.3 t
3. h..’
latter schi~olsLsve not been an2rovsd or
accrsdltsd by th5.sEosrd either OS to qusl-
ificrtionsof stuCent nurses or as to o(j;Llrses
0r tit;itiy
by Dtudants or any other mstter?
'3. %b'ouldtkia Boord be autborlzedto
issue s si~CFa1 llcanse t0 ~;~pliOf.UltS iOr
nursi:y in tub~rciilaron~ee~o~ly,where tho
q&.lciintahsve ritte3ded a nurskg soLoo
oonneotedwith a hoapltal ~aoeptiag aa pa-
tierit8only thooe rirtllated uith tub6reulo-
sl8 u&ther'thea.urdgaohoel~coo*
u&k tha applSauit8ham not attended for
yB@wml MaredIted Lture
L -
Hon. OrTIll s. krpbutor, Fa6b 3
Comds8ion the power to make any rule0 and ra&u.latIona with
referenae to 80a8ona1w0rkemf, tho bMetlt8 for suoh worker8
or the oontrlbutlons o? their amployezn.
The oaptlon of Sanata Bill Ho. 21 dobo not In any
rtate that a nw Seot:on, tc-wit! Seatlon 8-A Is being
to tha bill or tha original Aat; It does, howover,
speaIfIaallynote that two new aeatlons. Seotlon 19-A and
Seotlan 19-B are being added.
-e aall your attention to 39 Tex. Sur. p. 104 in
whloh we ilnd the follmIng statement:
"And where a title names aa the p&poee of.tho
Aot the amendmant of spealfled motion of a former
bill, the body o? the sot, after amndlng suah 8bo-
tlon, may not prcmemlto ret out other 8eotlons whlah
would beaome a part of the origIna aat but Omlah are
not Inoludad In the title by reason of be- ohangos
in, Or Ql8Z~Qt.S Of, the 8sOtiOII 8peOifibd thQ'dJL"
Thle other rtetement is found in 39 Tar. Jur. p. 104:
“The title upre8sIng a pUl’906b to amand a 8-t
uta In a oortafn particular la dsaeptlve aud mirhaA-
lng ln8ofara8 the Iply of the aat purport8 to aawl
a prior law in other partIoular8.a
In 8bMte Bill HO. 21 (SbOtiOn 8-A. $Ub8bOtiOL! (3).
Artlals 522lb) the Lagirlaturb hu orbatbd antl addbd a IMU
fUWtbA for tflb &1mi~81m~8, pbXMittbI6 thbm to do O-
-With rOf8r@ElOb t0 8bMOIlb.l UOrk@F8 8lldthbir UglgbZY8,
a par not haretotore dolbgated to the Comd88ioa. Ho Mn-
tlon I8 Mda in the uptlon of tha Bill putting thb mmbbn
of the LOgiE~tUl?b of the pub110 upOn IlotiOb that till& IIW
mtter wa8 belaa sti by the Laglslatura as an ambndm~t to
the already exlrt tbmrploymnt Catxpen8ationAat. ‘Phb aap-
tlon la misleading and does not inrona the 8euubb?8 of thb
LegIelature of the subjeot matter upon whlah thay are mting.
Thb 8pnoffloationoi the nature of the prOpO8ed
aaendmat In our opinion rlxes the oharaoter of the amndmcat
as on8 sseklng no other alteratloliIn the OrIgInal lrtlole than
to do the thin@ named. They speaItlaallyaat out that new
Seotlons 19-r\and 19-3 nere being added. The listing o? thb
Seotlons of ArtIole 5221-b to be aaended, tha 8pbOifiOIlthIl
Hon. Crvllle S. Carpenter, Pagb 4
of the nature of the proposbd amndaont8 and the info~atlon
that new Saotions 19-A aud 19-9 wbra baIng added was a dIs-
tlnot aismranoe that the objeot or the act wa8 a llmlted one.
The announasmenthaving been made by the Legislature, In the
to be mended In oertain
caption, that Artlole 5221-b kltle
Fmtlauleirs, no different or nw embndments oan be added, 800
'ZardCattle and Tasturs Company YE. Carpenter, 200 S. 'fi.
and Aruold vs. Leonard, 273 S. 7:.800. To pernit ruoh a pro-
oedure Is, In our oplnlon, a violation of krtlale 3, Seotlon
35 ot the Constitutionof Texar,.
It la our opinion that the aaptlon of Senate Bill
Ho. 21 Is not broad enough to aoter the new matter lnaluded
in Seotlon 8-n, Submotion (3), a8 provlded In the amendmmxt
to Ax-8101~5221-b. Ia riew of our 8nwbr to your tint que8-
tlon, wo do not believe it nbobs8ax-y to awsrer your rrooond