by 81, 19'39
Ron. Roger thuraond
Dlstrlet Attomef
Del Rio, Texa8
Dear Sir8
ter of Bny 85,
of this department
aPleaee advise loo If, hi your oplnloa
yl;znz.i6 repulred to obtain a ehauf'feur7:
The W0rd "ChBUffCUP 18 d8rid ia 8 (d f3f
scothat l,.af Article 6687a, Yernan’ri Annotated Civil
Statutes, aI foUow8t
All 9a0brrt3~s~ are teQulre6 to be lioemw3
under reotiai a 0r art1610 668Ta, suprar
"On and afterApril1 193t3,
no persontm-
oept those expres8ly emu& underthl8 aot,
shall drive any motor rehiole upon a hi
this date unleaa ~euoh.personupon ap
has bsfm l.ioenaedas aa operator or o
by the bepartrmnt under the pmvleloa8 or this
seotioa 3 of Artiole 6687a expressly‘lseta torth
those pereone who are exeriipt ima'the oblLgation oi ob-
taining a thirrew8 liaeo9e.
The enployee8oi a oity are ad emmpteb ir=
proourlng a ohautreuvr lloenee by the prorlslmror seo-
tioa 5 0r artl.010668%.
A0 @ate6 o-723 St this 40.
out 3.aopinion ffofo.
partmeat readem on S&y 10, 1959 to Ban, Chwlea 5. Ee-
Yillen, Eounty Attorney 0r San rbngtiino County, Cexar,
any person rho operates a motor tehlele r0z m$ purposr,
whole of part tllps,as an elaployeeof a aity, whether aLd
ig salary or cpoayai~8lon,iall uith3.nthe statutory de!l-
nitim or %haurrew aa6 ir oblige& to obtdn a ohati-
row0 llban80.
It i8 our opinion the statutory deflnltlon olt
ohlRutr%ur,in the absenoe of exoeptlon, appllea to any
*ecqloyoem lrreepeotive of the hot that the e loyw im
private or governmmtalaa long as other 0anUit“p me are
Where bn employer is a gowmnmental divlelaa,
however, the guestim present8 itself aa to whether the
Hoa. Roger Thurmmd, Kay 31, 1938, Pago $
The qusstloa now to be ooasldered is whether
rlramea are olty aaployess or rlty 0frm~.
Who are orrioers cut4orhoare emplo*er 10
to be determiasd by the pro~lsionr oi ths sharter
snd the 8tatutes. Where tho aleottre an4 lp lnt-
lte orrioere are absolutely named and rlxed r y
the ohsrter, all others ootlnsotedwith the olty
governzaentmust be smplo~oar, agantr or servant&i.
Suoh a'eharter olassliioatloncannotbs ohan&
by the Olty Commlsslon, as by lnaremting t&o m.ue~
ber of eleotlre or appointlre offlsara, or b
making thoss designated as emplo@ss appoint Ive
0rrioOr8, unless ths obarter so phriha, :.M
wed ia same oharters the term *any ortiter* Ln-
eludes Only suoh person8 La the ssfuiso OS the
alty who ham to do with the eueou%ion or a&&n-
bye or the laws, and does not embraee
"blasbersor the polioe fbroe or 8 muniol-
pal oorporatiao are gensra.Uy olas80Q as orrioera
and uiiiql4 are state otiiosrb; but, under ammo
ohartarg menAm oi the p01100 an&fire depart-
ment tiolassed as employesn. A uupsrlnteaUent
or publfa tttilltleohaB bssn hal& to bs an ma-
plopes and not an off%asr. Vnder soas charter@‘
members or the Board oi Edusation or the olty -
are my, an6 not oounty, 0rri0er0.*
u c 8 t Under sordiohartsrs member0 0r the
its department am3 olassed a8 0mpLpeeq an&
oharters sonmtI&s PI&as tha under oiril ssTvi8S
See BRWlf v. UHR. l67 6W S31
. .
to QI-
l k k l T h e ohrrte? km8 se&~ pt'o~~?
