Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. mYin Ii. mcwn, Jr. CJ3~!&nal. DistriatAttorney Fort Jorth, Toxae Dear Sir: Oplnlon No. O-1180 city orriaers e prieoner turn- e berore the wer- ustice Court, upon the above state& hi8 department. 8 0r Criminal Proaedun,; 8 shall be taxed fop a pulc t perfomed, or for a aerviee ly provided by law. 0pini0~ mio; 305s or thi8 dep43h44t ble 18 not entitled to a fee 0r TWO reading a warrant or arrest to a e matorist irein the cnsltodyand under ay Patrolmax&and that a oonstable is ree r0r surmemain g witnesses unlese ha act*aallysumoned sucrhwltnessea. We are enolaaing, herewith, a 00~7 or oanferenee opinion No. 9068 0r this ilepartrmlt. This department&as repeatedly ruled that 401~ stables, and other pea&e eiiloars, are only entitle& to aoileot rsas for %ervloee a0tuaU.y perform& Eieespin- io~e Nom O-106 mid G-768 of this despartzlsnt. Alao see opl~lan written by Eon. Leon 0. kasee, AssietuitAt&- ney G%mral dated @amh 5, 19%, addreeeed to Hon. Wl- tm Grear Al, County Attorney, Gi&mt, Texm$ also 444 0pllaioR0r thla d4partr;ent Wx~ttM by &xi. iroesharp, Aaslstant Attorney General, dated Jun4 14, 1934, addrese- a& to HOR. LO. Osborn, County Attorney, Cmton, T%x%a. IOU nre, thererore,t%sp%Otitilyadvised that it,ia the 0phion 0r this dbpartnant th4t your qua4ttiaa shi.aU be anstmwd in the n4gtMve. Tru3tlIq that this anawBr8 your inquiry, a. are V%rftruly rour4 AppROlQJl JUL 31, 1939