Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN "Such cittitionshall contain E briar sf:tiorkont of the caurreof aotiuxi,and s!d.l caimnd the offioar to susmon the defendant by raking publication OP suoh citation In some newspaper publlshed therein, but ii not, then ln the nearest county where a newspaper la publlshe0, once in eaoh weekror row ooneeoutive weeks prevloun to the return day tLere- Or.* ArtloiQ86s3aQ&i8smth rQQulraIlult Q0Y- Ming ad~ttrtl~lng tar bidm by oounti~~ an% oil&m. The term8 with which w are oonoemed are: Seotlon 2.. Caqmtitire biddiag for oon- trnets for pub110 work88 adwrtie~t . . l "It thus la no newspaper pabUshed ln euoh oowtr, thQ notion OS the lattia& of suoh o*ot by~mmh oounty shall be given by oauring notloethereofto be posted atithe oounty oourthousedoor for r0urteen (14) day8 prior t0 the tat3 0r lettine suoh oontrnot.* * * * Ah0 Se& 'I.-Ref~ndfng Itndebtednesri; pl'0 odure t * * * wotioe OS intentian to loall@ suoh funding bondrr,lnoludinga etatenant of the elaountandpul-poaQ0r auoh bonds, ahall be publiehd at least onoe a week tar three (s) euoo~sml~~wmek61in a news- paper or general oirmlatlon within suoh oounty, or within suoh olty .a.~the oaee may be, at least thirty (3Oj day6 before the meetlnsgor tlm Dammlssloners~Court or of the eovemlag bo%y, ut which tinia it is proposed to lesuo auoh bond.8* * +- It will be noted that the undisputable pIXpO8eOr bothOf sei%tiiOiO8 is t0 %i&?if~~I- nete t&mu&out the oounty lnrormtiono~noern- ing the oause of a&ion in Artlole 2039 and the letting of contraate and iseuance of funding bonds in ,miole 236Oa. ii;ilathere &!a t10 T-8 dealslons 1~ polnt, tiiisquostlcm h0a been ralliednuumwuB tinms in other Jurlsdb3tlona and hes remlted ln~ciefl- of aiithorfty. nlte &Ivirpilon In tim rfr5tylaoe we wieh to quate rrm 46 Corpus Juris, p. 26, pr. (20) br Printing outaid. lupd. a%rmihtiiia WithIn 1ooaUty. Otk4~etat~eshto beam ocumtru~ 80 a# ad3 t6 rrpuirr the aatual pri.nflngtobrdfhlnth@ lsaalitp*~an&it fs @ld that h 11-1*8- ptpr printed ou%sida of the Lwellty nay be sonnideredas pubUshdli tb#x'e- in it it 10 ~iied mm the l0a.a.lty and Uintr/butedto aubiaarfbera thereini thnt the plnoc~of publieatloaof a nmmpnper la t&a g.aasuhcreItIs rirtrt put into olraulatlon, where It 1s first ii&,&rz. ?tifml,*pcl 13, 193Q, Page 4 issued to be dallvcrudor uunt, by mail or othmwiaa, to ite 8ubuoriber6. 3it rnct that, ~h:b thb mrin*~ng Hon. Edgar E. Payne, hpril 13, 1939, Fage 5 (31 In re I&Donald 187 Cal. 150, 201 P 110; (4) Drainage Dist. No. 9 of Eiller County v. Merohants' & Planters1 Sank, 2 S.K. (2d) 1079, 1082, 176 Ark. 474. It till be noted that there is even a oouillat on the qumrttionunder dlsouaelonamong tfrsdetbim6 Or th0 6iXtk, Or u6tI.irOZTd#hThs oese 0r In re Mfmrovla IWeuing Post supra, hold8 that a nmmpaper doss not oomu within the statu- tory requlrrmantwham the typassttiugaud prelle work are dune at ax adjojniug alty, saam diatanoe fnm the oitp where the papas has a aubstantlal subaoriptionlist. But the4oaae 0r In re YloDon- ald an.earllardaoislon,had.hsldthat the On- tar~oWaeklyHamld,antmapaper publishedand olroulatedat Ontario, California, to a bona ildu list 0r aubmribera and posseseiagthe other qual- irioationsrequired by the statute, la not prevemted from enjoying the privileges aud.the statur of a newspaper of general olroulatiou,merely beaauao the meohanioaloperation of typamNA.ug and press work is aotunlly &me in auothar aity. Tha crourt saldthatsoto dluqualiiyanewspaper mere4 beoause it was published and alranlate&3.uam olty, while the maehaufoalwork of printing the paper was done ln anotheralty, would be the r#- atriot unduly the svldent intention of the 18&W- lature. The intention of the leg5slatureand the I purpose of the partloularstat&e under uonsldar- ation should be the eontrolllng raetore. In eon- sidering the question propouuded,we dlsoount the lmportenoeof th5 caao 0r state Y. Big Horn Oounty, aupra, beoause there the obvlOus polioy of the aot under oonalderatlonand the intention of the leg- 0r oontraots to islaturewere the letting or prl.ntf.ni3 locel newxi~~~crs. ,ica niatter9f fsiot,tim de- cision zrj-sas nuah, as folloru~: -T& ~10~ PWPOS~ 0r ths kt ~39 to co~;pelthe letting of printing cm- tructo to low1 uowspapfms,in order that looal oapltal and Aooil labor UkwLld 8uouro tha buuritu of the ax- QenAltureofn87Qsi~~ loo&l taxa~,fnuludlngtbdr owa;tha alor- paragraph or ch* kot u8pbadseo t73 s purpasr by pnniding that, whm thenDw8pagmhQ1dlngwm,oouatlrprlnt- layswmnot 1t must llrtb traat to ap ldabli do theuerkwlthint~atat~andwlth Montana labor. wo hwm,hor&~lore held ' that 'ths rrasd“publhlte#‘, a+ used in the utatute, evidentlymuam printad andpubLiahed. Itrefmtoan~u8papar &av3nglt8bmolnt&owtt~** . . l Tohold otheruirwaul&ULoatthe pur?