Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN *triator aounty attcirmy eha.U to ten per osnt 0r all riO48, s 0r w~eyt3 taiekhd r0r the why, apoa $udggaents remmmwd by hia; and ths &ark Of the 00&i in thLOh said julgrpentsare rsgdsred shall bssntitlsd torirt, pat oelrtortbs-ammntor said futg- meats, to be paid oat of the alaoantwhen ool- leoted. *at0 shdfr 0r 0th~ orfi00r rho 80b leots maney ror the State or toasty, under Honorable,hllen C. Wilson, Page 2 any provision of this Code, except jury fees, shaU be entitled to retain five psr cent thereof bhen coUected.q hrticle 4025 of the Hevised Civil Statutes concerns the Fish a: Oyster Laws and was psased neny years priorto the enactment of the Guue Law ia 1925. This Article is now a part of Title 67, which is entitled Fish, Oyeter, Shell, etc., it reads ~1sfollows: W.f all ra30 ooUeat8d ror inimation 0r tbs rt8h ad optor Irm, ten pm oat ahall 80 to the *oseouti.ng attorney, aud the iesldue. th0mr slmu .go,418 guned,, fund of this State. All fuuda aolleote&by de&w&y.oom5.ulonera 8los4gthe aoaet r0r reg- Utter oertifhatse, lSoqse8, and rents ~ior looat~ private oyster:beds,~ and sao$.ptbr aharg8s~relatlng to th*fi&iad oyatrlas~ as w be presortkd, &ulL'he b~,saoh,:8p .uti88 paid over weekly to”th6 Comal8sibn6r.. e&l titarriaballdep68it the aam3nkonalp io the side Trsasary to the aredft or the. gensral rmenua'.funb." \ T&aSQthLe&slat& ia Remat Seeslon'lnlWM en- acted whst is e~diy.@&ledthe'gpllu,lar. .Th?~.AatWM @Sa---' titled %eutlmg to the preaertatloon and propagation0r,au'-- did animals, wild bfrda and wild foul8 OS this date.? :Xt was numbered Cha&ear roe. Seat&on 42 or this Aot is now Artiole. Ql.2or the Penal Codei and reads a” rollore: . *It ahall be the duty oi'any j08tiw ~' or the peaoe, crlerkor any 6ourt, or sh7 other 0rri0qr oi this State, reaii+bg any rine or penalty lmpoeed by my ow for tlolation or any 0r tBe mvn 0r this State pertaiPing to the protecti- apd conservation ot tild birds, wild fo'lrl, wild anJs, rich, oy8t8rr and otlmr wild iire, ai thin ten dsys ircm and arta the reoeipt or aollection0r ,saohr* or penalty, td remit same to the Geme, Fish and Oyster ConmIssIon at Aa6tlO,'giriW d00kttt nuuber of ease, - 0r ~-mn rised, ana aeotiou or artlOle of the law under which convlctlonuas aeoared, when P:; saoh laws are requlred.to be enZoa%d by Honorable Allen CL Wilson, Page S the Game, Fish and Oyster Commi~sion.~ On hprll 29, 1926, Honorable C. L. Stone, Assfstant Attorney General, wrote an opinion on tbls questionwbloh reads, In part, as r0ilo=: "atlcle 4025, Revised Clrll Statutes of 1925, provides that of all lirsescol- lected roolnfraotions of the l!Yshand Oyster 3aws, 10 per oont shall ep to the prowouting attornayaad the nsldoe there- _. Vhe writ*** attention has besa directed by you to a letter opinion, dated May let, 19tb. ‘eoD* L. stO88, uhcwasattbat tJsa aniwht&tli .StU+ n8~GeneralofTexas,wbi~saut~6AX't- lolea 950 and 951 or th?-@gde o? drlmlnal PrC88dUl-eto bS amliCd& t0 8Sidasl salts~ibrlnfraetlonr of *b w law. In the rrlt8rv6 oglnlon ksh oagstruotlon 1s errotwOu$ ard the&on is h8r8by 8x- :presslyarmruled em& withdrawn. ArtloIns , Ebnorable Allea C, X+llson,Page 4 950 and 951, as anmnded, of the Code of CriminalPrccedare'e are g8neral statutes whIchhareappllcable.onlyin the absence of spe0iilc18glslatlTaenactmentsto the ccntrsry. Artdole 912, Peual Code, sapra, IS clearly and aa8qulrocaU.yapplicable to the ap8ciiic subzbjeotsecntelned ln its pSOVieion8, and it ObTioUdly evidencer the intention0r the bglelature that au aMS~p8WtiOS duhedtrorthon ufmiaal ones for vlolatl8u ar lawa Honorable huen c. bilcon, Page b apply to the Game laws, the general statute, namely Article 950 and Article 951 of the Code of Crimlnel Procedure, must btr read into Article 912 of the 3mal Cod.. Our oonatruction of Artlola 9l2 io further 8lPphasiZ8d by USid8 923qq of th8 Pend COd8. t'ht.6tit1818 WaS Ori&Ildly Seation 10 of Chapter 177, Aots or the 39th I.egialatura, 1926, end if Went into 8rfsCt the same Qy tbat Artlole 912 went i&o 8f t8Ot. Th8 titl8OrchSPt6riw W&I3 ~BegU&ithgth8~udIi& FrapplmCIand'kLineof Fur-BmminghnSmlm". Seotlon l0 of wid M ram38 u rallmmr~ :