OFFICE QFTHEATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN IIonorableFred !?rI.sman Crti.nal District iittornep Imlgviw, Tt3xlS Dear Sir: A t3apteab3x20, 1939 * pueations rqulre revF3- and 0anoelleU fronorabieFred Erisna~.~, p&a S to aertain oil nnd @his ni.nin(-, leasehold es- tates (CoriprislnSwhat is comonly called th3 Seventh-ZQhths (7/3 riorklq interest), together wifh like interests in the personal property used end obtained in oonnoction therewith, all situated in Gregg County, Texf33,as follows: Buyer has heretof0.m examined nbstraata of title and ha& approved the t1tl.eto the property hereinabove contraotad for and this contraot 18 in noprise conditioned upon title. This sale ohall be Oonsumnated ln the Pol- hn~in& nayxtr and ~auassigment or assi@kents are to be exeouted by 3elter to i%Uy8l! as follom; 1. Buyor ia this daJTexecuting,and dellver- ing to Seller, oohte!q&%neously herewith, its ne&otiable prOmissOry note, payable to Seller's order, in the princi al ouxof SIX Z'CRCLRip hED FIIWZ? TEOI?SfS:D ($6%S,COO,CO) WLUBS, due on or before Decc&m 31, l&O; provided that Buyer nay at any tint prior,to said date, pay said note in,wholc (Win art, provided that no partial payment shall ii e ior less than l%enty (20~s)Pezcent of the whole. Said note ohall be payable at Dallas, ,Texas and shall bear inter- est at the rat.e of Plvo jr;$) reroent per 8Mum on al.1mounts Prom tkke to tine remaining uu- paid untilmturity; principal.and interest pqt due shall bear intmwat at the rate of Ten (Us) jorcent per RMUEL, and said note sh4l.lprovide for the usual att~llt3f’S roes of J.,C$ finprincipal and interest @hen due if Ool- lected by suit or placed b the hands of au attorney for ooll.ootion. The delivery of said noto is unqonaitional. AS and when the Frinaipal of said no%is p&l to soiler, seller shall execute and de- liver to &yer m oor;igmxt .or aasi~yment;Sin due and oustomry form, with covennuts of San- er& warranty, oovering the interestcsherein contracted to ba conveyed, or ouch I!os?tlou “$&mw& as.lo re~~esectcd by 8~11 p:~>m+nts on the pTfflCip&; Viz: Should Buyer, prior lo the 8uo data 0r soid note, p2y Senty (2&) Percent of the prinoipal of said note, Seller skd.1~ thereUpGilexecute and tk?liVux to Buyer en awdgmie3t covorinp,Twenty (ZO.2)Percent of the interests in and to tha 011 cm6 gas r&n- 1~ leasehold estzt%3rardlperso~l p*ogrty e&d equlpent thoraon or Used in oonncatlcm therewith herein coritractadto be convey&; and ih like mimer, upoa other and fustkk pqments u;ronthe prinoip31 of sticLcz not.5by Buyer, ~ssiggm6nt ehktll be omxutod and de- livered f'orcorresponding portions of the ixitorestsherein contracted to bs conveyed, an.Iw&xi %ho,o;llire-zmomt ime on 6uiiBnote has been pold at or b9fora”mtUpityi Seller 8r4911exocute'nn8 &3&w to Euyor an ass&-g+ mati covori.~ all thcltportion or"the inter- ests heroin contracteiito be convey& not hrretofore conveyed‘ kny’and all suoh’irssiqmecf;sshall &?rbtb$&;he oil and HUE leaseho~dc by metes . hs anti when ~ssi~mnt or nsslg!mmts ere sxQcuteE by S&or to 3uyer herfmtier, kytw shall be enti,tl.e& to recoifa thcrecfte?? fro3 tha Pipeline coqmuy t&k-q the oil frcm w&-l leeso tha interest in the oil runs oor- rfx3_condingto the interests comeyoii In such aosi~ment or r;asigmznt::,ckuri Seller ~531 Bxooute, in coimection with such’aesit:nxent, necessary trmsfer orders to cTfoctunt3 tiflt- pwposFt. Subject to the foregoint;movisions, tha oil runs from 2% interusts heretil,con- trnctad to ba conveyed shli!Zl continue t&be rw.Jto G~f~,~2\~rif,y';:F~cy~J 011,c():Y;i;;'(,~ cp TZ-G ( shall at all tkies be entitle& to re- coiV6 ]JrOOW3dS Of Oil ?3.