Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

HonorableJ. 0. Loftin,President Texas Collegeof Arty and Industries KingtillS, Texas Dear Mr. Loftior Opinionl?o.O-1422 Be: lryr.aperson simultanek5usly serve on the board of trustee8 Of &IIIndependentSchooldistrictand (1) on the board of direotorsof the Texas Colleg0of Art8 & Industries,or (2) as Wltod StitarPOSkWStOr? aleare pleasedto answerthe followingquestionswhich you sub- mitted to us by your letter of September8, 1939: "1. Can an Individuallegally88rVO on the board of dlreotorsofthe Texas Collsgsof Arts and Induetrioaand at the 881118 time serve as a member of I board of trusteesof an indSponde& schooldistrict? "2. Can an individualserv8 as a member of the board of trusteesof trusteesof an independentschooldlstrlote.ndalso a8 UnitedStafes Postmastorl" Both questionslnvolvothe applicationof Article 16, Se&Ion 40, oftho Constitutionof Texas,which reads in put as follows: "No person shall hold or SXSroiOe,at:the 8wr.S time, more than ono oivil offiae of SBlo1unl0nt.. . ." 34 Texas Jurisprudenoo at page 549, r8fSrrirrg to the abow consti- tutionalprotirlon,,saymt "ThO COnStltLItiOnRppliSSOnly t0 OfflkO Of ~lmnenf. 'J$ro~~SZ,t' ,i,kIS a paouniraryprofit,gain or advantage;hence, the same parsonmay hold two civil officeswhuo no pay, oomponsationor peknlary gain attaohS8 to ono of Iham, protidedtheyaro not lncompatiblo.w For furtherdiscussionof this qusstion,800 opinionsofthis departmentnumberedO-490, O-982, and C-1263. Since you dld not speoifyin your letterunder what Aot the indc pendentschooldistrictwa8 omated, wo shall assme that it-as oroated under authorityof Chapter13, Title 49 of the RevisedCivil Statutss Hon. J. 0. Loftin,page 2 (O-1422) of Texas, 1925. Article 2775 thereofprovldosin part a8 follows: "In each independentdistrictthat Shall hereafterbe organized,the county judge of the oountyin which sald independentdistrictis sit- uated shall order an olsctfon,for'seven trustees.who shall c&stitute the sohoolboard of such diStru&, and all of v&m shall servewithout oampensation."(&dorsoorlngours.) It is, theroforo,apparent.that a member of the board of trustees of an independentsohooldistrict,oreatedunder the general1~8, does not hold an offioo of 8molum8ntnithin the meaning of Artiole16, Section 40, of the Texas Constitution. We know of no reason why the duties of a member of the boald of trusts88of 8.nindependent8ohoo1 districtshould b8 in any manner con- flicting or incompatlolwiththe duties eitherof (1) a member of the Board of Directorsof tho Texas Collegeof Arts and Industries,or (2) a United StatesPostznaster. ArticleXVI, So&Ion S3, of the Constitutionof Texas, provldos In part, '%a aooountingoffiaoroof We Strto ahall nelthordreu nor pay a warrant upon the Treasuryin favor of my person,for salary or oompensation a8 agent, oftioor,or appoilrtoe,who holds at the same time any othor office or positionof honor,trust or profit,under this State or the United States,exoopta8 prosorikadin this Constitution." There oau be no doubt but that sll three of the offloeshero under ooneldsration am positionsof honor, trust or profitdthin the meaning of the abow quotid oOnstikItlon~~ provision. See opinionbf this DepartmentNo. O-1101,datod ,July $1, 1939, addrossod to HonoraWe Goo. HI Sheppard. In accordancewith the foregoingdisouseionit Is our opinionthat: 1. A perlrnn may legallyservo on so Board of Diroc%orsof the Tiixrs Collegeof Arta and Indwtrie8 and at tho 8ama tizW 8or‘w a8 a mmnber of the board of trustosaofan indopendontsohool district;but in 80 doing he forfoitaall right to any oompeneatlonto whioh he might havd ken sntitloda6 a dire&or of the collage,by reason of &tide XVI, Sootion 33 of the Toxad Con8titutlon~ 2. So far as the Constitutionand lawa of Texas are concerned,an indE- vldual a*y simultaneouslyforve as a Iwmber of the board oftrustaos of' an independentschooldistriot,and as UniUod Stab8 Postistor, sin00 the formor offloo oarriosno oarmpenaatlon, but we ar8 unable to advise Hon. J. 0. Loftin,pqe 3 (O-1422) you whetherthe UnitedStates postal regulationsmay or may not fop.. bid the samee Yours very truly ATTCRREYGENEBALOFTEXAS By /s/Walter R. Koch Walter R. Koch Assistant APPRCWEDSEP 23, 1939 Approved /s/ Gorald C. km OpinionCommittee ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS ByBWB chairman