690 OFFltiE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXA!S AUSTIN A wtmaable EiomJr i. kt58S 1 Qounty Attoz’noy Wheeler, '%%a6 hoc1 Distrlat of with the Wheeler ity ahllben to the of the high aahool the whaalor Rlgh ncrlver a flat hava like to know uho te pap i.6 obl.igrrtrd g of these student8 who are ottendiry ohool.~ LtagioQtp CSahoolSu net a A fwther statement dlrroloaeathat the tru8t@o8 of the' kgia City Sohool Diatriot ham rrfumd to pay any CrmmQcntation ,Ohrrger for the uhilldrenwhe mmxb fit to attan the Wk Mg!a Sohool, henob the lssus premmtrd harm 6lrims. Bon. RoEp6r L. x055, Pws 2 In your brief, for which we extend our thanks, you point out that mtlole 2bS7a, Revised Civil Statuter, 19E5, ve6t6 authority %rithe local 6ohool tru6tee6 to make provi5lon for the trsnsportatlon of pu2ilr to and Iron oohool and that apparently a broad range of discretion is placed in the loo8ltru6tees in thi6 matter. The oo6t5 of furnishl:sgsuoh tren8 ortatlon 16 paid out of the looalmaintenanoe fund of tho school dietriot (Art. 2027, B.C.E., 1928) which in 80~s instame and under osrtaln conditions 16 supplenienteaby tbe Usite out of the SOho eqUall6ation aId appropriation edElni6t6red by the DepartEeentor Eduoation and a Joint lmgirlstivs Advlrory-CemItteai Artlole 2696, Revlaed Civil Statutes, 1925, whloh 18 the general transfer statute, provide6 that upon propsr transfer of a schola5tio the Ltete 'freaaurernball pay over a6 dlreoted the per capita apportioment to the recelrine:dlstrlot or to the oounty super- intendent for It6 benefit, but this statute does not refer to or afreot the 10081 malntenanoe funde. Our attention ha6 never been called to a statute requiring a transfrr of l.ooalmaIntenanoe funds to the reoelving dietriot unlese required tuition charge6 zulghtbe 50 oonsldered. Prcvicrionie rcadeel6ewhere ln the 5ohool law8 for pay- gent of tuition for pupil8 who are transierred when their grade6 nr6 not taug$imom, but these otatutes do not purport to ix&poseany obligation on the rending dlstrlat to tumlsh transportation. See Lrtio1e5 267Sa and 29221, Reri55d Civil statutee. 1926. It ia our opinion that under the statement eubmitted by you the &a&o City Sohool District may not be required to pay the ooats oi~tran6porting 6tudent6 frostthe U&O City Sohool to the &amock Independent Cohool Distriot, suoh atuaente having tranaterred to the Shamrock Iii@ Sohool. Apparently your reguecithas be5n submitted to tblr Depart- mmt at the instance of the County Superintendent of PubUo Inatrua- tion. ~agyof the incidental qu56tlons arising out ot the traneporta- tion of puplla are largely rdmlnletratlve in their nature and are oloeely associated with the county wide transportation system~and 6puallzatlon aid law. Xe understand that the Department 0r xauoation snd the Join iel(lrletlveAdvleory Comlttee haye proml~ated FSrlOU5 Interpretations and re&etioncl whioh have been forwarded by the De- partment or Bduoation to all city and county euperintendentr. It 15 quite probable that these administrative directions gay iurthek as&at the oounty superintendent. if our oplnlon herein expree55d 16 not 692 Emi. Eomer L. Boss, ?a@ S guffioient to fully s&tie tbe controversy, we recommend that lurtbar inquiry be first direoted to appropriate a&d.nistratir5 oitioia~s. Your8 very truly , BY wd cso ’Caxnaok ;t55i5tsnt <4