Eonorabla @eo. U. Cox
8t6t@ Health Offiaer
Almla, Taral
0r IIPPTOY~ 0f uty
io nto th elx o lu-
a r r eo &tB it1 88
o p en-
d XlllcOr dina na8b r a p tahdy
de, do ee th isla wa p p ly to
any r sa tio n6
o r g r o r ido ne
ch lr o unaonrtitutioml?
sOOtion c 0r hdm.~ mob, panal o060, lprovlaerr
EOIcn.coo. we car, Page 8
permitted to be lerred to tie publlo, shall
furnishgo aayproon $t illoh,roorpteolo,
or otsnollused in batIn&,drinking, Or .OLL-
reying rood if ouch dish. rea edabla, or
otimil hca not been washed arter eaah lervloo
Until elcan to tke right and touch in warn water
aontcinln~g acen o r llkoll 0leanSer. After
ueiming, ell glK88c8, dishes, ollveruare, lad
other reaepttalea and otenollo ohall ba plead
p wire rakes and fnaneroed
ln a St111 bath of
clear wetar heated to a lPiBiwur temereture of
ppr r or at 1860 t tbr et tinuteo. or two tinuteo
t 1804. Vwn remora~l rror the hot water. all
-h ~~~l&~i,~olirerwari,uul other reaip-
6aolaoan& otenolloshell be storedin ouch a
mmner as not to becomerontaxlaatrd.Froorlded
that the State Board of Eealth may approveother
rauelly errectire 16~thodsof treatment by steeni
Qr hot water thet n;ect with the Qlnimum r.aulr.-
me&o ror the octets o? the rmbllc
prescribed by the 3tete BO d f Eealth. that
are not lnccnolatent with %o’Aot when paper cream ooneo, or okcr olnglo
oarrice utensila em used for oervlxw rood or
drinks, they mot be ke t in a oaaitary mar,
Eeated rrom bust, r&0, and other oont5Ielaa-
"Provided that the provi5lon0 of this 8eo-
tion shall not apply to ouch eotabllahmento
described herein thet uou elootriaallT operated
&iohwaohlo,g and glaoowoohlng omohine0, that 88-
complioh these purposao mechnoloally.~ (Under-
lo o r la ogur s
The requlrmento of the above quoted oootlona,ro
alear and omubl~ouo.
Dloheo rea taoleo and uhonoilo, all defined
in 8eation 1 (i), (3, anb to) or the Aotp;Y;ytFb
vloe, must be umshed *in mrm wet- aonta
allcall@leanoer*berore they oan larfullybe uoeb again.
This lo a standard raqulmnant or the Aat.
The Oeoond nqulrermnt lo that liter @leeniX%
the dioher maoiptaeleo,and utenoilo'be 9laoed in *in
eases aad keroed in a still bath OS aleer watep Of PM-
oorlbed taeperature. This is 82.~0a &andard roqulrement~
Eon4 (ko. U. Cox, Page 8
There are ,m+msla so?tlont.~.
In the first pleoo, tnere 10 we lanorlty vested_-lo the
&ate Booardof Bealth to wapprete other equally erreetln
methodsof treatment (lladrrooorlng
0~8) as ray be pnr erd or Xalth
anb t&et tre net incons1eten: vltt, the AQt. Seoozdly
lotobliahmenta ~81~ eleotrleall~ operated diohveoh&
and ~asowiahlng zmohlneo arc exoapted rmc. the repuire-
rents of the oactlon.
The firat quootion prepouaded is whether the +et
requires the we by mtinglotabl~obme&gcp a= car&in
gti Of .quimnt ror 0016&dyi116 vith the iritun~:on of the
Qeotio8 I! nqulreo aoges* r0r l8aeroioii or
da8fng Purpooeo aaleon Board
the of Eetilth
%tate apprmeo
Other equally effeotl~e uthedo or treatoient by atoe& or
hot water that meet with the a113.a rswtra;;snts for the
Mt@tT of the publla haslth.
There oan be PO question but thet the law nakbo
itaaadatorr to rinse 418hr8, moeptholerr, and utenollo
‘Uter rl*aning” If the Who Board or Boelth lpprovoo
l oubstltute nwthod of diobwaoti5 and riaoth6 - by otoum
or hct water treakent to tbat set out In Smat$ont, as
it is on~owerhl to do, it In5 tbe reaponoiblll~~ of seelag
that the prpoos~~ of the Aat aa the alntaun! r@qulrueato
.rorthe flUSty of the publio health are pot OOntroTenOd.
