Dr. LO. Toule, Prw&b&at, page 2
reiittedthe appllaant, under the name 01 301.
c Rogers, t4 take the minatlon subjeat to
lpprwaldterobta%nlnga rullngfromy~ur de-
partment* Ro@M8 has parsed the oSWd.natien,
aad the pueslifbion
now is whether o? aot he 18
en?ltled to a ltaoaf3~~
filed ia Eaxrla uouuty is&ninst Sol. f. Ro@m8
SW praatioingOptaswtrynitho*.a lloenee~ 0a
lhpo dirferent oomplalntr the ahaX&08 noxa' tlU+
ai88a&, at the requed of the Dirtrlot Attorney,
and QIIthe third eom~laint3he drlonaant;~Sol~
t. Rogera, waei IOU not eullty.*
ArMalma 598s ana 69% ot~ths~Rovi5abClrilstat-
uteema4 a8 fd.laet
4$&rte59S09 3henever a4 prawn ahall
uhange hi@ orlglmii naxm and adopt another, it
sbau. not operate to.~lease h5.m fiapr my XW-
sponsibillty whldh h&May have inaurmd by the
original n~ame nor defeet~or4le~trop 6uaY rl@ts
ur property br aotion rhloh the personhad or
held +I his ori&inal nam¶**
Rbferrfngto examlnatiqpls 'sgh;~fi~8~fij&
akamlnaxa in optolzbstxy,Art1a1s 3
w&ah applumnt ehall be given duo aotfoe
ai:the data and glaoe of examlnatfon~ All et
batloos Sm writing and
bf gt~oh other sea@ as the board shall deter-
Dr. Ji.0. Toule, Proeiceat, pge 3
mine adequate to asoertain the qusllfitmtiona’
Of~aj&+utk, aa& in &oh maunec as ehall be
SntiZo~ fair and impartial to all indiv~duaJ.8
ad wox .rOOo(pl5~a 8~hOOi Of OphM¶~. AU
applio6nb era;;inad at the 8aue time 8hall be
&iV8@ iduo*iOti @&3'&iOlI8r .Phe beard may we-
tube to a&ilt prsona to its esanii.nuti* or to
issue l&mums for pap orthe rollawing ma*
‘1. Ti8 presentation to the bokpd of any
untrue mtatement ox any doaumsnt or te8tUonp
g3.aa.a; Ule@Uly ox $mwlulently obtaiaed,
d or doaeit ha8 been praotlaed in
T eraslnatlosi.~
Tipweiore,you are reipedfully dvised that it
.te the opinion of thl8 d&tprtmeZlt that the r-8 stats
i3wd 0r imwbl21) in optoarstrjr ~0~16 not ba jU5tima
or hare the withhold a liaenas to pracltloe
optometry from Sol; J, BOaer5.
Trwstlng that tha foregolag fully answeri pour
Dr. W3. iowls,Prasibsnt,page 4
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