Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableC. A. waltere,Page g 1 3: E. (Zd) 601; ScissonY. State, (Tax.Cr:App. 1032) 51 S. X. (ad) 703. Thu appliOable 8tatutssof this State whloh govern the colleotlonof delinquentad valoremtax08 are not deaQr~16to obtain the propertyagainst. w5loh the tax ia due but the lienand fonoloeum Iiiprotideda# 8n addltlonalremedy and aoana for oolleotlngthe tax whIoh Is Iteelfan obligationpayablaIn money. The rmre gIt- in& of a lien, reduolngthe tax.oblIgatlon to judgannt Wd iO~ClOI3UI%3 Of (L ii013 t0 6OOUS+3 lte o~OIW$I8@Qt WOold not authorllothe aoooptanoeor anothermodlam of payment unleaa so providedby statute. Artlole7386, RevisedCivil Statuterb 1988, pro- vides that sult.&hall~bd iihb'for thi,total; aplljuut of taxe6, lntore5t, perihltya36 uoita md ahall pray for &a&p mat r0r thu payment of the 8weral amounts. xt I8 pro- vided in ArtioloOS@ that.theproueedingahad.tkreia @all k *(Ip3-oYld.d b7 law in ordInaryfon0lesure eulta. A pOr8oMl $AgmMt egOlMt the owner of tb0 133d for tb years la rbioh 6.0 taxw aom!uodIs proper. wllliuuon v&.Czy ,"'U&land, ( T. 0. A. 19325)8S 5. Is.(fkl) 934 - baiMtS6 Ind. Sah. Dist. (T. C. A. 19bs) 95 S. W. iSi6,1SSO. In HTooOk6 v. State, (T. C. A. 19Sl) 4l 3. w. (Zd)715, It is 8tat.d: *In HarrlaonY. Orr,.896 5. 8. 87l, om- St- this Art1010 (7&26j,thy CO03hSbiOn of Appeal8 lntlmatsdthat thu f'allureto rendar8 persoml jud#aenta&net thu 6deademt would make tba judgmentIaterlooutory, and In ?3roolcl Y. State,15 6. w. (Sd) iwb, qnbakbg r0r thl* oourt,Mr. Chief Jwtloe Higbtmr 8ald that the f8Ilureto rendera personal$d&anmt sgalmt the deS.ndantrenderedthe judgaient fundament+ ally erroneow~~ Itlstrtmtbattti L8gIsletum hasBIILdeprovI- slon for the proteotionof the Internetsof the Stati and other taxingunitsat the em10 by eauiblIng them to pur- ohaee ths .&ml in thejevent it Is not oold to other partles. ArtfOle 7545b,sbi3.8, p~~~id0~that I “so property sold fbr tax.6 un6ur brorae in euoh suit shall be cl016to the em&or of said property,dil%+ly or Itldirfaotly, or to amyon. HonorableG. A. Waltera, Pa&a3 havingan‘interoattherein,or to any party other than a taxing unltwhloh ls a party to the suit, for 1088 than the amountof the ad- juddedvalue aforesaidof said property or the aggmgate amount of the juagplsnts ageinet the pro;;ertp ln said suit, whichever 1s lower,and the net proceeds of any sale or such property niaue under decree or oourt in said suit to any party other thanany woh Uxlng unltehallbe- long and be distributedto all taxingunits whloh are partiesto the suit which by the ju&g- rnemtin eaid salt have been found to have tar liens agalnet~suchproperty, pro rata and ia proportionto the auouutsof their respsotlve tax llena as establish& In said judgmsnt,***m Althougha partloulartaxpayer'kyexpreea an- intentionnot to bid at a tax sale and be will- to &ed the property to the texlngunits ln satisraotlonof the judgnmnt,upon the sale bei.n(g oonduotod a8 provided~by the eat&to, other partleo may bld b the propertyat the sale and the full amountof the tu be oolleoted. If the propertyis sold for less than the amountof the judg- ment and o6sta then the.taxlngunits may resortto rurther exeoutlonto satisfy the defloIenoywhere a personalj-0 ment has been obtained.. Seation12 of Artiols7S;Bb providesfor a two year periodor redemptionand Seotion0 aakee prwIs$on for an additionalsale of the property when It la bid In by talng unite. Ho sale may be made by a taxing unit for less t&n the amountof the judgmentswithoutthe written oonsentof all othur taringuniteand If the pur- ohaelngunit does not make the sale within six months titer the periodof redemptionthe propertymay be sgld by the Gherlfiat pub1108811). Specificand detailedprovisionIs made for the ju6gment ror paymentof delinquenttaxes,toredlosure of the tax lien, judioialsale and radmption. We~thlnk the statutse provide the exoluslveprooedure to be follow- ed in the rorealomre, sale an.2 purohase of land ln sat- lstaotionor aelln'quent ttue8. It 14 our opinionthat where three tax* units hold a juUa;msntfor taxes and a ioreolosureof the tax Ronoreble0. A. Qil~r8, Paae 4 lien, such units am not authorfssed to aooept a deed to the propertyin satis?aotlOqoi the Judgmnt but the pro- oedureprovidedby statutefor judicialsale s!muldba hollowed. Yours very tmly ATTORICYOEmRAI WTFXAS