Eoaorable Oriille S. Carpeater
Uhalnmn and Txetlotlrr Dlre43tor
Texas Unemplojmcat Coqpexmation
hstln. sxRs
Eon. OlVilla ~. Cerpentar, ijeec 2
Ltata end ihe TUCC by tta =ba0r6l soalai Seourity plO0ra rc.r trav61.
Swtion 8 ef the i;yproprlet:on 8111 mass the heeding, Travel 3.1~
pt~606, la). roada CIQ folloWa:
*lt 16 protided that no i3xpsaaitwi ohcu be imae
for traveling expenace by 6ny depertzmt or thla State
In exoea6 of the amount of money ltemlted bantn for 66id
PUrpo~. 'Phi6 prOvi6iOn 6hall be epplIsable t&en the
Ita~ for traveling s*pctness be peid out or the apprapria-
tloan OS tho general huta, a-00: feea, reoelpts or spaai81
fuada 00ii00t0a by virtue of 00rtm.n l6w6 or thI6 State, or
rro5 other fUnd8 (axoluueira or Federc?l fu~aa) avnllablo
for use by e department.*
ROf6x6D66 to the OriFinal %X66 Unemployment Colnpenratlon
Act 86 p666e.d by the 3rd Celled Ztreslonof the 44th Lsgi6lsturs OS
Toxa6, seotiou 3.3 (6) tit184 YqmoIel Rm&,* We rtnd these word6 of
the LegIsleture oi Turns:
~'Thel-6la hereby orsrrtedin ths Skte Boastug- a
6peolal fund to be lcnorn a6 t&e *Uaolqploynmat CowimolcrtIan
AddXAi6trafiOD mud.' ha. mOD0y6 W&h ar6.dOpO6It84 Of
paid Into thI6 PLad ax-6 hr?r6by appropriate4 6~6 aado anii-
able to the ~orrrrdsrio~. All mCW?y6 iD thlt fund ahall be
6qwnbod 6Ohly ,Sor the 9UDDO66 oil &erDafiI& the Oollt oi
ad&I&6txatiOD Of this apd for DO Other QUD&!O66 *k&60-
ever. The fund 6hall oonsi6t oi all poaeys approQrIat&
br thi6 &Ate, 6ab eli taGn8y6 tcrOO&Yti CDOE the UDIt6d
State6 or hBOrIoa, or any agenoy thereof, lncltuI1~ ths
"Oaf&i SaOUrity Board slid the UDItsd :;t5tu6 &tl,nrp&xTIx6Dt
kl'YfQe, Or irOB ERY Other tJOUTO6, tOr BUOh ~Ul32066, and
ski611 be admIDI6ter64 5a~rate aad 6 wrt froo. all pub116
mxmy6 or funds of th16 t-i&e. All mmey6 In thI6 tuad
ahall ba depo5Ited. admIDInter6sb urd al bu a, In the
56D8 6mumor aDd under tbo sase aOndItI$6 2: requuwmntm
Law for other 6peaiel rUDa6 in the stat0
i+ss$F$ by
naereoorIng our61
?&a iasnguage or the appmpr:StioR bill mkO6 00 66mS'St6
provisfoa for biSbur6ID6 spsolel toDdr;~~butlndlostes th6 sawa
xwstrlotlonrr apply to all funds dIubur6eb by tb6 Btata.
The 66otIon quot.& above ha6 remalmed a part of the TuaS
uncrqp~ym0Dt Co6qcDeetlon Act thrOu@h It6 tdriou6 6&8lbdEODt6 eid.i6
Tst 6 part 0r tba law of this Etat4 upon t&l6 particular 6ubjoOt.
