Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE Al-l-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Boaorsble t. 8. Jau.le 11, la whlah of wnolusiana r ricer8 *itb m the maaner la lte 81 & a6l* trial wa6 hsd. '3. A &tstlor of'the poem ir edit- lad M a fee of $8.50 (Art.1058 Vernoa’e Annottt84 6.a.P.) ~168 io$ per 100 ~rd8 for tr6asorlbed teetinoay, in na event to exoesd ss.00. Hosorabls J. B. mgleda, Psgs 8 YEWS in misdwwm.nor oases in County Court, not to eraeed $4.00, plus mileage to bo CGapPtod On e bB6iE of 68 ger S&e neoea- ssrilf traveled (Art. 1029 Vernen’s .kmG- toted code or Crimimd m00eaum) and sub- jsof to the other mstriotions ralating themto and s&adisd in ssid Artiols 1029. *s. AI.1 fomssllties with rsfersnoo to prepnratioa and appm~al of thm olaait atnsluemted ia ArtiOb 1080 of ?fePnon'8 anout cod0 or Criiinat Pmaedurs auat be strlotl~ waplled with. -6. The State of Tar- is lisbls te suoh ofiioars ior their fa68 irr suoh amerr "7, A oartitled 45027 or the ofiioer’a bill for servioes shall be stalledto t&s Camptrollw at Austin and payment made by sdd last named oifloer in lowrdanoe with the proYlrlotMl of AtMole la34 and 1085 of Yentoa*a AawtatsQ Cod* of Cr5aizU,Pro- OdlUd* -8. Ths oouaty is not liebls for any eenlurs perloraed b such offlasrs In son- tmotlbaz rith sxsaln I rig trials unless the- offense 18 later reduaed to the grads oi misdamsanor.* After OtklWtil OGMfderRtiGn, we nave raao~ed the oonclusions you are correot in most or the statmwita. mnde, but tfiat you O+tS~OGkOd sorm statutory ~r~visionr in other in8taLmss. With referenoe to your rirst statement, *se di- root JGUl’ lttentloa to ths faOt that this ds>aI'tment hss rspaatedly held that justloss Of the peaas ara not entit- led to oollsot any fee wtmn no srasiining trisl lr heLd, nor waiver thoraqf made by aoaussdr (Rersrring to opinion Bo. O-EM, appwed has 84, lOSO, br thlr admisistretion, urittrn by Xondrable Bruos w. Bryant, Assistant httoraey Genera, to Ronorablr B. P. i4H.r: lett,ar opinion by fiGnGrable Banner C. DoQ&lh~ to Honorsbls John 0. Barrfs, February17 1955, Volume 345, Letter Opiaions, p. 621; latter opinion by Xonombls Bmar Il. Bryant to Xonorskh Oeorgo 8. Shppud, Boptsllbar 10, 1938, Bolums 338, Let- Honorable J. 8. Sngledor, Page S ter Opiaioae, p. 87s; letter opinion by Boaoreble A. R. Stout to Honorable &KM Lee, kiovanbsr 85, 1933, Volum 353, Letter Opinions, p* 365.1 'In the rirst paragraph of ArtIole 1.080, Code or CrImlnal Pmosdum, 1925, as emended, le found the statuts sppliosbls to Justioss of the peaos4 Ws Guots said pamgmpht *‘In e*0h ease whoa a aouatr Jltdg@ or a justloo ol ths per00 ‘WI 1 si in R r d--b*, 0ny 0888, th I)- he8 tax- r wnio~s ln ti6&4- lbsaor Oaue~ to juetio*r or the psaoe, 100 mm48 for an4 t;en oenta fori-raoh writing downthe testbony, rtatq,~ not to exoaad Th 001 Dollars, for 10.1 his 80mI0s8 in *one Oatae is note this smndsd logIsl&I& was snaotsd by ths hot8 Of 1953, Forty-third Lsgisleturs, oh. 99, 3. el9, and bsosms lffectirs 90 days attar Suns 1, 1933. It will be noted that the fess uhioh e justioa or the peace fs entitled to rsoetvo where he sit8 as an emm.lnlng oourt in a felony ease are the am fees al- lowed by l&w for 8Imllar senioes In aisdemeanor ~6sa.s to justices of the peace. These fees are provided for In Xr- t icls 1052,. C*C*?r , EB mended, the gertinont provisions being: - ; . . hpo Thllars and rirty cent8 shall be peid by the county to the jus- ties or the pm 00._ ror eaoh 0rltina.l ac- tion tried and fin6 Nre~ k,Ln; . .w oeso has bees filed Where.