The answer to your rirat queotion is thst Artiolfl
OOOb 0r tbe Penal Cots, Vtrnan~o Aoo. GriPline1 Ytatuteo,
doer not require the uee of any oertain kind of *q&meat
ter om~lytng ,r;ftbthe pnr4mnmt objective of the law 1. lw
the otorilloetion of dishes, ceaept4aleo, utenollo, 4th the
eraoption OS *tire oa5eon ror lmeroing purpooeo where the
method okplop!&ror sterilization 10 the standard~thob Of
washing r& rintfng pteocribed in Seotlont of the Jet and
where the Btcto Board oi Beclth has not unotioned a diil@r-
oat an4 equally effective method of treatment br otmzd or
hot aster ror aarrying cut the lntentlonof the LtglfllsfPre
as authorized in 8eetion B of Artiole 7OOb.
The osaond question Ia wltothor or not
the atat
Board or Health is linited under Artlale 700b to the ifloU-
log of approval or anf steam or hot rater ltorilioatien tc
the excluolanof all obomioolotoano.
Bon. oeo. u. car, Page4
wr again quote th e r ir a tp r eYh elr 08a tfo Bnr
Vrovidab that th8 che8e*ra 0r
._ -_ .__mhith-. r~
mrzote omer mua11y~err~ectave aiathoaaor traat-
a&t by steam or hct water that Qa6t with the rinl-
'mm zeaulrtumt.8for tba ra?ctY of the oublithtalUI,
a8 ~raacrlba&by the State Boi& 0f~Eaei1th, that
art not inaonaiattntwith this h@. (mldrraaorlng
The languagela olaar an? oxplialtto 't& ofroot
that if tha Board of Raalthauthgrizra a aubatitutamethod
r0r the atendardmathod af waa~in"umnwater eoontalnioing
and rlnaln6by lmnmralon in water
8oap or alktli~tlaanatP+
o f a praaoribed temp a r a tur l
, a ub a tituta
n& h o d o f treat-
aeat must b8 *br steam or hot water*.
To aaoertain~tht true intentof the Legi&letura
lnQto bateralne whetheror not washingand lterilisatlon of
dlahea,reorptaolaa,and utanallaby ohaxdoalauna is ax-
oludodWler~Artlrla ?OOb, m m8t look to tht historyof the
rtcrniretlon of JiBhassot.
The origlnellawwts H. 9. I%. 645, hag. Sea., 48th
La!. , &eta 1937, pg 667, oh. .S53 ktlale 7OOa of tha Panal
00d0, V*~O~*S ReYlSd CriUl~l &tUtaa.
seation8 r ea ds l m followar
Ron. ho. 8. Cox, Page 8
"ProvIUeii the prwIalona 0r tbia 6aotloa
Shall not apply to a ua l
hatebllahmtnta, as de-
oorlbvd horein, that we lleatrleally operated
diabmshlng, en5 glaaawaahIn6 meohlnaa, that
looo?zpllsh thsae $mrpoaaa mooheDIoaU~.n
It till be noted that In 8oatloa 8 of the sow re-
pea108 krtlclt 700a there matho ab ltoriliaatlon warn p-
rided for: firat, washing in map or llkal.ine solution aM
rlnalng In clean wster; aacond, lteriliration by hbat or
boiling waf*r; third, ~aot’klng la a ablorlno aolutlon or a
8trangth of not leas than one htwlrad (100) parts per tillloa
ror not leas than rive (S) minutes, aubaequent to any us..*
&title 7008 ma rSp88ld by Art1818 1OOb. WsUon
L: of Artiolt 7OOb 8dopt.8tbt rfrat method of &otlorr 8 (d
&tic18 7008, quoted above, as a #tnndar&, but authorleoa the
Board of Health to approrc the leo o nfl
mSthob or Sectlo&8 o?
Article 700s as a aubatltute nethod. The new Act makes no
reference to the third method of Article 700(a), Seetlon t,
1. ?. ohlorlnb 8olutIon sotkIng.
There Isno eactpeiron the oonolutionthat the
~w~ayra crcludedtibia llthar by Int0ntIonor br
The wisdom of t particularlaw Is not far thhr
oourtc or'thoAttornef~ kitral*a t¶epart?pant to decide. It
ma wlthlr!the power of tba Leglalaturato llirrilaate a8 a
method of lagitation ~tbc 8OakIng at alahsa in a ahlorine lo-
In answer to your question Ifumber EC, thareforo, it
Is our opinion Wit under the ergrsaa wording of SectIOn g 05
Artlale 700b the Stats Boa& of Health 18 lImIted to the is-
aufng cf approml to nwthoda of trwttmentby storm or hot
water alone in lieu of the standard rcethod of treatment mot
out In said section.
