700 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon.u6lter C* waoawara, - paE;e, 2 few sol’tho ourrentfisti bLtmdtm,you 6x-eodrisea that uo adhero to the eoncludon heretofore yessed in our op%nlon tie. o-117sr as iollows: *Iiere we have no a pcoprlabthn but what appe6m pcroly a all-eation to tale togi8laturs lteelf to later make the ap It is @te true, in this oomeotlon, that the infen& of the law le the law the 6ourta Ere reW&, Sn Cullgently for the intfM%On Of tb efhen the infeat %.a plainly the etatuta, It oust be g.W Ill OUF O@lhll, the &l&d8t pro~tion shaula be Imae in the aepartmontal agJpc@a- td.cukb~ie plljslJsabalearly e3cgaWssad infbolfw$Wg0 uotja in the onaoat abwe quotea, anu thwefara we 6re not at liberty to resort to wx3truetion~ sl~~ture, it is tiens for the BOIL. alter C. Iloocluara - pagea the went tBe 6tWiutea of t&e 8*rte of TM a thmt ally amountj seer or fmdo epprogwlatadtabe paSa out of loaal or epaaialfees or fur&, that the mmebe 80 pa&l out of the saldloaalo epeohl Sees or funb Snetoetl of pa&l out of the gensml Mtae beinff hmb. Thoefseetofth&Ii6topw¶dethatiifbo etatutes of-the State of PycaapeUdy+o +a1 0~ ape&& Se00 or fimtm to me PaJment of 0ertaln items of "p"""' for payment OS suah items ahal ba amnmts approga-iat66 fratheuddqeoialorleoalSeemmimdm~ If P eappwp4.atlonisfP0mtheg~fMd~aadthe etatute dedicates lwal or spaojal faas or fuailato tha payment of SudI lteme, the pj?tieII quoted opermtee te apply mal lO@xLl Gr rpcwisl feelI OS-funafI foosrd fbe pEy- Beat of wah apprapPlcb~befetorcraart~lmybabdfo AI& ip the statuteaeho?lld xpvnide %t"~ttii?& g~erpss aihauld be gel& Mly trolr dedlaate&laa8lorqeainlreesor~,thicr quoted pwwoa would operato to .xw&re the poJment Of aaain$s appvo)rAataa far l5uah itaI%e tmaluaofvely frml sa%d loa8z or spa&ilfeoe or funds, inafaad oftrcwthe genf3ral SUM. Inother uord.s,itwemethotthlsriaa p?o- ~isionwas ZntSnaaaby fhebeg5sl~ture as ablanket o;lau5a oorreet5ng *pproprSatSoao lnskivertently medo fro01 the general Sunl Mwaw epswiol See0 or Asrde are waSI- able fer their amd epproprbt5oue lnadv~ent1 Bade fmm only 1Seeorfumlwheretheatalbu ?e 6 of the State a the applUat;lon of other loea or spooial See tWWd the pO=t Of 8tWh Sp. Ipopr5atlom ae well‘. coourtrylnk the prwl~ quoted abwo srfm sr B. 80s. 404 aryf42'1 togethfsr, we are OS the ophioa that it use the lee;lslntive ta mi* intent that the 703