- poBocetboAotbppordt~alar6~ OcaOarn situatea la & oqty wmdl ths stats, or umm tithaut tha #tat., to oaatraltbB 0oulaygblQwngim~aab bsroftwuntfeab~eota~~~oirLaes therein emd fbrnbblng maah oPfl008 wht+QQy for dhtrautian rftm tkm We are inollned to lpprarr the oogtmt ruau~llng or tbo MI York, IUlnol8 and &%awas court8 and adhere to tb a~IuIc~0 or them jur- lsdlatfonsaa ruprwnnting the ajorlty opiniapl t0 fhe 43rreet that t3proparr o0rmtrraoth0r the p;lbllaationstatute dose J&O%nseamari4 require the aotual printing of the nempaper to be tiW13.n the :oaautp. Tke cue 0r IO re kdneawuy, stipra, is rely mIC!i in I oitit. ID ti~ir Oeolsion it Fe iweld that ders a newspaper iu ontared as aoovn&-alaas xmtter ht.a postoffioe at h certt&i tovn, to he dlgtrlbutcd illthe ti;wnin the rirstinstance, aid ~&J&to a lar~enu&arotsubsorlbare,and first dlatrlbuted otroulatod,and sold ln that tarn,thoughprln~ed~ouh~~,ltlm l ubllehed* lnth&.tounwlthlntbouqacwmxxau PCon8oL far, 00 34) paru l3, raqulrlngpublloatlaa d a0tib0 0r 8ubr~iiiei0~ 0r q~8ti~8 rating t0 lo- u4l optlaa,. rho 0~ or ~00~3.0 tti x00d, SW LB Alua la point. ImtbiedeiUloiiit lrhal.ithitt *publio&l~a oim8pprumi%tlaa~r8lmmo8do~~ by the village or MarganPark Ln~rnewepapar pub- llahad weekly la th.sint~rast or More&n Park, Bluo Ialanb,and tb~untlre crountry aloag the B&IO '.-..- IuU~.UXidga, in CSfoago, byenuainoorporat& o~~,.icndcmtsrsd~~a~~~~~a~tt~rat tha poati&Sloe at Chioago, ie not a publ.ieatiun uithh b~a8.w A0t r0r the m6a-pfmtion or bit108 aad yllla@~a Artla& 3, gar'agnph 5 ~pro*idiX~S that approprfatlan oxdlpsryI8a shall & PtibUAd in 4 newspaper publbh4Rd in uls 01ty or *1uae.. ,einoo the plea- of pubUAatl0n 0i 4 2L6WempeP 18 ths pl4os whura 1t l~~rsrat put into, 8t~uhtloA or buuud to be Coll+uM by m&l or athmrlae te its uubaori&rs, and ttm ti88thcaI~ of 4 W1tiAOU' th4t th, IISWS~XI~ W&S PUbliShUd i+ -rg;aA ptur *M~w4mapapurof gakaral OlX!OuLation fnth0Y 2 l- lags and mtelds, &We Aat chow a publloatlcua in &or&ml?~k,wher6 tba~itBe8s UnQuetood that Q pager publL&ed ln any ~rmt~lty *hero Lt irr gen- arally olreulated. The more Uberalule*and thntWmWx%a- 4th the general Inteat cf the 1UglSlatUM purpose 0r tha p~ltlloatlonstatutes ir, th:lttht3jhC0 Or pUbl~CiitiOA Or u ntlWO;r~pOT is tha loorlity where it ia firat put ir?tocirauls- tiw or issued to be deliveradby &ail or othsr- wise to its subsurlbern,and not neaeasarLlythe plaos0r +z aatualprinting 0r tb newspnpsr. aaross stat.55x4 oounty llA5 ~w58 brought Into Scmnandoouatyl~ its head&and datin~snd was dlistributed there in rirst lnstemca. IA the absenoe of Texas deaiel0~8 cm thiwnattu, it i8 our opinlan that ths scumtnm- ,. tiaa p&mad upon thm publlsatioastatute8 w the Oourt8or 215uYork,r.lllnoi8 end ArkaABE8,among othara,8houldb5 r0m3d lA m5pBot to piiblha- tica of M;iClea features BOB9and B2k68a.Th5 i.ntentottha ~d.aturoln Sram5ngboth them provlsi~8 was that the 8Ubjeet natter be pui&iO- ised, and not that prlzhti6 oontmots be le?, bo loual newapapBra* Publioatkm withlnths lntrrt or ths Lqglelaturswill be asadnpllshed in the SitUatiOA undes oonslderatlon~ Thcrofon, we hold thAt ir 8 AWtlpclm be maile& to its subsorlberswith& a sounty and meet tho reqtiraanmt~ Or th5 hat8 0r Corqraes, withfbsp430tt0 mering at 8 gm~ p05torri05 w:thinsaid oounty, and the WiAtiAgor typeset- fIon.Edear E. Payne, April 14, 1939, Pd!+ 9 lng is done in another county, such a newepaper wouldbe legally pilblishe&.,in t e county where mailed within the requirement2 of the Articles 2039 and 2368a, supra. 'i'rustine, that the above fully answere your inquiry, we are Your~mry.trulY DS:omb