Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN fipril14, 1999 Hon. Charles '1.Banister ,. Criminal Dlstriot Attorney Xqvsrro County CorGicana, Texas \c J The relevant part of Artlaje tMU3-46,ef the Texas Liquor Qontrol~Aot, pertaLning':o xoo.gll option elee- tlone anb the sn~sa%oon or ismoe, wads as iollom .*In areas *hare the aale ai besr eontab- lng alo~oholnet exaseQIng iotrrt4$) per Osntror fIon . Charles T. Eanister, April 14, 1939, Page 2 by velght has been 1ec;allzedand all other al- ooholio beverages are prohibited, the follolr- ing issue shall be eubmlttsd in any prohibitory eleotlon: (1). 'For prohlbltlng the sale of beer containing aloohol not exoeedlng four (4%) per oentum by weight,v* and *&galnat prohlbltlng the sale of baer containing alcohol hot exoeed- lng row (4%) per centum by weight.** .- Artloh 667-1 or the sot, dW.ning the 'tom *boera heads: . 8eotioa(1). Artiolo t)66-+%. The graveman dF the ohearrs a8 exprwmd by the ball8t legalicing 8aoh 8&e heretaiom and under our pro- 8eat ballot, beeing8ubataatlally the 8mn0, woald be the uulawrul 8als or a malt 'beverageooatalnlag one-half of oae per oant or more of aloohol by mlumb, and whloh would in our view h.9ve7iZrioleatly been prelraatedin the Issue8 The Temae Liquor dontrol Act has-prorlded, by the OOa8tItUtiOlralp1'Wi8IOa, ArtI 16, Bon. Charles T. Fanister, April 14, 1939, Page 3 Section 20, that ccunties may hold electionsand by majority vote 0P those voting, determine rrom time to tixe whether tr.esale of intoxioating liquors for bever- age purposes shall be problbited or legalized within their prescribed limits and we are inclinedto bellere thet under the ballot as,aathorized,should a aajorlty of those fotinc be for prohlbltlngthe sale of beer, that such roula include all parsons handling thereto- rore legalized 3.2# hear. "~ It 18, theriiors, t&.OpilpiOliOf thi8 tip&St- meat that where a oounty dry by loaal 0 'tlOn.-and'l@&g 8UbSeqUeUtly legalited the OalO Of s{ 28 ~&$*ot'jg~j'$ :- majority votes ror prohlbltb tha aaXe :oS.be' ing dloohol not exoeedlng .r0ru (a$) par 00 in 8UbSSqWnt elaotion, a aonviatioa uudc.s option law oould be 8U8taiMd. ..'~. WSIKZAW