Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OFIHE AT70RNEY GENERALOFTE- AUSTIN e- 0. MANN .-am- Boaqvible T. 0. Booth State 'Voterlnuian Ll?adtoak sanitary CQlaEiSSlQn ?oxt Worth, Texas Bear Sir: Opiaioa Ro. 0-*S;e Rwr 1l a written permit la given to a'periion~wbioh‘wfll peqlt the iwgortationef Ziv88took into the State Ot Tex88 from.othtir8tate8 ,apoa whloh the Llterrtook5aaitaxy Camtlsolon ha8 phtid .a quu8a~ and aaeh.peraon, attu t!l!l~, th4~stats 0r ~0888, We8."J"8qo ;oaqp4 wlth+hm pta- mmu:-or the p8rmit 02 tba 0th~ r~oir01~~8 or th8 W- . ranWite';.w ii a paraoa Sqwrts LiW,8toak ti vioht%0n af the . ~q~%6In.@nt8 of the warantino, vroqldit b8 legal r0r a lff en- roraement orrioer in the state 0r Texae to rile a aomplalnt, exxut and proveauta rash a p8r8OI3Ma W0Ui.ath8 peMity- ror rfolating thi qouantine, e8.pTot%O(L in 800. 4 fI.B. ;.76,be the lt3sg81 peaa i t? iOr ~ruoh l violation? HaaorablaT. 0. ~ml&, page 2 **All qu8raati.Mnotloer 8hall atate the re- quirmmafi8 and re8trlatlonr unau Whloh livestook oan ba permittad to antar the Stata 0r Texas or to be 8t0vea from any quarantlmd plaosa: or fs tha 8eriOlUW388 Or the di8saM 18 S\lOhthat laovemsntsOr 8uoh llw8took shotid not be permlttod, thea ana la that went 88id quarantlnm ahall 8t8te this ra0t.t "Th8 qW8tiOE rhloh i8 a88irud t0 be an8WrOb 18, in th8 evant ttmt a written ponnlt is given to a per8011 whloh will QernLt the inlportatlon0r llrsetook into the St8w of Texas from other atat.8, up~nwhlah thls Gom- mlrslan5s plaoea .a quarantlna, 8uoh quarantim ra- quiring a WritJtM pen&t from this Comaiselon,~ or $n addition a wrltt8n perdt and a health oertiiioat8 that the zequlrmanta of the quarantine han led alth, aul suah person, arQ8r enter&kg the 8tak or T0xa8 a089 not ocmpry wfth the prorfrlom or ' the gw~~if or iW other r8qulrement8 oithe quex8ntlne, or lr a person ~isportalire8took Sn rlola.tion,0rths ro- qulremwtr of the q\rarantl.im~would it bo 186al rdr a lw~eiuorowent orrioor in the state or T0r1mto rila a ooqplaiat, 8rrert ana pro8eeutw ftloha per8odaad would the panalt ror +iol8ting the quuantlw, a8 pro- edgd far IcSeg F Ian 4,of thfr 8ame Aot, bo the 1-1 pen8lff ror suoh 8 vlolatloa. 0 oi ~thls8ElW AOt, &at@8 F'SOot;lon that 8tOObT or rem e sattla, or oattle, aheop and hop billed end 8 hbp? 8 for ~618fe @laa&taZ pltrp#es, still bo ad- ,;: mlttW’~iiito the State of Texa8 without o.@rti.floetlOn, treatment v8oqdn4tlon or.teat- ana Seotlon 10 or thl8 8am&at, 8~tetS8 the mamar in rhlah soch'~lirr- atoak 8htBllbe 8OOOrd.d the (IeMgnatlonOf inBW6i8t* r1arrgfiter. ‘. bn fha pttat,poaoo .~flwrr have attEmPt to an- iprob the laus br thlr 08anni8~1an In ra8paot l mabiallt to dm~etldak 8&SaghtOr ho@ arId0V.n -U& tha tZ'UOhr@ h~~,alttea #t&WMt8 rhloh are made oat of OOWH,, ~~f$#msolVnr,tb8t 8Ud ho&r'are r0r lmmedlateola86htu. $bsf ~do.Wt take them to a elatxghterinpOeteb~abPcmt~ but take Oh-So oae of the nuBWWIS AU6ti~~.8s108 POW tionoraDLeT. 