Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

653. OFFICEOFTHEA~ORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Homrabls Joseph r. Blah&8 City Attorney ior Cwldo Mills Ysdlaal Art8 Bullding Ureenville, Tax68 Dear Sir: We 66lrmmledg6 letter of reeent~ date and quote trim yo red to lasue moh autL6r0t19D1 the 188uanoe of bonds for the ng w6h lndebtednee8?w re that we undemtand your questloam do beliwe that we understand then newer themwlth referen to the e8 we onUer8tand them. The total emouixtor wanaatls lnrolved fe oalf #Z,OoO end for that rea8on no t6raalitisr rere reptrlr6d prelitaimaryto their ltmmme. There epp6are to have bean a eufrlolent px levy at the time the warrant8 w6r6 imsed. 6.52 Eonoreble Joseph F. Riohols, Ootober 19.1939, page #2 Ir th6g wore Ieeued In paymmt or a valid debt, and It appear@ tbat they were, then nith this tax levy, they were svidently valid, because Item of indebtedness of $2,000 and less are exempt iron the other formlltles required by the Bona and ?:aW?3otbW Of 19% The Bond and Warrant Law or i931, Sectlon 7, Sub- neation (d), authorize8 ruch mrrantr to be iunded Inte bonds; but authority to fund auoh warrants Into funding warrants ssena to be absent tram the law. Therefore, It app6ers thatthese warrants 8hould either remain In their original form or be funded by the Iemanae or runding bonds. (Hot funding warrantr). Ii suoh funddingbon&a am be lmmed, then they muat be 1smed undtr Article 236sa, Rerf86d Civil ~atut.66 Or 1925, and your attention Is oalled to the three week0 publloetlon 0r e SO-day notice a8 provIdea by mbseotion (a) of Seation 7 of the abov6 mentioned law. V6ry truly yours ATTORXEY UW OF TEXAS COB-s APPROVEDOCT 24, 1939 ATTQEWEy GENERAL OB TEXAS 0 APPROVED CPINICN COMMIITEI! &gL