-6 before a Juotioo 0r thr .reaoo,eltting se a magiatrato, and no rxeaining trial has bees held end the dsfsndest has not waived his right to saoh s trial, us he nuy do Ia aooordanor with hr- tide 299, C.C.P., 1925, it oannot bs said that the oeae ha6 been “tried snd finally disposed or before hisrhn It Is true t&t the Jostiae of the pesae in such a cese hes ruadsred same sor~loe, but t&e Legislators did not see fit b wapbnsate hip for a108 WniOr~i.aX4aPt ~&en ths oan ima bean tried e.llbrinalil disposed or betors blm. ffonorable J. D. 2&e&w, ?a@ 4 ‘Ghile vre agree thet euch oondition my work a herdehip on the juetico of the p*ae ia oertaln instames, we quote the 13xgm,.:e or Judge Celleigmr 0r the Texae Comml~eion of Appeals in thn ceec Of :&Calls 18. City of Rockdals, a8 5.x. 656; 'X0 oftleer ie pelm.itted to wl- loot feea or aommiseioae unlere the came am prorldedfor and the miouat thereofdeolared by law. Tbi8 i# true, notrith8tUbdily luah Offlaer my ba re- qtire6 w law to petSone epsifio 8er- p; fur whlah no oompematfon ls pro- . The obl~tioa t4 perform suah senfaee is ietpoeml a8 sn lnoideat t4 the offioo end the offioer ie 40-d to hare lngeged to perform then wlthoat oompmeatloa by hi8 aaoegtame thereof.* xe theretore hold that juetioee or the peaoe may not be legegally paid eny r8e for eenloee In lremining trials unleee the defendeat ie broughtbefore the jprrtiao, arid is either glrea an lxminlna trial or wairse came. ::‘lth reterenoe to eheritfe end wnetabler, tfnd the seoond paregragh or Artiolo~ lOB0, eUpra, to E 'ap- plloabler %heriffe sad oonetables serving any psooe6e and attendiau any examining court in the eJrnmiImt.iOn Of my l?elOay c shall be entitled to SUCh fee8 68 are fixed by law for efmilar eenicme in alsbems~or oases in County Court & be pa&3 by the State, not to exceed Tour and no/l00 [$4.00) Collere In eny one aas*, @id snii;we sotuelly aad nehes- eerily tramled in @irig to the plaos or urest,.end ior conteyln~ the prfwner or prMmor8 to jail as provided in Ar- tioleA089 and 1090, Code or Crirlnal Prooedure, ee the raote may be, but no mileego waatetor ehell be paid f’or ma- adning or attaahins witneeeee in the County ahero oeee 18 pendlng. Provided no eherifror aonetabls shell maeire fxm the State‘enx additioael nilee&e r0r WY subeequ~nt ur06t 0r 8.dm~Pli- Bonoreble f. B. Emgledaw, Pa$o 5 eat In the mae aam, or In any other oaee ia aa em oourt or in say dietriot ooui-t baaed upoa the mme charge or upon the isaw oriminel sot, 0r -w* 0ti 0r th6 4m 0rirlnal treaeaatloa, whether tha arrest la made with or without a warrant or bo- fore or attsr lndlotment, aafl ia a0 eveat ohall ha be ellared to duplfoate his fee8 &r mileago ior making ar- ro6t0, with or without warrant, or *bon two or more wuraat8 0r arrest or ompt aa08 are honed or wulQ ham bwa oer- r06 011 the (ld~* 4oiondutt.oa en]r OIU dayeN The Sbqrth paragmvh of ax&& ArMaLa 1080, 'u amade& prtwldoa when the ieoo proribr;d for ahalt booone due sndpayablo. Wo quote the pertiaaat lu4gaqjo~aa'iol- 1owBI Conorablo S, D. Enclodow, l%ge 0 place upon a orinlaal uacmntlon, chall certify to ull the ~mooecdLrq:s C:d bo- fox0 him, an wall wharo ho diacfi;trCoa, holZn ~to bgil or oomlta, and tranmit thorn, oualod