Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE Al7ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. A. E. Slokerson county Auditor Conroa, Toma Dear Girt OPlnlon HO. 0 Se reoeiosd your letter or whioh you request our opinion on the *When a taxpayer set by a oompromire jlaa by the dish-lot ju4 mre to settle tllir rnitfgthe 18snan00 of the writ ai the district anb oounty courts. 8 rtatute relating to the tim OS the e on tax ju4&meBtr, suoh orders of enwa1 atitrtter in this reapeot. 1 statuteror Texam, rsmdr em r0im 0r 8 diatrl0t 0s 00anty 11 tax the oosts In every ent Ia 8 been rendered, roe ouoh jud@sent and 1, Retimed Oitll Statutea~ rettdm expiration of twenty daya frcm and ltion of a final jub$ment in the d%r- nty oourt, a nd ltter the overrulingof any motion therein for a nau trial or in arrest of jtbipimt, if no eupetreUea6 bond on appeal or writ of error has bea filed and ap,protr&, the 010x% r-1 issue exeoution upon atah judgimentupon sppll~tlo~ of the ruaaeaeiul#rty.* Eon. A. E. :XIokereon, Page 2. A olose reading of these statutee reveals that e&u- tlon'my Issue after the adjournment of the court or after the expirationof twenty days froaand after the remlltlon 0r a final judgment. The tiw within which the executionmy Issue is.regulsteaby the @ate of the're;#;Io; drnye judg- ltentand not by the data of Its entry. . . . The 4wt.yto Issue an ereaution intposadon the olerk after the adjounmeat of the oourt doea not arise until appli- oetlon b made fqr the srlt by the uaner cf the judgment. The owner of the judgment,, i.e., the plaintiff or hle trana- feree. has exoluaire ooutrol urer Its 0oUeotion an4 Ia tha only person entitled to 0011 for the writ. Arthur vs- Driver, 127 6.W. 891; 18 T. J. 559. Having pointed out above the earlledt tlm rlthln vhioh the order of sale miy lame, wu would further obeene that at any time thereaftertha oounby attorney may oauso the order of sale to 'Issueunless the jtatlgmmt ia paid. Youre wiry truly Or TEXAS ATTQRURY QlQJ7jRAL