Th5 undsri!~ned sentenoe in tha above quoted sootlon tn4Iaatss to u8
that %t woo the IDtentI6Dof the LsgiirriRtur66t the ~rIgInn1 par66436
of this lae tbet the I’uadO 23hi6Od u&ier bhl6 law 6Dd the fuad6 OOri-
trlbuted to thle ftate by the B&em1 Gov’emaaat 6hOUld go into a
Hon. Orville ;i.Carpcrit*r, Pa&r 25
op.?clal lk~I, but ttlat speoial furid ehciu;& be aafzinlotbred ma c.i:+
burtzed lb the 66~8 wanner ux! under the s6ae con<lonses 1-u yro-
tided rcr all 6peclal rr;nCr; in tLe :tats.
ie now ccnnldar
_. the__iast_ ax;troos?on
- . of oi;r Tc3xm6 L6&a.a-
- _
tw6 upon the erpsnaltur36 CT :unau By tke tace epnalor sna aepan-
n6nt8. 5eotion 6 or,tta epproprlatloabill or the &8t es68ion of
the Texas Legi6~tUrrurrdarthshea4lmg ~ravol.iicg~pw6w,*ase
4potcd ia an aarllor pqrtlon 0r this oplnloa, in&lontos that the
iagialature intamlea the rsrtrlctlona upon tha eqmnbiturs6 at the
Sun60 et the :tat6 of Psu and of the fur.46 under tts control of
the state Or 2'orss sboul6 apply to all Sundo dlmburaod cad erpendsd
under tha gpnoral 1LtPltatlonr ao laid c?own under SoctSon E OP the
appmprlatiot, bill. i3eetlon :a ) wa6tr the h$mdltq ‘“4rcrvollngi.x-
peaowP read6 as. follows:
*tie trarelLng sspsnaea 6hmll be lnourred by any em-
ployoo of any 01 the dspartreonta, or othar agenalas OS the
gO~OnuUnt, OUt6ide Oi th0 boU~&ri~ Or the St&8 Of %WKI,
amapt rer state boslneaa cllrwtly oenas~ him own de-
partawtor a@wioy and no rwh srpaaaeu ahai?. be paid iron
tho 5kte appropriations or out or any looal of ra*l3&.ry
St;ncs by the Ctato Cozaptroller to IXII
engloyea or any.a&enoy
0r theGimemment, until aad itales88 mittion cltatamti~~
sdgwd by ttieAttomoy General., rdvl8w tbpt the gurpo8i:
Qr the pmpasbd trip, la tileoplniea, 18 for ~14 St&c ,btui-
ncoar‘purpores; *hlch.rrittanopirrioo.
&all hare, bean Sl;Ld
in advaaw with the E;tata Ceaptmllar, and signed dupliaato
tha~r.uh the dlsbu.rwtgorricer at nwh mqmottveagmmy
0r the &xmmaw?xlt.-
C-action(0) quoted ubevt is voFy bnMd in it6 lUk@lWW rrh0n
it mQUiT.6 that eny ermployse oi any OS the depart-meats or other
e.pnajce of the goierawezit 6hQl aospl7 ritb tts prorfalens am rr0t
out t&ar6in, The only 6x01 tlea provided lor ia tai6 Sootion 1s
mat raf'Y Dagsrtkeat en trlpo to the CAltdl
of the Attorney Ci~&a
Statas E;uprcrw Court and to appear betor the Federal Co6~6iallm,
the AdJutant Csnerd when sppsarlng: in F:eUhiagtoa berare tbs MT
Eapartmnt, mmibarn or 04?1Oy%e6 0r th6 riallroad CO6%&68Lon attod-
1~ headage ud aaaian~ocu held In othar status or In rectshirrgtoa,
D. C., inVcSl?itig mbB8 and/Or tNXI~~thA Patkm Ad wt eOpP17
w'iththis ~aatfon. Tkls aeatlou or ths lnw appears to ba a striot
lleitaflon oP the tight or an7 peraonr other than thou@ exorpted to
travel out or the litate without nonpiianar wlttrthis portlw of oiu!
appreprlatlon biil.
