OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablo Paul T. Holt Counts Attornoy Austin, Taxar Dear Sir; tr that 'advfi In ait oommunica- 1s your cheols are operated with , wo requested further the Constitution or Toxae, laturo mar bf goneral Lowe, rrempt all bulldfiyr ur old xolurlrrl~ a o i). lraoalrtionr of porronr ior d the nroerrsrJ Turniture or all y umd rxolwlrol~ and rmeronable uotlng an7 arroolatlon ongaged In promoting the religlour, eduoation, and phyrionl drrolopnunt of borr, girlm, young man or yaw woaon, operating undrr a Stat0 or National Organization of llko ohmactor) also thr ldo nno ntfund8 or ruoh lnrtltutionr of learning and rollgion not uaad with l riow to profiti . . a* Honorable P,eulT. Halt, Page 8 ArtIole 7150, Rs~laed Civil Ststutea, prorldea that oertain property ahall be exempt from taxation. In 1931 seo- tion 1 of mid Artlolo 7150, 80 deiinlng exempt property, warn amended lo thet same now read8 in part aa tollowa: *All public buildinga, public aoadsmlea and all endowment fund8 Of institutiOna OS learning and religion not used with a risw to profit, and when the aamo are lnveatrd in bond8 or mortgagea, and 011 auoh bulldlnga used rroluaIvalyand owned by psraona or aaaoofatlona of psraona for school pur- poses;” Xrtlolr 8, SeotIon 1, of the Conatltution of Texas, provider that taxation ahall be equal and unltorm; and, ln Artlolr 8, Seation X2,of the Conatltutlon it la provided that all laws exenptlng property iromtaxatlon other than the pro- perty mentioned In raid Article end seotlon shell be null and void. In ~rourletter of June 19, 1939, you advised thet the bulldlnga in question are not owned by the Austin School of Bualneaa and the Nixon-Clay Comuiarolal~Co~legs; nor are auoh buIldIIigaused eroluaivelp for school purposes. Under the plain pro~iafona or Artlola 8, seotion S, of the Conatitu- tlon, much building8 are therefore not exempt from taxation, nor would It be within thr provinoa of the Lrglalature to lxempthe t same. Turthermora, Artlole 7150, R~vlaed Clvll Statutes, quoted abovr, doom not attempt to rxtend the exemption to bulld- lnga used by auoh Inat$tutlona,unl~aa thr mame are used ex- olualvrl~ and owned by'peraona or aauoolatIcma of persona for school purpoaea. Our &nswmr to your queationa la in the nega- tive. Yours very truly AT&Yxm~~~ APPROVlSD~Sl,l wRALDc.wu?( ATTORRJ!XOENElU& cllennR. Law18 APPROVSD Aaaiatant Opinion Coamlttre By B. loodall Chairman