althougb no Fersonal judgment for debt has been rendered againat ouoh plaintiff or de- rendant (a judgmmt in rem for foroolosure being miff- cirnt); and even thoiiijhmc or117Judgment rendered aplalnat any party to the juament 18 for torts. Yours very truly JDS/ob APPROVE3CCT 23, 1939 4zLzhf2.G ATTOFUiEYGEHERAL OF TXXiY.3