,. . .
, .
the anawt to hour request for 8n aplnlaa, -.
St lr bdleved that tba m&ore of the OonstlW-
aiaa wn sot co auoh mnaamwil ln festering ;irfrate lsw
suit0 ktwen tbo borrowr and lwk3or who, in every 06x?*,
:I.FB the intexwntad print* parties to 8 umtriow lean bob
tlpslst, a8 they uere to pmren$ usuFy. the ;rwmtLM of
ire:2ri3w btiargas won 108nn Is a matter of state :-allay,
3.8 often dealamrd by tha dwrte, and &e &mm br t5eatbak
Ll, Miolo XVI', of the bonrtltution, vhloh, in matsrl.&
pars, aretMar1
lAl.1oantraaots for a gTwter rat0
of interest than ten per arntum 7er m-
ma, #ha11 be deelaad uaurlour, and the
first Uglrlature after thtr mien&meat
i# tit@&, d%dl Fl’Ol%d. mF.htO
pshr aa poaaltkr m tha
rUrt---@ oJhQoPeooting ouw.)
. -
Xt rlL1 thus br swn thet the ?alnr and pwaltio8
uhcliehtb Oanrtitutlon aeatlona,and upon Jllahtbs teglslc
tar ~0 aoiaaanbd to aut, wm only l man8 to pnrrnt tru
ehmglng of uaurlaualntenti on louis oiaonaf. hu &mm
B&l1 la qaartloa la obvloualy cVmm for the pur~6sa rb
mw oxpnar swd~ authorlay to ma Attelq a&mm=
~telnatltute auitlatk amaa &and oathabehriv6#
3ta toto onjoln a nalupCZ'Mcl an o-1 *trloh b88 ggmn in-
*a 8 ;‘pb’Lla
wreag w re8son of tba fas, 80 ln off& a8-
o&rod In tlm Nil, that 8 a18M or pomona an 8rregatl.ag
to thenelves tha porrogatlto ot aarr~lngon tho buaiaeal
~~~loaning aonoy is tbr ueo 8nu aotOnti0a fd
t&U* ursurloua intweat lc being aharged, outal& of and
%R &eflmeo of tt, Oonatitutlon.
ft ;r ret forth In the eme~enq alaucreof thlo
BlLl Wiot tha usur7 law of Texao 8re balng flmtlg
yi let& and unoonselonablo omer 8.3 being L&O w q
Imbsrs, ubd th i8ot that suah przotloo 18 genanil la rrpao
$9&W% Of tM St&ts, 8& that tf‘.O QmUSlt .%t&tUteaOf .&ml8
m l~qrute to afford zmteatlon to the zubllo geluMl#
~lnat auah unl8wful and urmonaoleYtablo praotlve areatea
ti eppnoy, rnd UL iapcrmtiw -:ubllonsoWslty that tM
oai.atltutiCUAd 1y18 PWpIFierg bill@ a0 b0 P?Id On t&F+38
mr lwl aya b o susp o nda dm,
The lnroting of thlr Bill by tho kglal,btu?a
vdll lonrtltut* * logllbtln finding of th elxlrtema
er t ha irat ret forth ln *ho 8wqpn8y *1auao, 8834du
sf#w4aaple Jartitimtlon, U sub nnlagal~nncros).