Ssctlon (t2)quote& above afate thet %O SOOh OXpUAB*S
shall be pda rm8 ?Ztate appropriation8 or out oi aW looal or
Eon. crvlile !.. Carpen:rr, ?ege 4
auxiliary fund6 by the Ststs Cwptreiler." The funds tranersrhl to
the ‘iksaeury or this Stat0 ara tar tha a4ednletratIon 0r the unera-
plowed Corspen6atlon~hot and am given to the Gtate for ttiagurpoee
0.r s66i6tlng the, rtate 0r Tcrae to oarr7 out the tam 0r the un-
ec.plo7InentCoupensatIon Aot.
Under 36Otion 2 of the ~pproprietlon8113 OStha 46th
Leglslatura,Section (b), 'Unltad states Fuu&and Aid," we Slnd thetee
word6 or the L6&Ieletura:
Vha proper orrl66r or ofiiasta OS an7 Ftata Da-
pedmnts, bureaus, or 6lvleleae uc b ta tc
r em
hamby suthorlesa to wks application for an4 looapt any
girts, gmate, or dlot6t0nte 0r rund6 iron tba Unitd Cwernmentto be usad 00 Etate 00e~oret1vaand
other Federal projeote and pm&rams in Texas, laaluding
oonetr~6tlun of publlc buildinga, mpelre, and imPpmra-
mente. Any of euob Pcdaral Funds as play be depoSited
In the Stat6 Trsaeury are lamb7 approprlata4 t6 the
6gsOific @ll-Q0666uthorIta4 by the 7sdaral Govewnment."
&tot&m 13 (a~)of the Un6eqlomant C ueation tit quota4
2n an aarliar portion of this opinion ep*alfloal
T 6876 that tha
moas76 tnnsre~0d to tha State 0r Xoxae 07 tba 7646ralOwa~at
are plsaad in the rpealal fund atong with the other funds tor the
UnMQlOpent Cempenee~on Cemle8ion. Xn order thet those fun66 ~7
be gottea out or tho 8tate Tmaeury the portion of ths approprlrtlun
bfia hat quoted abwa, appmprlatae th66e m6ne7e for the uses auth-
orized by thd todeml Gevems6nt.
The rayulrament of Saotloa lb) under tba heeding *Trav61-
lng fxp6ri666* or the Appropriatlun Bill quoted 00 pag6 23 0r this
partleul6r opinion rapulrcra tbat 611 fravallng axpon8ae of tha
Stat6 aganolss under th6 oon4ltlone stated thsmia paf4 fmei &at6
appropriation or out or any looal or auxlllary fun4 by the State
Comptrolle;r autst first bo appmosd by the Attorney b6aoTd. Th6
fuud in question am66 to this State an an auilllarp fund, but
bsrore it 66n be titbdrawn from ths 8tato Treasury lt rauribbe appm-
priated out of the Treasury 66 h66 basm done by the Legiuhture.
The restrlotlone as to approval of out of 6tat6 trav62 applies
whether it be conel&arsa "apprbprlata4d" or *aUllIer7 fund.*
Th6 quo6tlon as to *hother the Uaitation applies to
ffismbereof a coe0d66lon 16 answers& In tha
tion e, under Trevellng glIpenee6, Ssotlon
"-xcept as othsmise speciMx4ly exelepted, t&e
provisions cr tliiskci atoll also appiy to departmmt
heecs and accabersof ooixminmion~.*
No apeoiiic exemption In mada to your Coamlsulon.
You are, the&ore, advised that in the opinion or thb
Iiepartmentthat it is neoessary,siiaotlreSeptember l, lOSO, undsr
the provlslons or the DapartmontalAppropriation Bill for the current
blsmlua ror aeabers and ereployees or the Texas OnemplojrPuwt COIR-
pensatlon Corcmilralon
to RBOure tha approval OS the Attornep.General
ror travel out of the State upon budnose oonaam~ the rdrainlstra-
tion or the Tsxas Unen;ploymatCoapensation Aot.
Your5 very truly
APPROVED- '30,1039