%l fI’03 Cdl Of S,aid ~cnorcb3.eProd interests not actu~lly~aasic,ned and conveyed by it CO '3u.y%r. Frovide&, ho??cver,that all got ammts a0 receive@ by SfAle~er from pro- ceeds of froxthe interests horein colrt;rzotedto bt?convuyod, or any part thereof, up to the date of mturity of said note;shtil be credited upon sold noto ur;dthe amu& there- of shall ba J?FOtmto r~ducad to the extent of such nat proceeds reoeived by Seller, fros und aftcr the dnto of this contract, the s&~e belq tppliod first tD the pqment of itltorast.cnd thea to the paymnt of-principal. !?uyorhas thin day purohased Zrom Seller,intereatsin the above described'oil unb g.28leasehold estatos under the tori3 of thnt certain aEreemant botmmn SelSzr ucG Wr0r OS iky 13, 1039, which Interests so gurchnsod 3re not covora? Jj this Codxsct, and by rirtuo of such purchase, and )md6r this contract, Buyer shall be etotitlodto esaume forthwith the actual physical possession, cmep,f?nentand operation of the entire oil and cas leasehold cstatos above dosoxibo?,,mder the tams and provicforis32 that ceittain0peretinC cgroezmlt this day md.e md mtered into by and bctxeen Buyer 69 fO;'~l,~!?O~'~' auc SOllO~ as 'Mo::!-olm~:X- TOp , and be entitled to'retaln and hold such p0~~386i0n, SIEW~WM~~~ ma 0p3r~i.ion UILU~ de- fnult shall be mde in gqment of the note horoinabovs provided for, but in event of any Such ciefaultCellar shall be irmadiately en- ti'cledand without notiue to ret&o the physii- 9x1 ponseosion, rama~enent and operation of saicl property md shall.thereafter have the rkht to r~wqrs and opesete saze without prejudice, of course, to the oimoyship by Buyer of the in- terests in said oil ana ~3s leaseholds hemto- Pore aosl,ymd onciconvovridto Euyer. It is oxpx~ssly tmderetood and aEracd that all expenses of ~evelqxe~t cinaoneration On nub3 property and &I. tnxoo (other Zhc2.nin- COIiCta~ds) in CO~~CO~~,OZI th,eveWithSKIM slid uftcr thg &to of this contract, to bs borae 57 Buyer anC by Seller respectively, in pro- portion to the raspectlve interests of each in sold oil ana (.,G:.ES Ilirll~~ 1ec:aeboldestotcs in accordcnoo nith sf~idE~OW mntloned opr- atins agraazont batvmn Suycr aEd fellor of thla date. * In the event of befault by ??uyerin the payment of any portlon of the note freminobove provtded fo2, at naturity, al;?. fntorcst and ri@t of auyer in that portion of the i&or- esttzMreln contracted to ba comwjted~ wb5ch have sot theretoTore keen already pohc for :wnd assigned and oonveyea to myc~, shall at Seller's optkon forthw5th and ipso facto cease+and tar&ate and the s%e shall'rcnaia vested in Seller free m.d clear of al1 olalm of Super; and Euysr shall reaain liable to Seller upor)said note to the extent ~ofJthe un- paid batance thereof as Liquidated dam&os. Theoept5+above #?on to seller 8bal.Lbe cumu lativc (138.not exclusive, and 5s intended to provide a re?edy in addition and wftbout pre- jud5oe to all other remdies to vii&h Seller my be 1awWLly entitled. ‘i'his a~reemnt 5s heseby redo etfeot5ve as of 7:00 o'clook h.