In ennwer to ymr third woatIon, it IS our opinion
tbat QaLrleaand paatmrIzIng plantsfall within th6 dsfini-
tlon of *fsotorp In &t&on 1 (f) o?.hrti6la9OOb rvhleh1~
oludsa all plaosa In which la osrrlsd on the btaSimSS ot mmu-
taoturing or preparing food f?r himan oonrumption, *ad M
thererora nubjtot to the terms, provIsIona, raqufmment~, a
oonditlone of Article OOOb.
Station li reads as rollowe!
Eon. Gto. 1. 00x. Pago 6
340 pcraoas, firm, 6orporation, or 6raool6-
tlon orerating, xuanagliry,or conducting my food
feotory or Naee where r00t la aanuraotured ahau
080 or keep for use cay blah otsnall, ladlo, or
other lnetment, or any foe d grlnSlng mohine 6~~
implesnt that has not been mashed 6nd aterllized,
a8 ~nmidcd in the FreOedlXW s00tion 0r this 4t
r0r dish68 sad oth6r artlolea before each uae, of
keep for uwt. or u6e any illah, utensil, or other
lticle ror r00a that 1s oreaekod, brcktn, ohipp.6,
or othorwiao dmagod IE a mnaer to render proper
0166nlng or aterlllzlng doubtful or lmpoa~lblo.~
A ml1 doaerlptloa or the word. Velr~ 16 gl~en in
tha oaae of Aaaooaiotedfndolznity Corporttion ~0. alaon (Tax.)
51 s. w. (ma) si4, 319, at r0im8:
The ward *dairy* 1s betine& in ~obator*a
#aw fntornctlonnl Dlotlonery aa fcllowat The
place, roost, ar hourr whore milk la kept and
tooaverted into butter or oheeao; the dopart-
zeent0r rsmln~ or q a rem ttit is ooncsrnod
with t% pmluctlon of ndlk, butt6r, end ohooaot
Ana In the century Dlctlomry end Cyalopidla
publlahed in January, lg99,' la d6flrieC aa:
That branoh ar ramlng which 1s 6oonoaxns& with
the production of dlk en0 It8 oomor6ion intO
butter annd ohesse; a house or room whore ore60
and rnllk are kept end me&o into butter rob ohooao;
a ahop where butter, silk, etc., era aold.*
A m&elryw or peateurizine plnnt I6 plainly a W66e
whore toed is mnutsaturedw under A.rtlclo 900b Sootlon 5, or
l plsoe *in whiab 1s oerrlsd 00 the business of &BnUf6Otudag
or preparing rood ror oormmptlon* under hrtiolo 900b (f).
It 18 uot to bt read tat0 the 8tatUtO t?letit8
term end pruvialona apply aloly to plaoea where the food
preperetl or proooas6a la to be aonsuxed cn the prwidaoa. ‘I%0
bet IS a sanitary meeaure for the rotootlon of the publio
health, ana la not aimed exolt~sl~e E y at the rterllla6tion Of
afahoa ln oat&~ plasoa where r00u la 008mi7iee on the pr6-
El8.8. Furthermore, the tom8 wutenal16C and "r6osp~~l~~"
aa roll am ~dishtaw auggeet the broad en4 all-rmbmcl~
860 0 or the statute which hue rar ts purpoee publi0 awl-
t6tPon 6nb should not b6 aonatrusa in a maaaer which mulb
IfOh Coo. Wb Cot, Pam 9
Qefest its aelutsry ~-~oaca ?.I&?the obvloca intention or
the &Fd Sleturc. There 1~ absolutely no wia roaoon ror
aak:ng my exceytlcns urder tkt hot.
ha for your fourth question, we dam it lnadvla-
able ta answer
it because bi Its gtnarcl netwe, but in-
fom you that if there la any apecltlo Frovlclcr: of the
A&, the mlldlty of which you heYe grcuda fcr quobtion,
we would be glad to haYt #aEd pOffite& out to UB and 8 re-
quo& mabe as to u ru.lfEgon its conatltutlonallty.
Trurtlng that we have rullg nnswereE the first
three inquirier or your request, we are
Yours very truly
By (8) DI!X STiXJT
Clok Stout