Bonoroble Charlor 8. Ua?Ui~lsn
couuty Attome
aan augurrtlae county
San Augustine, TOXM
r 0r agtite 31, 193~~
9peTtmnt as to
ar provided In Bofo\nra
the provl~lonof bxtlele
when no newspaperintho
he 85, par line na.rSmum set
46th ~6lShtWO; SOOtiOn (d),
eroadant ln such suit 10 a ma-
0r th0 amndtd heir8or any deoeaaed personera
uulmorm to ruohattornoy, and ruob rQOt8 are co-
alted in the petition, rerrloo oi notloo by ub-
1iOQtiOSl 1s bare0 QUthOri2.d in laOh Qd Q S or
suoh oh(lea, nnd a I 1 derendanta or ol~es08 enumer-
Xon. Char106 8, EoLUllan, Fw Z
wook6; the rirrt publlcntlon to be LIot 1066 than
fourteen (14) QJB prior to thb rlr6t dap or the
tbm or court to whioh rrturmble~ 4114 the airi-
dotit oi th6 editor or ublisher of tho newspaper
giving the Cot68 of pubPla&ion, together with a
prlnteb aop of the BOtiCb 68 publl6htd attaohed
t0 Such not f 08 8h4li COIStitUtO 6Uiii6~6nt prOOf
or duo publloailon when rottmed and.flled in
court, If there 18~0 newspaper publlshod In the
oouat7, thoa 64ld publlootlon ma7 b6 mdo la a
nowpaper ill46 odjolnlw oount7. x Bl4xlmum rb0
or mu and Ono&ilr (et) Cent6 por line (6 worda
to oount ror 6 line) ror auoh insertion m47 be
taxed for publishl~ said notloo, Ii the publl-
oatlon or 6tIoh nOti o4lmOt bo had r0r 6uoh r66,
then serrloe or ths notloe heroin prorldod ~7 be
maa0 by poetlng 4 00py at thb courthouse door or
tho county in whloh tho 6tit l6 pendin& 6UUh no-
floe to be pO6tbd at le46t r0mbbn (141 days prior
to the iiret day of the tora oi Court to whloh it
16 returnable. #‘bn not100 is 61tOXl 86 berain pro-
vldbd lt 6h6ll b6 6uiriOibItt, and no 6thor r0rn 0r
oitatlon or notloo 6hall be nooossary on ruoh do-
ArtlolsSQtr of the Carired Clril Statute6 of Tbxne
*xt I8 the plupoae0r tb16 Aot to provide a
lo@ rat0 or char50 ror publlootlon6 aroroscdd
TOefATdlO66of the 6ouroe of the fund out of which
it 16 to be paid or the purpose Of 6UOh publloa-
tlom, whether herein areatlonodor not and aooord-
iq to 411 &w6, apbOi& Or 601W4k bb r4Ot
that thoro may be a statute on a partloular or
6pbOi41 6ubjeot dealing wlththo rubjbot matter
or this Aot ahall not prevent thlcl Aot applying
to the 6ubjeot mttbr of any SUCb 6tatutOr Wlth-
out lntbndiag to lxolude any other publloatlon to
whloh thlr sot applier, it 18 6poOi4u7 proride&
that thlr dot ahell apply to oltatlona or aotloos
of #in7kind ln drlinquont tax rult6 and those un-
du Art1010 3757 of the Revised Clril Statntoa,
and the hot that publloatloonr108 be posted or
printed in certain intstaarresshalSJnot prownt
thi8 AOt Qpplyw t0 6UCh pUbliO4tiOn6 ii tho7
4re prlatod in a now6p4por. hpvldod th4t if said
nbnpapbm refueoto publish lo@ not1006 in 601
oordaaoowith the term6of this hot, then raid
loed notloos may be pO6tQd.'
8011. Charles 3. uO:!lllaa,Fnw 3
Ia theo4ee of Sohl?ttler T, Flnc, 81 S. 1;. (26)
546, the Ft. Eortb Court or Clvll Qpmlb construed :stio~b
29a in 0onneotlon ~11th ArtlClo 380(3of the "nori~odCivil
st4tutb6 or ifw. Artlo 3808 fe a atotute uhloh WE
emoted by the La~l6lature mny yaors priorto the enact-
ment or :irtlolo We in 1925. ;.rtlclb 5008 6ots a mf2xlmm
Or Fir0 ($6.00) D0114r6 46 the a!munt that OUIIbe paid a
newspaper ror tho print* or a notioo 0r sale. xr no novas-
paper oould bo found In the county to print add notloe nt
th4t price, then 6aid notlco uan bo posted at three public
places in the.oountp, one of whloh should be tho courthouse.
The Court held thnt lcrtlole 294 had to be road into Artlole
3808 ao that the notlcos of sale oould not bo posted es pro-
vldod in So08 unless no nem .por ln the county Wuld print
the 6amaat the Pate Of tb POWe6t olsselfltd adrbrtisfng.
Artiole &a W46 p4SSOf.t 6Ub6O