OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 8, th llountx, ailprovlGulIn ale 8tlcaee5lng *ticl*, or if t&arebe 00 au* rcUQ?a0uma, funor Imprownmmtm he &all k lmpxhone4 ln j&L1 for 1 of tlm tQdlrcbargetbe full aammtoffln4end coda tIqage5 agrlnatlliilaj ratingeucb labor or lmprlmormontat Barme Dollu-8 ($3.00) for en& day tbsmf)~. . .' 8t .8 87 icpriaonedot least ten daya;"r It is, thereform our oplnlon that 8 priw maxp vloted In the Justima Cbua4 wWntU8 total flnm mnd80mt8 Is ~m\p~u.aimr$?iO.00 mhoulSrmcmIvearmdIt red OilyI temlthorthetotalrmPaun . &aill* tmlts, andcarry Hr. fine and costs mwnm &50 for each clayservedIn custody) .ahmld be @hot to pay the bolanosof his oblLgatlonin mm& al%er SIm daya In jall,he shcmldkerequlxwd t0payd;7~50 iao& .nAPPROVED OPlNlON COMMn-rTEE AT!COR?.IRVnmhln-. L