~,t68IilthOl'b. ~kglti8t~tOOZi8.t &bVWhUb
wlU -to tb Attormy Gonbraltb mtharltyta pIlb
ti la bblf ef the *to for the ptarporrr
and In tb
mmo~ ~alfbally tlofl.nad
ln this Bill, dl uhloh aa&&
orl)j thb Attorn* tJonenl doer not nou posmra, u)r
a- se 8 rraant &aal8lonby ths uuprem amId oft?48
?& f8Ot that no WA&i 8UthOtitr nf3W lxiStS ia
Mb0 Attomay &moral pmronte no aonst~tutlonil
f8P th0 b$itl8tUFO to dOnj 8UOh 8uthOFity. 8OOtbfi ,?2of
mtio;Lo IV, of Uw sitar l
ffonrtttutlon, nJolnlng u~r7 tt;cr
htonu~ bROZ'd tbS pOS'fOr~:MO~ Of OtiJ 8 f,W O~X-366
4btl.48,$WOtidO6 that ha nhdl 'porion sush othrr flutiles
:a say be rmqulrad by la* . The quote& phmer aaaie:,eb
oatme, that ruob othsr dutbr rust be ometad lnta lax bq
thOU(tiilhtW, ~V%J'bAOOftid~@80~~~,8~FJ4P~
8~s athor grants aont8fnrd ln tlm (lon#tltutlon,
it 1s with-
in1& l;?OWW of tba Lygirl8tw to oPsat0 ~~a~tiord
OUUMa Of8OtiOlbiEf#+or oith# St&o, ti to Mk8 ittkd
08sluoll8 8uty of tb Irtterm~ ao5aMl to plwowta o?a
mdtd. Prom tlal to tim the Llglsbtw &a am08 fit k
iitwmmbl~ XBX V, Boyeo, June 13, l%@, Ps(lub
n lenfer a ildith wl upon the
8uAlthoFl’lt;l Atterney tiner&.,
a a so er ea to
WV 88ueeI
o flo tb n.T*x.
Jur .,
va 1 8,
* rnj Hmao w* T*rroll,lo@?u.W, so0 g.w.ma;
may w. Braokor,88 hr. 288, 8B 8.W. tobe.
In tha want 4aaa of Ex Part0 &wry R +!mgb+
tbr,8ugmmo Cawt, in an oplnieuna* ye* publfrbd, held
that tithaut rtmh leglilatlonle l8bodlri In tha pa4Ln.g
.B&ll, ty httorwy carural wuld not Ql'OOMd ln rquiv
a@& R,,gheaand othoraby reason of the 01useeasmab
ataxhlally deilnrd in th pending Iull. ¶%a oplntaa&
taw 8upasIecour6 in tkat 08s*, -~owwr, rllulough
tiwly expreraod,afforda aaplr basin for, and remzee*
t& emet~tut10w.l power in the hglrY.atw to etLae8WI8
Ull.1Into la*. The Oowt aaid, in part8
"If the Attorner Oeneralof County
Attarnay, or bath of thata,haye %ha ri.@~t
or ,+wr to 1net1tut.end prar*out* euah
uuit in th8 Uefrlot oourt,Jg@¶ WMlrt
to .UT%JI~
@a bowr or IUt).sdlation tha
prim I~u&. 43~1
the otimr
hand, lf neither the Att@rMJ OWWal
nor tlm Wuntr Attomuy hrr the rQhS o?
pcMlr to lwtltuto uld prweautr au&
sulk*In tbr Uatrlet eowt, it use* fax.-
18~ that the Uetrlot mmrt is wlMon8
n8x w. Boyw, Juao lS, lS39, page 0
lava by infuaothn, OP in zany ether
my.9 osndwroorlAg 0ura.l
no aqpwat 18 w0.r~ to 8hOT that t&o m
an6 only reason that tb
atbaa, SuprOw Comrt hold that
$2~ &t,ttorwy Oenerml could not proowd Is the auu,of
she mate qplnetthe relatarmghw 8ndtha otlnrplc
sons i.wolred in that proeradi~ to neJoln them from
ewgi~8~UwLl4etl.ngusuriow ~44 urreonuleaablm
atYlxqp#for Laanr o? mmey, uaa bwmmr the k@elatpII
had th0m0r0~0 barn nalss in not parchg 0 law wid6l.l
mxld +m rutkoris8d thr Attomey Cb!Ht~ to w Bl’e4S-d
ln the name of the state. T’e paraphnsr th lmgum af
the Suprew Courtr wtnnthe l4gIrl~tere rhallhn omk
f.-we4 u?ontho Att+rray 3eneralthe right md ?ore~ te
l.-stitute and poteoute suoh B suit in the Dlotrlat Owwt,
SUM Qotartwill then h*re t!s power and Jurlsdiotlonto
glrantth 1nJuwtiw rails? in the manner and to thma& -
8eu$ as 18 preriffedln the peading Bill.
It ir, th~rafmu, aw oplnlon 0r t r.ls Oewrt 23~8
ttmt this Bill ir eonstitutbn&