0. BOOtkl,Page 9 OpOl’Rting in Tb’lB8, Wbr. the iatk¶titJ Of the hogs, Of 9OuTB9, UO lO8t. Ina8muoh aa the written 8tats- mmt 0r the driver18 all that is,neee8sary, be may nmko puoh s$atwmb,r on nags, whleh are obviously not or lmmdlato 8laughtar type, and evade athar raqulre- mants 0r hog8 in that manner and it is pbj8ioallv In- poulble ror looal paaoe oSrloar8 or amployaoa of the VetulBUy l&paTtiMnt of the Llve8tOOk Benltaw Chm- ml88lon, to frail the80 truaka to the point where the aad 6r0 aiop008a or." Howe Bill HO. 76, Aote lQi29, 41st Leg., &!It~C.S., 18 set forth ia Vexnon~a Aanotated Penal Code aa Artlolo 16ESb. Seotlon 1.09 Artlolp lW5b. 8upra, authorlzaeithe liv8- 8took Maltarf ao!nml88lon~otthl8 State to establish quarantlner' agaizlnstother ,State8, tsrrltox%6s, ror8ign OOURtrie8 and portlom thereof winawitr raid ocmini88ion asoer8ain8 or la lnforaikdthat say 0r tne dlmaerr meDtiunea ia &e AOt ertbt t&rein ard to lrtabli8h qaorantin~d~rlthin the St&t8 oi Texns, al80 oOantlo8, - dl8trlota,area* pr8mW)a, labr, pasture*, lots,,ransho#; fammj titidr, TaPgO8,,$hCWl&htltb8, buildiiL&8,baraa,, 6kble8,'btook- yud pen8 and other p~oo8'when8rer said qoapiedlonlwuta ia a that any or eafdc’d18eaeis or the a&sno~er of t~rion there- Or Wilt i&3 GUI tit:8aid phi@+8 0r WO&, tiny Or Uid ‘lhMt430ke~ tbm*stioau&m ra,or df+rmrtlorods; or that an$ 0r raid plaoo8, lin-8tO&, tteas;iiJt$O aliina18OX doamstlo fWlq'U0 WPO8.d to einyci bald dl8eram or ~80 the $y?m~ ar agonoy Of txMd8d04 or any or 8aGl dirsilaed. \,. :” Swtlon B,of Arti& l6~5bi.8u~ra,'pre8crrlbssthe Inan- starln whluh ndScm8 Of qtWantin~8 e@iabl,i8hebby the l~~estook eanltafy 'aaumls~lan&all ba given. seoti& 4 0r'Artfale Wesb, supra, anmng other thing8 providei>&II offeiv$:thatif any f#;i8oq, firm or aorporatloa . shau in sap man&r move or transport sny oattle; hor8d8, mu188, etO, into ~@e stats or Term -many state,.,territoryor r0reieP oountry agafm!&~&h a qu8ranfJlneFe e8tablirhd by the lit+ stook 8nnltnlg 00@%88iOa ?aae a0y pr0~18icin 0r the Aot, or rrw eny quarantinea pas*:or anf+tasup.,,terrltoryor r0rOiga aouatv a(caln6ttit-h )iaqtm$antiPe l&establd.8hqd.by the llre8took lraniL tictry O~&ICE tina*,any proi’qon ‘,i the Aot, 8haZ.l50 Sned "',_L, 9;;. I: " \r Honorable T. 0. Booth, Page 4 not 108s than $26.00 per head nor more than $100.00 per head ror aaoh bsad Of 8uoh litiertook,dolnrstiaanisa18 Or d02Db8tiOfOUi8 rhloh are In arw mnuu traasmorted or aored by 8ai6 DUML rira or oorporatloa In violation 0r 8ald quaraitlne, inib sai4 livs8took. dome8tlo animals or dOUW8tlO m3.8 arTGG&- pansea by a written oartlrioat8 or written ~8rmit from the tire- 8took sanitary ooti88lon of Texas or a mrlrittan oertlflaata or wrltka permit from a vetarlnarlan or other Tbpre8entatiqa 8u- thOTir;O&by 861& OOBEt881OA t0 i.88Ue the 8ama. This lOtiw @eation 4) make8 it a penal Ofr8Iilre ror any person, rinz or oorporatloi totralrrpotf;or move into this State in-any manner dom8tlo animels or domestlo fouls, eta., iron t&e Stats or a territory uhloh Is quuentlned unless said person, firm or corporation obtains a written oartlrioata or written permit frsla tb llnatoak mnlt8ry oomml8~8laror a written permit rr0pl a vetuimrl6in or other tqnW8ntatlw authorlmd by mid oom- mlS8lont0 b8tn tho.W,whiuh $8 to aooompangtb6 dcsutia a-18 or doM8tiO ra8 or lln8took transportad or aWe, inanymannar,into thla State. Utar tlm writtanoartirieate or @wmlt ln obklned from the aommbaion QT It8 autlurlrd a@at,.,appUed~ SOOtiw 4 d-8 not prOvld9 that a tlOl.dl~ eith~~itIXtUgrOri81OASOftbB OUtifiMtO OX pUBit8lla~ be 8 pa81 0rrmi ur prwm 8ny penalty ror th8 viol8tion ot tla Mmo. Bowwor,it any per80~,rlrm or oorporatlon should tZSA8QOT$ or IPOW) in 8ny mar, llvastook, ato., into thle 8tata frem a qaarsntin8d axe8 without obtaining the rrittoa aortiti’oataor parrit, th& Saotlon 4 would b8 appllaabka and the p&ywronld ~&a 8ubjaet to proseoution unbox! said Seotion. And hsy per&on *ho I8 generally qualitled to make a complaint oorrldfl& a *inplaint egrlnrt the petty or parties violating the pmvi8ionr aad~aafpeaos 0rri0u 00ola legalLy arrest the partla8 SO r,lolatingthe sa&d 8eotlon and prosroution oould ba imtltutod and oarriod on as .Sn other ordinary misd6moanor oase& motion 9 or Artlolo LSSb, supre, 8mongother thin@, prorider in ers60t, that lt~sballbe unlawful for any pu8on, i+rm or'aorporatioa-W 8hip,.drlve.,haul, eta., Or othami8a mote #raP any ltat4, turltoxy or fore&p oouatry Into a ay otity State ot Texas; or tar any railroad aompany or iri,t.he Oth;fZ' oarrier tq hati, ship Or tran6poti Pinto any OatY ~01~4011 U,t&$ ate oi Texa8 16roiaany 8tat0, eta.; Bn oattla, hOTUa8, mu&S, ate.* eraept.dS'~~Y?OVithd ia the AQt, UDK98 bne .. BEIM ariiao@@agied by a health aertlfloata isaud by a veterinarian - _. Honorable T. a; Booth, Page 5 ~euthorlaed by or reoogulaedby the llveatoekamItary OQPI mission on a health Oertifloate form preaorlbe4 in ths rulea an4 regulations of aaI40fnm18810n. Howmer, thla aeetI0n provider that: %tooker or range ohttls, an4 oattls ard ahaep and hoga billed an4 ahIpped.ior InmedIate slaughter pu.rpoaeashall be s4mItte4 to the State of T8xaa without oertilioation, treatment, raooi- nation or teatlng.* Seotlon 10 01 the abore mentioned statute, provider In effeot that llreatook ahall,aot be oonaI4en4 aa bllleb or shipped 0r lntendsd far imtediate alaughter purpoaea unleaa ther are hadled in aooor4ame with the ruleran4 ~egulaflona of tha llveatook aanltary oo+aiaalon an4 aeocaapanIe(l ,by a t@ttbn . statement or-th* raet.mhom on the war-bill or’biu-&-lablng~ ’ efpreaa ahlpping papers, cm ir haaleU :by trneb or other ~rehlalea~ the 4rlver ahall h# in hIa.poaaeaafon a written #tattint of this iaott Oattle shall not be oenaldere8~atooker or .gw@e oattla if thety’m? Ww’er breeding oattlb br ixuWMe4 OattLe.nor ii they are Intezidbd rormuk purpeaed. 