&..oc' the data first hereinabove writteni 'This agreement shall be binding upon end shall inure to the benefit of the respective parties hereto, and their res>cctive halrc end as3i~s. ArtiUlQ 7047-Z, twpra, reQds9, 5n part, as fol.lo:Ysr L " (5) ~kcept aa 4lercin OthClW.7iSb aravid- cd there is hereby levied and uaeessadi'atar o!:Ten (lO$) Centa on each One IIundred ($XJCJ.OO) I:olhrn or fraction thereof, over the first Wo EuIldrcd(~;Z~OO,OC) Collars, on 213.ilOtcS 2xlmB 0hliCationn ficcured by chatC01 wrtgs~jos, de0d 0P trust, mech~M22-ra lian oohtract, vendor's lien, cocditfons2.salts contract and aLZ iuetruiient~eof u.si9ilzr n:::tsze vhich?Ze Tiled or rac?%??dw ofL.icoof the County Clerk under the Registration Lexz of this -ovlded that no tar shall be lev‘iod stntw ; 1'2 on fitstruzchtasecuring ah mount of Wo Eun- drcd ($CO.CO) Oo11ars, or less, After tha efrective date of thin Act, oxce$itas herein- after provided, no such lnstru?xmt shall bo fma or recorded by eay County Clerk ih this St&e witi1 thwre’h~s been affixed to such 5natrumht stamps in ucoordahce vriththe pro- visions 0P this seofion; * * *n It appears Prom the imtruzent in qua&ion that tho vendor has r,ctzinea legal title until the not8 i@vwn for the purchase price has been paid. lt 'alsoappears thstthe vendee i-m been.gLves possaseioa or all the pro- party lnvolvcd ti the c0ntraot-of eale, Sinoe,tha note 1s fully neE;otiableand the dolivory of smm bciug abso- lutely v.nao~~itiona.1,‘we com?l.udethat the vmdor reserved the legal title solely as aeourlty for the pnymnt of the note. In Judd v. l?ie@ (Ark,) 2F5 S. W. 370';. itwae held that the sffect of a 602miot for the sale and pur. chase of real estate vfherevendee had been given posISe.:sion, ma to m&e the purchaser the equitable ouincrand the ven-- dor mortgagee for the unpaid puP2haGe money. FFe quuotofrom 66 Corpus Juris 708 as fol2ows: *It has been said that the relstion of the vendor and purchaoer uhder a contract for the sole of land is n~+lagous to.,or substantially that of m0rtga~or and mortGagee,'and that the effect of a s&a3 Einapurchase c0ntrnct is ta create a iaortgugein favor of the vanGor to 6couxe pame+ of the purchase mone3,V' Rlum, 56 n?r::s6 holds Rogers v, Leon aud'~I3. that a vcmlor, under a bond for title, has GvCI1~orfS lion for thr:unpaid purctise mncy. A bond for SZtle 16 the ume thinc,as an ezccutory coctract to sol.1, 43 Tex. ZUr. 51, YCn aa ereautory oontrc~atfox- the snlo of red ostnto, equity treats the vendor ziti the ana tha purc!mmr as tril=tcoof the jlurc!1sser, the~trustco of tke purchc;senonoy for the wxi- aor." hpin la the sQ.?r,eOPSQ it is sinid: "i'a such a contrnct, the rendor, upon default mado by the vendee, my treat the contract ~1srrzl ordincr~ real ostnte mrteege, and foraclose it ES such." We me of the opinion that the fnstmment 3x1 question come$.within the provisions of krticlo 70472, supm. It nccessarf3.yfollows that rcu-onuestmtp3 must be.a:tixob to mid lmtruzent nnd amcelled in order far scze to be filed in thb offL.w of t6a County Clerk w&r p~ovlsions of the re@strLcti'onlam..