tide tha servant8ot the city lrltosleetlye and
appointin 0fri0er8 to be nomlnatod rot a potit-
&eat by the mayor* The language at the eKarter
will not bear mob a oonstruotlm and we mm&
eonoelm that suoh wa8 the inter&i of the
maker8of the @haHe?.*
Et 18 our opinion that ia mualolpalltie8where
oity riremen dririn4
tire apparatus oi the oity we omm-
84 loyearm they must obtain rbautfeurr' lfoenrsr
under artf016 6686a, Yeraon~s Annotated Oitil Btetuten*,
The statue OS a if.?em%na8 either em loyee or orfloat $8
to be detemlnsd by the prorieiaar 0s the oityiohrter.
In regard to your 8wma queutica, under the
iaotb preS4ntedd, w8 h!kVeno~tmubla ia OlaS8lW a 8u e?-
lntendent oi the
auniolpally-oand water nyatea who irlveer
a smallpioku~truok awnedby the rlty for the pwpaae
of n&lag repairs as an w~ployee* ot the olty. A8 am
*etaployeew he tads olearly rithia the l tatuta?y de$bi-
tlcm or *ohatUteur*uhloh ap ller te wan cnaployee,sttryaat,
agent or iaatbpMd8ti ofl ah&h* the oerg;loye?
contrab-e $8
a private or ,gorernmw&al agenoy* He 18 obliged to @I-
t&n a ohettWwtr*s l.toe38e under artids bb87a, Verntin~r
motatea ai~il8tatutes.
So? turther authoritle8 on related mttarr, we
respeotfullyrefu? you to the tollowlng opinlo~s reoantly
rendered by this departmeatt
1. Oplnlcm Ho. O-OS, Janunry 8, 1939, hold-
ing thata county ooamleaiooe? 18 a publlr oiil-
05r atid not an mkployse, remant, agent o? in-
dependent oontraotor ar there tsrma me wed in
the defllnltlmoi 4 ohaufi8ur Ln art1010 6687a,
and that a eountp oomal.sslcue? v&tiledriving an
automblle belonging to the county and on oounty
business 11 not a ahauffeur within the manl.rq
Eon. Tom DcBerry,Kay 29, 1939, Page 5
In calculatinginoolneand resources of the
epplioont,the Comulsslonshall take Into
account all money received by gift, devise
or desaent."
Seation 7 of the Act, in part, provides as
"The CoamIlrslonshall have full power end
authority to provide suoh method of looal ad-*
ministrationla tha.variousoountles and dls-
triote oi Texas aa it deems sdrirrable+ + +*
Seotlon 11(b) of tha Aot oraatee and eatabllahee
a of the Treasury or the State of Texaa to be
kept by the State Treasurer eeperate and apart from all
other funds to be known as the "TexatiOld Age Asttistenor
Fund”, for the purpose oi payln(:the aid and asslstenoe
provided,to? in the Ad.
Seotlon 12 of the.Aot authorizes the Dommlsslon
to prom&gate end errtablleh euoh rules e&d regulations
es,may be naoeaeery immediately to make grants of eraletanoe
to suoh of t&me may be eligible under the pro-
vlslona of thI8 Aot.
Seotlon 13(a) of the Aot provlaea a&'tOllOWs,
"All old age aaslatenoebenerlta provided for
,under the term of thin Act shall ba paid by touohars
or warrants drawn by the State Comptrolleron the
Texas Old Age AeslstanoeFund; for the purpoee Of
permitting the State Comptrollerproperly to draw
end Issue suoh vouohers or warrants, the Texa8~ Old
Ace ~AaslstanosComleoion shall furnleh the COmp-
troller with a llet or roll of those entitled to
aasletanoeiron tlma to time, to$etherwith the
amount to whloh eaoh reofplent is entitled. lmen
suoh vouohers or warrant8 have been drawn, they
shall ba delivered to the Executive Director Of
the Texas Old Ace AssistanoeCommission, who in
turn shall supervise the d0livGry of the aame t0
the persons entitlad thereto."
2 .::