up, to the court boforo v.11ic11t110 d0ofendant msy bo tirlod, Wit- lrq, 111s ram0 ~axw 6 the 00:&3 of tl:o cn- voloju3. The mluntmy a tatocrunt of the dofcrklont, tha tostIr:ony, b,li.l bonds, end ovary other procoodlnr: in the caao, chall bo thus dollvorod to t):o clerk of the proper oourt, vitiout duluy. "Article ZXX3. In cuno of no arrcat. up& fallma Cmn any cnu30 la arroat tho uocuaod the mWlotrutc oh:111 fllo xlth tha pxOpex 4lOxk th0 wrlphkkn~~ WJrrmt of tlrrost, and n lint of the vltncazoa. V,rtlclo lZ99. FlalvJns;..oxxtln~t~lon. m3 aocu3ou lnAy WlTcl un oxdain~ trial in any b;rllnbla .aauo and consent for tha mf&Oxato l;o require bail of hliii but, tha ~osocutor or m&a tratte nay exmIne the vrltno0aos for tha Gtato an In OthOr OAS86. The m&trate si;all oond to tho popor clcrlc with the .ot&r prooocdIW,s in the cnna II list of the w1tneesco for tho C%to, their residence and t41othor oxmilnod.* If tho aocwod irr dlochar~od bg tho axminlng c01lxt, __ tho rnrrunt lsawd out of f51~ld court is for my or o&$x remon not excautod of oourao no fboa would bo pay- The otatutos oloariy oo?li;onplato m pnynont in any omo*untU lndiotmmt, and oven then u&oro the offcnao ls 0110 in vMch tho punil:nont La roduolbla tn'flm, jr111 8ontcmo or bnth, tho officers nro .not .to bo gmld the few urd 1 tho .caao In fimzly d.Iapcmd of In tho trial owrt. (3-L lC27, C.C.X., as cmmdod.) ‘2-C dhbCt y-Cur AttCAtiOn to the hn@ocO uaqd in tho fourth pamm;raph of Lrtiolo lof0, sup-i, mvidlq foes fcix 5crvIcos in the cxmlning cairt only Qftor tha LglSS+ mnt of the dOPendant for on Otfwno bmcd uport or c Y. & out OS the chgf,e film3 'in the axannin.ni?, e~urt'~ Honorable J. 8. Znngledw, Page 7 iv0 thererori rule that ahdrra aad oorstables llkeriae oome within the rule end rou are oorreot in your etatement number one. This degarkent ha8 hcwotoioro held that o:fi- oer8 are entitled to their statutory hem ror remloer &otutll~ perforrmd oven though tha defondent raiv’ear the erQalniag trial. i Utter opinions, Iioaorable Everett T. Johnson to Xonorablo Iioaer C. Dewolis, lrobrury 80, 19Sl, Volume 319, p* ~190; Honorable Paul D. P-0, Jr. to IIosmr- able L. Pharr,ElorePber 8S, 1929, VolumeSO&+,9. 961 Hen- orable Bntoo Bryant to Honorable Gee. Si. Bhepptrd, Sop- tuber 9, 19sa8, VO~UW ssa, p. 575,) we rind th0 r0ii0w- lag lmlquage ueed la opinion x0. o-794,written by thl.# adminirtratioa on IJay 89, 1959, to Eoaorablo yUrp&ycola, County Auditor of Liberty CountOr *In anavmr to your aeoond qumtloa, theroforo, it 18 the opinion of this dt parkment thnt where all defendantr m-in lr a a r Ftr a * iaror l th e 8une 0rm88 o c orimhtl act oher&ed, the Juetioe bdng autho?ized to prooeed, mat oorpply vith the p3~firion~ 0r Arti 299, code or Crlalnal Prooedure, 192S, before being entitled to a ree ror hoi- au rumin- ing trial,* We ham oonoludod ve mro in lr mr in InferrIng thet teatlmony must -be taken b&ore the Juetioe 0r the peaoe end constable muld be entitled to tbdr rsepootlre faro. In reading Xrtiolo 1020 snd Artiole 299, it is apparent to us that the only offloor uhose remuneration is depend- ent upon the aotudl reduotion of teettiny to writing fe tte proseoutor. We think the reasoning in the letter opinion or Honora? Bruoe Bryant, supra, 1s eound, and we spprovr stizaer Judge Bry0nt held the orrioer entitled to hi8 fee8 where the aooueed ralrer en oxmnln~ trial in any bailable oase .e.ndooneents for the magiotrate to require beil or pin. We quoter “In rucrh oaee8 the Jurtloe of the p ea o e, 8~ttbg a 8 l Bmgirtrete, ult*r8 hle order binding the defendant over to the dlmtrlat oourt to wait the aotion or the grand Jury in his 0066, rtnd in 8ueh en instime the case baa been tried liooorable J. Be’Snglodw, Page B and flyiily dispowd ot rithln the mea+ ilIg 0r Artiol* 1OSX. xn mob 8 OcL86 everything har bow done that oould have been dono upon a fullheerlng and trial. The defssadwt has adPitted, by w8ivIng his right to en lxamiaiq trial, that the State hw twtbaony resdf to lntroduoe up- on the trial or thm owe whloh umld ju8- tliy the 8&8+&O In binding the d&end- wb OYsr to the di8triat 00~1%" You we, thermtore, advlred you mm krreot In your eonolu8ion number two. The rtatuta oltodbf fou and q u o ted lbofo, plain- 1~ 8hOW8 #O 60OUI?80y Or p3out third p&fOQO8itiOIt.(Art. &cm, C.C.P., a8:-amended.) With ~referenea to your paragraph X0. 4, you are oornot that the ails o 11 to be paid in Bddltion t& the maxipma of fr0u.r ($4.00Y Dollar8 for other lm~iooa, if ran- dared. A8 to rilea&? ratal, PU sre nrerrpd to the 8gO- olrio prwI8low or Artlole 1089, C60wPmra8 umndod. We winh to aall +$cybur~attiirition that the pook- lt part 8upplwent to Vernon* 8 Co80 0r Crlainel Prooedum might oonfum, inamuoh a8 gt appeara at firat glance to be mi~lsading. The Legialaturr, in 1933, Forty-third Log- islature, Chapter 89, p. 144, wa8 only iueendlrrg Srotion 5 or Artlal~ 1029. The remaining mrtiocn ti 8aid Artialo were not emended and remain in full foroe 6nd 8rr80t. A8 rtatrd in 39 Tex. fur., 300. 43, p. 137: Vno or more of thr Artioler or leo- tioM or an Aot may be emended without ra- enaoting the entire 8tatute. In suoh IS oam it ie surriotat to reena0t end pub- lish th6 aeotion o r lootion8 amendeA.w YOU me oertalnly oorreotin your fifth namer- tiont "All rOIWIIiiti88 with mr0r0n00 to prmparatlon and applwal or t&d olafpv uiumsrated in Artfolo 1oea (a* amended) . . . Code or crinlnal Pr000aur8 muat be atrlotly oolvJ?lied *tch.@@ Ia your paragraph8 6, 7 and 8, you orerlookod t& prorlaiolu or Sootion 17 (b) of thr Offloem Salary Bill. Honorable J. 3. Ihgledw, Pago 9 The language them i8 oonoluefte that the State 18 not liable to four preolmt OrflO8r8. Xe p\tdO: *In oountirr wherrln the oountr or- rioerr .nued ln thi8 Aet are oompenrateb oa the b88i8 of a8 aa&Umllele , the St&e or TexM shell not be oharpd 3 th, and 8hal aot pv 8nt r00 or aommirrIon to anr prmlinot 0rri00r for anr 80ld0i8 br &lm p8rforme6, but raid offioer 8hall bm paid by t&e oouat~ out or the 0rri00rr 8ciL8l7 hmd nreh r808 and oodadone 08 woul& O%hWU%80 be paid hi8 br the State for 8tiohmoFlioe#~ (Art. 39120, Sec. 17b.J 'phir 8tatUtO OORt2018Wer the bUlg, paid by the State? e+a umed in Art1010 1080, TiX LYtL deoidad by 8everal l&tar opinions of thlr department, fo whloh we Where, ~(Letter oplnlon EOz&able Joe J. i&u@ to Hr. R. L. Ammtrong, Yaroh Sl, 19S?, 'iOlW 393, p~,894; Honorable H. L. Williford to Eononbla *Quinoy Hawkins nuke 84, 1958, Volume SW, 9. 191; Eonorahle AMell Wil- llaw to Honorable Char. A, YarUa, May 1, 19259, Ho.'O-904.) we endose herewith l aopy Ot brr, Williams* opin- ion HO. o-901. Trusting the above 18 0044.ete and 8atiNaatoIy, and with regret that the pr888 Or bU8in.88 &8'~t0V0llt06 W rarlier reply, we are Tourr very wulf KNCLOHJRB M'PROVErAUG 7, 1939 /7