Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Euy 20, 1939 Hoa. 0. B. Carron cotmty Attorn4y county xator Ode66a, Texa6 on tha above thllt orrlae. part* r0z.mf6t a applicant shall da- ng ree with the aounty l r i?Ltg o r the application. the County Judge attitled toa u fee for holding the hearing upon ia th4 6UitteTOr Eaib,tWli- The next to the last '&wagraph or~i3eetimi6, yrtle 23,of the TO%66 Liquor Co6tr0~ Aat re6d6 a6 rob . 7 . Hon. 0. 3. 04rron,Bay 80, 1959, Psge,e original llawo of any ala66 here& pra- rldad, uoept Bmnoh Lioon6i6 anU Temporu~ L1046646 ahall be mtbjeot at the tiBe of the heax& thereon to a fee of Fly6 Dollara ($6). wbioh ree 6hall, b7 the OoiintyOlerk be depoalted in the County Tma6ury and the applic8nt shall be ll6ble r0r no other reee koept 6ald aprlloatlon m an6 the annual u0.M. fea required Or hi8 br thi6 ht.* The oourtm of thl8 #tat* lw+o'huM that pub110 0rri0f816 6847ahug ottw 8uah roe6.86 uo 0p0dri0* .authorisedby statuto~ ana that the ra4t t&t the.bgL- lature ha6 not author&d th. fee for his 6OX'dOi that ithaajadwadutyti thopubll6 0fYi43al4006 notauthar- I.20Mid 0rri0w to 6hargo l rec. The ooa6titutloa rht6 the caapett6atlott or ugrtafn ofilou6, and authpriaes the La~slature to provldo br law ior the oanpututatioaof all other orr.ioer6,6em6ats;agenta and ~niblloaontrao- tars. Pur6U.d to the ‘UthOrit~ thU6 Ooais~'~Wd,mmer0~6 6t‘tUteE h‘Ye been 6646 rbfttgfh0 OamipWtMtiOItOrVU- :Oti OhEM Ot Of&6. Th4 power rxtthe lagl6latumJ to rir the aOqmW‘tiott Of OffiOU8 i6 lf6Iit.dbf the pro~l4ion6 of the oon6titutlott prohlbitlag the ~666484 oi bO‘1.r 6mid bW8iOrbidditlgthtt grrnfing~iUtl'8 ao6pen6ationror6e-mi0es4lro6~ronder~, and rixfag the w 0~p4666tionor 00rtain 0rr104~6. m.6 P-Z may bi d616gated by the X.e@rlature to the goy6rnlng boUle6 Or QOUIttiO6,anmi4fpri OO~OtVttfOM or uiEtrfat6, aad thI6 ha6 been &oM in YUiOU6 166t6XAO.6. m hereinbefore statsd, the oaPp666ation of pub- lic 0rri0em I6 rired by the oonstltution El& 8t‘tUt4t6, #I otfloermay not olalwor Noelva q moner rlthouta law iutbori6lng h5.mto do DO, .and slaarly rlxln8 the amount to rhioh he 16 ent:tlSd. An otiloer 1s not entltlea to any oaqmumtlon in ‘dd,lt:onto thatwhiBhha6 beentlred b~Uwiorthe+erlar- EEIZJOO or hl6 dutle8 of hl6 otfloe eyen though the oixap4ns4- tion 60 fired is unroaronable or bdequate. He repPbe requiredby law to pariOn 6QMiri6 6UYfOe6 6nd disoharge additional duti66 for whioh no aopeneatloa I6 pmviA6d. . l &on. 0. 6. Sexron, Sey LO, 1939, 2~35~ 3 'ihe obll~xt.i,-nto perform sxh services 1s lm;;o?ed as ircident to the OrriCe, :ind the CrriCdr by !.ls scce?tmce thereof is deessd to have ecgsged to psrfom then without cozpensotlon. Tex. Jur., Vol. 34, p. 507, 511, 515 ant yj 5; Crosby Ccunt:.',C:ot.t+le Co~..psnyv. :Ici;ermett,201 24 293; z:cCalle v. city or RockL'ole, 246 5:~C54; Terre11 v. King, 14 'Y 2nd 76%. The Leglslzture has speclricel:y ?rovlded test Flvr Dollars sho,:ld be the only fas the a;plic-nt should have to pay in oonneotlon with hls ap;lioetlon, exoept ths ocnual lles~se fee rs@red by the Liquor Control Act, and that tba sum of Five Dollars should be by the county clerk deymslted 1~ the county treasury, and nblther the oountf judge nor the aounty olerk would be authorized to charge an additional fee ic oonnectton with said app:lcotlon. * On Woreuber 8, 1937 anl April 22, 1938, this de- prrtrant in passing upon the 98310 ,;usstion as submitted in your i~;ulry held tbrt neither the oounty jud,q nor the oounty olerk WRS authorized to charge sn aldltlonal See in connectloc with the applicatloa and thet the. on:y fee t?.ct could be sssessed was the Fire Dollar See provided for by S8CtiOE 6, Article 2 or the Tees illuor Control Act and that this See must be deposited by the county clerk alth the county treesurer. YOU me respeotfully advised that It 1s the opin- ion of this Eeprrtment that the county Judge 1s not entitled to a fee for holding the herirlng on h??lloc.tiona for beer ;;nd .slne retslltrs’ ~em1t.s and thct the county olcrk la not. eotitled to a fee ror rlllnr such appllcatlon and his clerical work in connection uith such a;plicetion. Trustin thrt the for8gOing a5SueTS YOUr in?UirY, we remln i-our.9very truly