XonarmblrOhm. A.'toroh
rpnnz 'udh?, kllar, county
. .
8ur UT1
opinionNo. o-10%
80: wh e th u l l o ua ty em l*ll
a tl ~lr 0o lmt net4 wa r -
nlm Lmmlsd to b u @ mllt
6b s o fr io u r ’ 6da r y mud.
Your Idtar ot AukPat 16, 1939 aapzlcaant~ the.
letter amtedhIa* 27 1939, iroE xr. t. L orodhnlt rho
was thy Comty Atdiior or XaUm county LOB reomltedaw
lttsntlon. Welp lolatmm kiafl~nd&wmcr pendingoar
rrplyu!L rinogcG xugrabtha urroidablo4oly ti mevw-
tne pwar treaut..
the nqaur
Ln rollslduln& rromyour ortlor,tua
oplnlon, ornrouslty, am1orm ireat only with UII #er-
tioular mrru~te &OTP amtlaad for.thereason t&t the
tuu “any 0th~ evl8woa of lnhbtadnrr** eamrs too broad
. fh14 $0 PaMit . dO~ddO?~titi thb?~Oi.,~ thi. dOJ!Ut-
sent ln tbr abmaea of aore ayoolfio ram oonounlnt~ uy
partloulu lmlsbtdnarr you uy bow in 8Ll.
Yo m repabet lonoun8 red ‘dirootn..oh
$0 EQoh St&toWUWIIt0~ 180Uodby ih~?$OWprCrOu~ Of FUb-
lie Auooullt8 and drun (IDtha Mets Tzurruriroat of M
mp roprlbtich sadr uroueatto Esotim@ (a) of Artlelm
39L a0 rwtalno6 L Vuaen'* OQuQl~tiw 6opplasentto
the r;orlre&C%~llbtstuten of 1925. 5!he~trrlal pmvi-
mlons of Seotioa6 (a) o iso ldlrthlc. ten81
aomormblmebm*.A.Tommh, ham 3
8UuiTiBfM (i), rtalnlnc to thr lm111rlem
dlrtrlrt er orlmlaal Ua rrlst lttomqm, thmlr lmmlmtaatm
M4 mt~~phur, we quotml
.All uoh ularlar aben mnntlonadmhmll
bo 9mymblmiron the O??lrwm* Smlrry~land,it
l( lo q umtr .
I? imaaoqumtr, thm Co58lmBlonmrm’
Gowt mhmllWmnm?mr tRm mrommmmry?uadmiron
thhgya;.t"" " the oountyto tliro?flrmn'
4abmmotlon(k) l? Uetlon 19 ~~16~:
O( k N
)O 0fff.U ?diTiUg l UlUy #h B ll ?O-
lOfTe U& y8X-OfffO lOm~UlB6tf%l
fO ?tOm th. OOQUt;
rwl4m6, bWWU, thhrComlmaloarrm'courtmhmlI
1rmnmfmr from the general fund of thr oouutp to
mny Ofilmmrm' Bslary nut4 6f ruoh Bounty muoh
iandm.m say bc ne&~nn(lryto pay the lalarlem
mad othmrlm(tally
authorized rlalnmahargrblo
lg m lnmt
lwh fund.when the moneys da osltd to
tha oz.416or *&I&A
illadmrm inmrrioPant to meet
the olmlrslgnlnmtfLw
Bubmmoilon(I) la put 9~0vldsrr
l(~) All moltml 4rmwn trora odd O??lomrm*
eelary hnd# 8h J br 9mld out onl9 on rrnntm
l99rovd by t&o Bountylndgto?. lo wmrrmntm mhmll
bo draw0 Ora lmid ?&V&dilf i&TO? Of ml&y 9OTmOU h-
&obtod to thhr Stata, county, or to sold ?uad e
b tiTU Of hfD q-6 W BU .a until ruoh Aobt
10 pal& when motlu o? lumhT admbtm&tu~ hmm bomn
illaddththm oouutylu4ltaF.
*All monmymrrmlning k a* Wflru~* Smlmry
nlna or thmlotlrltylt *e ma&o? mmyflmoB1y-r
after Ul lalmriomand luth o r lnd u mnmmm$nomrmd
l@slnstmmld ?unQ ?or maidyeax mh~lP haTa bmm0
9mid a ndth a looountmo? rid offi.~ hTS boma
8Uditmdmnd ~pJ+rOTBd by th. OOlltylUditOT Bhall
bm by 0r4mr O? thr CtiBmhnO?m' GOtUt tw~OfO?-
red by rarrmnt lmmua&bythe oouaty Olerk rB*n
apgpri to tha ore416 o?Um ~mnuU fund o? thhr
Submamtlon(?) 0?6his leOt%oBprO+idBSg
w(r) Th@ nomy@ NOSiTed fro? the 8tata by
lmo hmuoh lormty .uadsr Sh. prorimlona ot Sootlon
6 mnd lubaeotlonb of fleotion 13 o? thim Aot
mhallbs apportlonwl
b the Oor~&mlohm~m*Oar6
T Sdnry md of rochmueh
In Waptmr ~63, Approprsmtlonfor supportrad M&I-
tcnanoa of Judlclmry'COaptrolXsr@m meotioa ago 1165 ofthhs
1937 &esmlonxawm Ljth Loglmlmtuxlwe rind that the Lmglm-
lature hmm mpprophntd m d~mlgnmt~ sum of wnry for mppor-
tionment to 0ount10* wjNlrm'ooMty
o?rlomrmmre pmia m~lmr1.m
Bier0 or0 outelm wll sottlod rnlu ad laolplor
0000 tal by our 00ortm 0ae ln aost 8twe8 goner0 Pu, 0ao~e
whlo Ii uo that 8tato nrrszts uo not lm~Uord *I, nor $0
they Ilaw the qualltla of ooml*mlil Paper. They parer.
