Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Charles S. MaXfllan County Attorney San hugustine County San Augustine, Texae Dear Slrx yu eoaaiy rer re the mtrmat ax- rcu that,pmlv ot e36e6 see th6 a6iderb.g t&h :questlom, ur appreolation. debb for any purpose shall in any manner by any city or ~~~lslon is made, at the tiae of , for levylag and aolleatlnga sufficient tax to pay the intereet thereon and providz ;t*lzast two par cent (S$) as a sinking iand; . Our Supreme Court in 1895 stated the e&feat of the a- bove constitntiodalprovision as follows: Honorable Charles 5. MoMillan,Page 2 "Therefore,the attempted *creation'or *in- ourrhg* or a 'debt*.for any conceivablepurpose, and in any conoelvablemanner, without making the *provialonl,is contraryto the express prohibition or the oonstitutloaad void; and it IS wholly im- materialwhether the oonslderatlonor *purpose*or the transactionbe properly olassed as an item of orfl~aaryor current expenses, or otherwise,and whether the 'debt' be evfdenaed by an ordinary verbal.or written contract, a note, or a bond." l&Wetllr. City Of W30, 89 Ter. Sg,,+X5Sr.W. X32. otiae fmud #at tEe obX%@ticm8 waxa aot wdebtaw aud It was upon thIsbaaim,that thair~afi~ty*as euatai.~~Q.It fs 8tatOdln tEa opinions ** * *but under no.oae of.the assiglDBent&doea the plainti$Z In error raise the qrtestiont&at for the years la whleh the water was used by she City Bonorable Charles S. bfoMlllan, Page 3 of Tyler the current expenses were greater than the current revenue. The making or a contrtct ror water for a number of years to be delivered in the future did not create a debt against the aity, but the liabilityof the city arose upon the use by it of the water during each year. * * * It is there- rore imaterial that the ourrent expenses for 1889 were greater than the current revenue or the City or Tyler, and we shall nat further discuss that phase of the question." Whether an obligation creates a *debt* WI&IQ ths a- ‘bareConstlfutlodalpro~IaIon Is not eontrolled by a detemlna- tfon that it may ba properly olassitfedas *orQInar$expense*~ for auah expenses may oonstltutea *debt? If It Is Iatonded that they shall be pa%d out or the revanues of futare yeas+ or, If .thay,together with the valid outstandfngwarrants agalwt t&a fuud exceeds the moneys available plus the reasonablyan$Ioipat- ed revennes for the year. Carronolted saprai Bramale J. .Btrength,aupra, was a ease oonoemed with *ordinary~ens#@. .anQthe warrants were payable o-sit or the g&ersl -~~VMIUOmud. The oonrtob8ervad: '** * *It &teemsto us It easily aould be Qe- tar&mid at any tti whether the sum of &aIms reprewatlag urQla8ry ampeases of the eouaty a-, momted to'as mueh'ae~-It reasonabLy ueulQ bs ax- peoted the earreat rawaaues of the aountywoulQ .aarouat ts. When it was found they dIQ, It seems to UE it might very well ba aald that sush on%- nary expqase8 or ths ooonty as were thereafter InourreQwere .+&In the prohibitionof wutlom 9 oreArtlale X.1or the Constftatlon,w It Is oar opinion that warrants Issued by a aouaty for ourrent expenses are void, where a0 provIsion la mado aa provided la Constitution,Artlale Il.,Section I, at the tInm the obllga- tion Is Inourred~andit In intended that they shall be paid oat es revenues or rutuF0yeara, or where such warrants when addad to ml.ld outstandingwarrants againat the fund exaeed the avail- able balance and the reasonableand lawfully oontemplatedor ex- paotqd revenaes for that year. What may be reasoaablyand ladull] Honorable Charles S. MaMlllan,Page 4 contemplated or expected revenues for the year does not neces- sarily depend-upon actual collections. Inasmuahae your request does not aet forth the facts oontrollingthe warrant.6you have in mind, we are unable to give you a categorioalauawer as to their validity. Your8 very truly ATTORNEY@NEFUL OFTEXA8 , BY hPPROV'5QJUL 14, 1939 Aseirtent COMMllTEE