Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Fiobert P. ratlen. Jr., Fag0 4 841 IIonorabls Eobert F. lidden, Jr., -age S Article 654 or the.Penal Code of Texas read8 a8 follows: "If any parson ehall establlrh a lottoay or dlspoee or any estate, real or pms~nal, by lottery, he 8hall b4 riasa not 144s.than on* hundmi; DDr more than onb thousand dollam; or ii any pbr8on 8ha11 ~11, Oifbr ror .8mXb, or kbop ror 84&i any ticket or part tlak8t in.any lot- tery, h4 ehall be iinsd not 10~s than t&n nor sore than f1ft.y d6llara.” The ca% of F4atheratqrg v. Itidaymd4nt ,Servi4q Station A8SOCtiS&.iOn,10 5. ~W. t&s) 184, ~SlteQ by ytaa ln your bar, dbrinb.6 a lottery .a6 rollw6: *A lottbry for all praotioai 'purposesmay hb definctU.ae any UOhbmb far $hb dlcitributlon of prOma, by Lot ~41 QhanQs, whw8 4heoff pay- ing #iOnby Ol' giViryJ othor 'thlngSOf~ral.VBka anethe obtains a tbkbn whioh bntftles ,hia to raaeivb a larger or sma1Lor value or ,mthlng, am mom rormula or 0haneb map detbrinLns.* Rankable Robert r. Peden, Jr., page 4 You are respeatful.ly adrlaed that It 15 the opinion of this Department that under the authorltles cited above, the *Aae8 Quiz NlghW~ rokyune or plan, ia a mI.otterya and in violation of Artiols 654, Pendl Code OS Texan. Trusting that this satl8faotorily answer8 your inqulq, we are Very truly yours ATTORNZY GENERAL OF'TEXAS APPROVEDA% 12, 1939 ATTORI?EY GENERALOF TEXAS