Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

4 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Jion . OrvilleS. Carpenter, Agril 14, 193Q. Rice 2 IilO., to eubalt to them a list of all employersoovered by the Texas Unemploy- ment Coqmnsatlm hct. Esy we make these reports of status available to the T-8 ‘8orld*aFair Commission,Inc. in or&r that they night obtain from them the x1fmO8 Of the 0&0yOP8?" You recpmt the opinion of thl8 dqxwt- as-to +!her the Taure -- Unemplqmnt _ Cappaa- _ - arid68 oftau Hon. Orvlllr S. Carpenter, April 14, 1939, page 3 The language quoted from the above re- ferrod to erotlon is plain end unambiguous. It authorlzeb the Commleelon to exemlna and to;lnepeot reoords of employers and to require reporte'whloh the Commle8ion deems neoesaary. It 1s obvloue- from the context thet the intent of the Legltiiab ture wee to make these reporta~oonfldentIelend ,~' olosad to the public at large. Thn CommItleion 3I expreesly prohibited from publishlngor.reveallng in any menner the private affairs of those busl- nea8 ooncerna end employers which come under Its jurIa6lctlon. It follows from the wording of the act ltaelf that Information contained in the re- ports may not legally be divulged by placing the reports in the hands of pertles who are not expres- ly authorized to Inspect and exemlne them. we find, therefore, an oxpress prohlbl- tlon In the Act reetrelnlng the Commleelon from dlrroloalngInformation contained in the reports it roquire8 of employing units through publication of aeme or laying the records open to public ln- 8pectlon. It Is true that the eectlon under dis- cussion speolffcellyexcludes *public employees In the psrformenco or their pub110 duties* from t.;.nln;M-;Itlon. Thr Texas'World's Fair Commls- a non-private oorporatlon,In our opinion, &a not fall within this exemption, de- spite its status of patriotic and civic importance. Eoh. Grvllle S. Carpenter, April 14, 1939, IZn,ge 4 tieare constra3nedto hold that the Texas Unen- ploymeat Coapeneatlon~omr&salon Is not authorized to make repbts of stahhs of employing units avail- able to the Teule %Od.(l'8 Falr Comniisslon,Ino., in order.thatthe Cocmlesionml&t obtain froni them reports the IlCUW8 0r employers. Trueting that the above fully answers your Inquiry, we a-0 Tour8 very truly ATToHsHTO~aFT~ .