none oi the qullltleo or lttrlbutoo oi oo~uol~ raper. Thr
holder mertly rtanda in the mhosr of tbr payee. WarruM
lo 0ul.yp r im faole lrido~ow of M lml~btodao~~ ronlag
la a ooavenlmt rode or roadaotiae the pub110 bU&oOr Ona
are nonaogotioblr ~;~l$.,~~by vm. Joner,l26 8. m. 732;
Lmmta ta. Lop=, fl . . .
Who Ooemlaalonsrm* aourt o f l oounty lr a oreoturo
or the 6t0t0 CowitUti00 0nd it8 pau8 Or0 mtitsd 08d
omtrolled by the Oorratitutlm and the lswa .
the Lo~lBlwlro, 2eo Oonmtltuti0 nrtlole V
&ldrlIi -0. Tro*lo Count d ClT ‘App 199
sonta tm. I*110 oouaty 1iox. cl+: *pp:j, 2&i
2lend VI. Orr 90 Nx. 492, 9 8. WF.558; Ood.‘iod
Qourt ox, we11.e*, 15 8. w. 2d) 5551 Eewud vs. Ra4awn
@witty, U6 8. w. (26) 479 (nit rofwad).
%%a oountyoourt being an yent of the oomty, auet
ronfmn to tho aodo preoorlbodto? ltr aotlon in tho aorrlro
ci ltr psrrrr wnridou to i* rugwon vs. lreh011, 67 nr.
ih.~“l-?.nt.inquostlon =e a #~MlOI Of propay,
~mldrnolo~ an obllgdlon cm the prt of the Stnte to lta
didriot, l ot:atr~6 eolnot oiileur. me rum ropr~rom
tfxrrby lre oar-meek or with l portlouler trout, guarontooing
$0 the rupootlre mcntier on6 tholr 0fUeora rho hold tbo
w,alkble amI bonaflolol lntU8rt thoreln &arm-t loHPdi4
$0, tbol? t*oo Tmluo. 90 the extent or 14% of their taoa
+&ue, the Etato hs pledgedlto o?Wt. They are pn abla
to the County Boaot~or, tie (18 dlsbmaing emat Of Jo
omty, must 0Oomnt for allrmnego wMah eons into hL8
h u nt8mad lpyly the mme aa ?requfreC by law *. [Se* ArtdOle
1709) sunh worrents UP the Beans of tronsrorrln6 atate
fondn rroa the Lltate Treasury to the county ‘h-my or
Of~ioers* Salary Fund sul Mtll eatw?J~ .dlsburord ewh OWIU
ropremonted rsrnaln those of the Stats.
ma aoullty Traosura lo a blla orriar eQtmuted
tith tha money whlohbelonm to tr a yubllo,whloh00UthUe0
to be pub110 rundm 1,~ hi8 hando..Bin dutlss are rooorlbd
by statute, eudhlo obll~ntlona uo fix04 by the Ea* a by
the tams 02 his bond. ~a010 VI). Burn@@@
Oounty, 7$ 8. b'. 421.
~ocr ths Oarrl~dona~* Court hue anthorlw l43
urrgln& out its
trust, by rsslePmmto,to obteln lmo than
the fO00 vOlti of th000 portloulor rrrentet Wehudly
in ati6tim or the mtetutw diw~om thet
$f&$laturr has prmld~d l~artho6 em8 meam at lwFntlQe
$he Otr;lrer#’ &.%uy YUQ&rhMT.LhUO iS taWfiiOlOQt ikIn&
thu0111 to pay.)ho salule8 or &ho dlrtzlot, wmty oml
prooinot offloua, am f0llOnt
9. . . covlde6 however the OouLmaloaora*
Oourtmhr Pltrudar frm(ha Ommrel~d oftho
aowty tc thr Otifoad BsLilrf m or t&r oi
ouch c o untyluob tunaa as ray be nrrrrrry to pv
the anlaricoand other alaln ohar(rblo qmlnrt
tha mame when the monies dqorltd thrroln a?*
to *sot the olol~~paytablo
We fell to fl~i4 any lutborlt upreud or *lid,
lut*l~Ug thr oounty to dleoormt i1‘ own rrrsntm &I py-
lent or lowty obllytloae, mna rlthout ~cqlslutlrrluttorlty
lt uy not Illsmount the Statswurrntr la payment of ltr
IOU us therrforrrerpotfully odrloedthat It lr
the opl~ioa of thla deprtment t&t the Ooaiefrslona~* Oourt
tu rrL1 6tate rorrantrlsw~d
o f l oouaty lo sot outhorirotl
to augment the otiioer#* Balmy I\md or the runty, et l
Youtsvary truly
Amm’f o?m?&L or TuA3
this oplnlon kes boon sonsldsrsd In o.~afuwioe,
apy.rovsd, and ordud reaor4d.
Orover Stllura
Flrot Awistant Attorney
Cwasl or Toxalr