Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN liononblo H. L. Wa8hbura County Auditor EarA cautlty 85ll8toll, Taxa mar sir: the 46th Leglala- oounty In thh state hariug a populationof not: leas than two hundred oinetythoumnd (390,000) not more than three humIre fifty-fire thousand (35S,OOO)aooordlng to the last preoodlag Federal Oem!ws, and all tuture Federal Camma.* seotion 3 0r the Aot deoiama an emtrgenay and erteot rr0lrand stt*r Its provided that the not should t(llpII passage. 442 Honorable H. L. Washbtlsn,Faga 2 We are informed by your letter and by tha Comp- troller*6 office that Harrlr County had a populationor three hundred fifty-ninethousand three hundred twmtp eight (359,328)inhabitant.8 according to the 1930 Federal census. n‘e conetrue the above mentioned statute to apply to all those oountlee having a populationof not less than two hundred ninety thousand (290,000)or more than three hundred fifty-fivethoueand (3SS,OOO)aoaordlng to the la8t preoodlng Federal Census and all future FederalCanmu, and Harrla county does not oomo within the de8lgnated popula- tion bracket. Therefore, you are reapeOtrullyadvleed that it Is the opinion of thLs departmnt that Senate Bill Bo. 401, Acts ot the 40th Legislature,does not apply to Harrfs Colulty. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your l.nqulw, we remain Yours very truly ATTOlWEY GW%W OF TEXAS Ardell William6 Aasl8tant ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS