OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Elchard S. l:orria county Attorney ArmstI-Ong County Claude, Texas Dear Sir: You request for herein stated hae been r November 19S6 the county be- Inqaent taxes, by the oourt, uent taxpayers lr tares rhioh the At this tim no de nar was any ox- Short17 thereafter the ed, on or about the 17th aplotw at, $1845.98 in xes &a aollsatod between the 17th d the lSth af Deeember, 19S6, shlah lp more than is ordfnarlly oolle~ot- tuna period or the year on other e ooQpDisslonere' u&y attorney, at that ti3tb3 drawing 41 orriaio ooapsnaation 0r $SO.OO per month, due to the extra work, and bx- ptmae or corresponding: and holding pereoml ma- ierenas with a aonarlderable number or taxpayer8, asaif&ing them in sorreotix@ and adjusting paat error6 In regard to the&r taxes, invw3tigatfng the ownership or property listed on the rolls a8 Honorable filchard 3. Lorrls, Lafo 2 unkuowu, ascertaining the addresses of dirrer- ent delinquent non-resident taxpayers and prop- erty ovuers, all of whloh was not Included In his statutory duties as county attoruey, telt that he was entitled to some co&pensatlon ror such servvices, and requested the coz.uissIoners* Court ror compensation commnsurats with the benefit resulting to the county by reason of hia eenloes in this respect. It was agreed thct such corspensation should be paid and the rollowing order was passed: *that be al- lowed 105 on collection 0r delinquentxes ror cymty and aonmon schools sxolusive 0r costs and penalties, which motion duly oarrled.’ “L’onthly thereafter, from December 14, 1936, to September 30, 1937, the county attorney, upon presentation of his aocount, was paid an anount equal to 105 or the delinquent county and cormon school taxes pald the preceding month, exclu~ire of penalty, interest and costs and state taxes, aggregating the total of $3%.12. Such payl;ents being mde by means or warrants :rawu on the general rund of the county and, bein: approved eaoh month by the comi~ssioners court in the minutes or the aooounts allor:ed. *The legality of such compensation and pap- ment being questiohed:by’. the auditor of the county, the above-quoted order was revoked by the aokalssloners court at the request of the county attornoy on October 11, 1937, and such payments disoontinued by an order as follows: ‘that order previously passed al&OWiag ten per cent on all delinquent taXda co-ed be hereby revoked and that as oouuty attorney be allowed i.60.00 per month attor October lst, 1937, which Lotion duly carried.* “Ths taxes collected were both real and personal property taxes. There was no compen- sation ror such services prior to the date of the rlrst order on Decen;ber 14, 1936. “1. ere the payrtents outlined above ll- legal? Honorable Xlchard .;. L’orrls, i,a:e 3 “2. It such pajmsnts illegal, upon whom rests the liability for such ~ys.ants? “3. ‘“hat 1s the llablllty or the county attorney under such clrouustances? “4. In the event such pay-seat is illegal, could the county attorney be entitled to a reasonable compsnsatlon from the county or a quuntum nerultum basis? “5. In the event such paycent was illegal, what would be the proper lcethod ot adjusting such er:or?” Artlale 7332, Revised Civil Statutes, reads in part as folIows: v* * * In all cases, the colropsnsatlon ror said Attorney shall be,nh’o ($2.00) Dollars ror the rlrst treat and One ($1.00) Dollar ror each addltlonal trsot up to four (4)‘ but said lee la no ease to exoeed Five ($5.00) Dollars. And provided, that in any shit brought against any lndlvldual or oorporate omer, all past due tares for all previous years on suoh traot or tracts shall be lnoluded; and provided, further that where there are several lots in the saaie addltlon or subdivision delinquent, belonging to the sane owner, all sald delinquent lots shall be made the subject of a single suit * * *v ** * * ?rovlded, that the fess herein pro- vided for in connection tith delinquent tax suits shall constitute the only fees tbot shall be charged by offlOorS ior preparing, filing, lnstltutlng, and prosecuting suits on delln- guer.t taxes and securing collection thereof, and all, laws in conrllct here%lth are hereby repsal- ed 1 I +” Article 335, Eevlsed Clvll Statutes, reads as followa: Thenever a dlstrlct or county attorney has collected mmey for the state or for the oounty, he shall within thirty days after re- ceiving the sass, pay It into the tresSurY Honorable Richard S. t:orrIs, rage 4 OS the State or oi the county In which It be- lones, after deductlna therefrom and retaining the corrroIssIon allov:ed him thereon by law. such district or oounty attorney shall be entitled to ten per oent cot.z~~IssIon on the f:rst thou- sand dollars colleoted by him in any one ease for the State or county from anT Individual or company, and live per cent on all sums over one thousnnd dollars, to be retained out or the money when collected, and he shall also be entitled to retain the sake coomIssion on all collections made for the State or for any county. This arti- cle shall also apply to money realized for the State under the escheat law.” In opinion Ho. O-260 and nmerous other apInIons which we do n:t deem necessary to alte here, this Depart- Lent has constantly construed Article 335, supra, as allow- ing the county or district attorney ten per cent ootisslon on all money collected in the preparation, f iline and pro- secution of delinquent tax suite againet personal property. Suah fees, however, would not be taxed as costs against the taxpayer. It will be seen from the reading of the above pro- visions of krticle 7332 that the rees .provlded tor therein are applicable and pertain only to the colleotlon of taxes upon real estate and such fees allowed for such services exoluslre of all