Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. Bert PO&., Administrator Texas Llpuor Control Board Auatl n, Texas We quote here ter or Auguut 9th oontaini.ng a reuueut to u8 tada duQartamt as iallowst in Dallsa, aal to rhfob be had not tbaratehre beat ordered to rmun. 234 Iion.Bert Ford, Administrator, Page 2 a past of hie expenses for room and wale. h?r.Pope is not submitting any expense ao- oount fok hle bill at the hoepital other than above ment loned. In the event you find this mrmnt 18 due, oould It be paid out of our ourrent appropriatlonel~ The payment of %raoellng expense* am allow06 to the rarloue orfioere, aeeietante, deputies, olerke and other employeee in the vartoue departments of the &ate government, out or any runde approprSated by the Leglela- ture, ie governed by the language of the general statute reIating thereto. Astlole 6823, R. C. S. oi 1925, as amended, be- ing the atatutee rererred to reads at3follower .- *The trarellng and other neasesary ex- .pensae lnaurred by the various offlaere, assistants, deputies, olarke and other em- ployees in the various depafirasnte,instifu- tione, boards, oommlselone or other eubdlvl- eions or the State Oovernmnt, in the aative dleaharge or their duties ahall be tyah as are epealfioall~ fired and appropriated by the Legislature in the general appropriation bills providing ror the exp~et38 0r 'theStat.0 coverwent rrom year to yefar..... It will be nated that the above statute does snt unqualliledly authorize or allow trwellng expenea but oon- taine words of llmitatlon,~whlah in effeat, states *travel- ing and other neoeesary expeneee inaqred br the ra3?loa8 ofriaers....in the aatlte disahar e oftheir dutie eball be euah as aGe=ly + xe anhapprop -d a 8 ..d.* We find the follow%ng language uood by the 44th Legfelature in the general appropriation bill applloable, Seation 2 thereof, the,pmvlaione or rhlah are to be oon- strued with the above statute: w....(e) Ai1 em~loyese traveling at the expense or the state, are hereby limited to Eon. Bert Ford, .kdmlnlstratar,Pago 2 ther0u0ring amounts ror male and lodglng~ for male not exaeedl (1.20 per day, for lodging not exaeedlng7 2.00 per night, for mosey aatmlly SxpendSd only;.... “(f) The following rule shsll be obsenml by.all State smploySSe In rendering their ox- pence aaaounts before any lxpenee shall be pal4 from appropriatlon hsreln ma&S Sor *traveling expenses*: “41.)There must be a oonoiee etato- mnt of the duties parioraed.... S(2) The a~- or hot81, rSetaurant, boarding or roawlng houeo in whlah meals end lodging are prooured e&l1 ba given In every aaso where a reeelpt 18 rSquIre4 undSrthe aat....” In aanrmatlon with your roqwit, our lttSStlon has bean dlreoted to a rormr opinion rendSn4 by Bon. Leon Xoeee, Assistant Attorney Oensral, dlreated to you under date of September 1, 1937, a aopy of WhlOh you no doubt bmo in your riles. Xt 18 apparent from the opinion of Mr. Moses, hating the partloular e.xpenm aoaount eub- witted and before him at the tlmS, that his aonaluelon wSS reaahSd as a raeult of eSl.4expmm aoaount falling ta dlealoee ary duties wrtorm4 or that durl&g thS perla4 of aonflnewnt to the hoepltol Mr. Pope was not ShgSgS4 in the aatual dleahsrge ot NE 4utlsS. wo are foraS to aeume that tbS aoaount rae aarreatly eubSitts& as you do not aon- tend any error in SSWS in your letter nor are sny iaot8 aontaln& therein dleoloelng any duties bslng p~rtOrme4 by Er. Pope while being aonflned to the hospital. It is therefore, the opinion of'this 4SputmSnt that Er. Pope 1s not entitled to draw his #S.20 QSr 4~y Hon. Bert Ford, Administrator, Page 4 inkrmd 15 1931 for expenses ror rooms an4 meals during tha period at oonfinement in a hoepl tal, not being en- gaged at the time in thS aatlre aleaharge of Ne duties. Yours very truly RAL OFJTEXAB , - % J!f? lung Aueleta5~ APPROVEDS~ 1, 1939 L.-J--5 ATTORNEYGENERAL OF l'EZ#S