EoaorableX. E. Yamy
couaty Auditar
Tarrant cou!a~
7ort Woeth, Texan
Your raguestfor 0
hre heroinrt6ted h6s beear
Tour letterread*
"Our DlrtrlOtCl@
0 6ad dO8k8truohrust
truutorred to TarnurtCouaty withoutrequlr~
hdequ6te 8eourlt~for oosta at the tlgb it is
ill04 rith bin.”
Hon. W. E. Yanoy, Page 2
"Art. ZO6a. me plalntirrmay be ruled to
give uourlty for coat8 at any tlu berore flaal
juaguat, upon motion oi the aof8nbantOT ang
offloer of the oourt interested In the costsno-
oruiag la ruch ruit and ii uuah rule be an-
tored agala& tke pialatkf and he ran to oom-
ply thereulth on or beforethe flr6tday or the
nut termof the oourt,thr spitshallbo dia.
S~OtfOtI 19 Of krtl010 39120,VOrnon*6CivilSfatute6,
readsin parta8 followr
"Frod~lonn of this motion shallapplyto
and ooatrolin rash oountyin fbe State at Texas
havinga population in oxoou of oxto hundredand
ninety(190,000) thousandlnhabltants, aooordlfq
to the lastpreoed&g Federaloensua.
0 l ....
"(p) It shallbo tie ofiilolal dutyof enoh
olerkot the dlatriotand oounty oourteend of
all JustLees OS the 800 to require at the oom-
menoamentof any olrr 1 malt adequate6eourity for
ooats;provided a pauperfa oathstaybe illedand
ooatuted as prtidod b law. Ho dlstrlot county
or preolnotorfloershazl underthe perialths now
pron-o~6e$b law waiveany few or oostrbut it
tie duty of all offiosreto (LSI)OB~and
oollleot all teer and oom.Urlom whlohthey am
permitted or dimeted by law to asses6and Oo$ot
for seniee8 perronaod by them. hbre a
oer reoelveaa salarypayablefromthe B3 cry &I
oreatedfor 8uoh 0frioer all feel, aodn6lon6,
and otheroompematlonreceived by him l.nhi6 of-
tlolalcapacityahallbe by him depSlte& and paid
monthly,or oftenet,intothe salaryfund oreated
for 8uchorrloer,and auohraulttmce shallbe ao-
omp.ahied by hlr oiiiolalreport thereof, aa pro-
Tldod ror in thl8Seotlon.m
Eon. w. f. YarrOY, rw@ 3
It le our oplnlonthat8ubeeotlon (p) of ~HAcle
SQlZo,8upn muetbe 0o~truad In harmnr with Artlolea
8067 and d, VernonrrCivilStatutee,so thatthe alark
mat filead dooketthe8uft, butattbs lar# tlaemuet
malothe plahtm for ooat8. The above quoted provlelone
of nrtloloS9lZodoornot et&e thatthe olorkrhallrqulre
leur lty for ooete beroro the oomumoem3nt of the eult -but
at fhe ooamenobrmnt or the ltit. Ihe malt is oonmenoebby
the iillsq aad of the petition.
Truatla5taatthe r0mg0* rllllyanawersyour In-
quiry,we remain