other fees and codastons. It is made the duty of the county or distriot attorney to represent the State in all suits against delinquent taxpayers and no pro- vision being zade for fees and aosimisslona for such services as delinquent tax collection on personal property. In oplnisn X0. O-815, written by Honorable VY. Ir. Xoore, First Assistant Attorney Cdneral, addressed to Honor- able Xanley T-Ins, County Attomey,l.:arshall, Texas, this Departzrient held thht the co~lssloners’ oourt does not hare the authority to p&y an attorney on a quantuz neruit basis for services rendered In the collection o? delfnquent taxes, and that such se’rvices when and it rendered In pursuance to a contract that has been legally entered into can only be coslpensated for In the manner set forth in Article 7335a and other related statutes whloh 6ere rererred to In thle opinion. Eonorable Riohard S. :.orrIs, Page 5 For your convenience we enclose herewith a oopy of opinion No. O-815. Article 7332, supra, provides the ouly fees charge- able by the county attorney for ?reparIng, filing, Instltu- tine and prosecuting delinquent tax suits on real estate and securing a colleotlon thereof. And as above stated irtlcle 335, Bevised Civil Statutes, allows the county or district attorney ten per cant coclmlsslon on all thti I;oney collected and the preparation, Piling and prosecuting of delinquent tax suits against personal property. IE opinion No. O-988 this DepartGent hold that,the codssIonersf court I6 not authorized to Contract with or pay to a county attorndy a percentage of delinquent taxes collected. Under the pl\ovisions of krtlcle 7332, supra, OOP- silssloners’ court has no authority to allow the county attor- ney feza In addition to those authorized by th8 statutes. fn the f ollowlng cases, CozziasIonersl Court of t&Ison County et al V. Kallace ot al, 15 5. F. (26) 535; Baldwin v. Travis County, 28 r;. ?;. MO, and nlll;erous other oaees uhlch we do not dees nacessary to cite, It ?:a8 held that the county co~~lssloners ( court has no power or author- ity, exoept rjuoh as Is conferred upon them by the Constitu- tion and statutes of the State. In the cases of Keat Audit Company v. Yoakum COUEtp, 35 3. :. (26) 404, and Sluder v. City of San Antonio, 2 s . Y . (26) S41, it.was held that the rule was apparently settled In Texas that if the county received the benotlt of a contract v.CIch It has the power to Eake but which was not legally entered Into, It nay be ooqeiled to pay for what It hao received, because In such cases the law inpJies a con- tract, I-:owever , the county may not be h6ld liable upon an Implied contract or a quantux merult unless the ootissioners’ court was authorized to Lake the contract sought to be, im- PlISd; nor is the county estopped to set up as a defense the lack of authority to niaks the contract. The other party to the agreement Is not In the situation of one who has acted innocently or nlthout knowledge ot the clrc~stances. one who deals vzith the county is charged with the notice of the regulation; and a ouston which ignores the law oannot be gonorable Elchard S. I:orrls, Page 6 invoked for the purpose or validating a tranaactIon which is otherwise. Invalid. Ke quote fro& the case of Baldwin v. Travis County, m s. vi. 4.80, as r0ii0ws: “A county oannot be held liable in an ao- tlon upon an Implied oontraot of quanta F.eruIt, unless the comnIsClonors* court is authorized to make tha contraot sought to be Inplied or on which the quantum imruit Is based.” The courts In this case citin.! a number of other oases supporting this holding. Section 2 of Artlole 7332, supra, provides that *in suits by counties against any of the orricers herein naned to reoover moneys or fees collected by any such or- fleers, limitation of action shall not apply, and no such suit shall be barred by the statute of limitation.* “‘e quote froffi Tex. Jurls., vol. 34, p. 575, as r0iiows : “As a rule, sureties are only liable for such sums or money as the offICeS may lawfully have racelved by virtue of his offloe. They ass not liable for legal fees or taxes colleot- ed by the offloer under the color of office, but which he hsd no authority to collect;~*~r are they liable to.r money turned over to him under the void order of the probate court, or for money which has been paid to him under or- ders of the co&sslonersV court, and which In no cirouclstance could rightly be collected from the county,” Also see the cases of Jeff Davis County v. Davis, 192 cp. X. 291 (error refused); killer v. Foara County, 59 S. W. (2d) 277; F?as- kell v. Hobby, 296 S. ‘F. 396; and Mth v. Has- kell 1 ;I. 1.‘. (2d) 1086. You are respectfully advised that It Is the opln- ion of this Depart&ant that your questions should be an- swered as follows: :,lutber 1. YSS Bonorable Richard 8. Xorrl8, paw T IWmberr t, S and 5. The oounty attorney who se- eelred the above aentloned oompenratlon 18 liable to the aounty for ruoh oompensatlon above the Seer or oompanr8- tlon allowed for ruoh renloer under Art10108 Ss5 and IsSa md the proper method 0s aajtwiing the 8W woola k r0r ths oounty attorney to pay to the county the ditierenoo between tkm oompensatlon aotually reoelved and the oompen- ration rpeoifltikly allowed by laarSor ouoh senloer. wumber 4. In answer to your fourth question you 8ro advised that the oounty attorney rr0tia not be entitled to a rea8onable OOmpen8atlOn frOfiithe County on a quantum merult bar18 but that the county attorney wonld be lntltloa 05ly to those tee8 or. oomponration a8 provided by Artlola 336 and Arflole 7532 for the senloer .,: mentioned therein. TSurti5g that the r0r:;:kc answer8 your laqulry, we rwln YOtoUrS VSSy t2dy ATTOHXEYGENERAL O? TEXAS WllllM AW:L?t RCLOSORE APPROVEDAUG 11, 1939 b-d-m-- ATTOFUE'YGENERALOF TEXAS