0bnaI&ring Seotlon 9, aupra, It la apparent that~it Ia i rlofLatlonot~aal.4Seotlon . rJmn any llreatwk aa pstitloned~thereinare br'oqghtInto th%a State without first obtainlug a health oertifioate in the manner preaorlbe4 therein Ml888 tlm liteatook brought %nto the at&b are aitookeror range oattle en4 oattle an4 aheop an4 h0@ - billed On4 shipped for hdl8tb Olatyhter purpomr, rprd person vIol.atingthe protfalonirof Secltlan9 MJ bb prbaebu “i. 6 thereun4er. ~where liveatookare brought Into thlaatatbfor . Imediate .alaughterpurpeaea rithout oertlfleation, ti-eatment, vaooinatfon or:,teatlng aa require4 by aaldSeetlea9 an4 the person 80 bringing eel4 llreat0Ok Into this 8tat8 h88 a ray- bill or bQ&oot-lading, sxpreaa ahipping papera, or ii hauled by traokebr athOr iehiolea the party haa ia hla peaaeaaIaa a written crtate+mt'q?this fret aad the animals are not taken to a alatlghte@ng ,eatablishnsnf In oomplianoe with ths abeve men- tloneasot, thensuch partlea would be aubjeot to'pro8eOut%0n under seetlon9 WlngIng ~aal4 lltsstcwk, et&, inte Chia stat0 nlthotlt~~r emplrlng with the mne with reiererPOefo aeouring +~beailth aertIfIoate underthe terma ot the atal&% xii thiq emneotien, we also 4Ireot your attentLon to sootion 26 ~?,~ArticlfslW$b whlah provl4ea In effaot that whenever any~2,fre&;topk, e&lnea or fowls aro move4 or permitted to move Int0~the 6tate of $0~8~ In violation of any quarantInO Honorable T. 0. Booth, Page 6 catabllahe4under any prodalon o? the Aof or any other llreatoek sanitarylea or In violationof any prorlslonof tlm aot or or any llrertooksanitarylaw are monovadfrom eny plsoe In the State of Texas in rloletlonof .anyquImsfti8 eatablIahe4under the Aot, it ahall be the duty of-t& llreatodksanitaryoomlaeion to quarantinema14 llv*atook ets~., w&never ?ounU an4 enforoo said quarantineuntil maid livestookhas been properlytroateb or vaoolnatsdor teuted,4Ippa4 or otherwlas4lapoas4of am may be provl404 ?or in ths rules an4 regulations of the livestook sanitaryooxaisaion, It will l~'Y&ther note&, t&t Seotlon 27 of the abovd mentionedAot provldoithst any oltlz8nof the Statemay bring an InJunotIon &it to pnforoe any of the prOVisloll8of the sot or te restrainthe tbriCBtene4 IliolatXbnof any of the prOviSiQn8 of the A&an4 the oour@ uy hsrdn dotermlne~,aaldinjtrnotl~ elthbr ia .r~oatIqq or tegm the, an4 ?ully 4lepotm of all Iaauoa Involve4in~ralb~indunet'ion an4 suit eitherIn taoatlona'rtern the, uhefherernotthe iranmIs a rba$rainingormadlatory In- )unotI~,~pr@4ti reaionciblenotloe is given to the 49ienbant wnlar t,he~Wrbatlon of the oourt,where mhndatqy ~unethn ia sought. . Truad$g that the ?oregoing?illyaxuiue~your inquiry, we are To&a rary t&y ATTOIWY OBBEBAL OF THEA8 BY (..I Ar4exlWllllalm Amafmthut APPRO-?EDOOT. 86, 194L APPROVED (e) arov~r~sa.lera OpinionOonailttee First Aeelatant qttorneydsnexal .Bp RW.?. ohairqran