Hr. Fred xorri8
hmty Aubltor
Lfrln&8ton, Texar
Dear air:
00, drpreoia-
OS autonobilea.
Mr. Yrd Xotris, Namh 27, lOSO, Pago 2
the noooeoltythsrefor, allow one or more
I: . automobilesto be wed by the sherlfr In the
dlsohargo of his official dutiaa, whioh, If
purohooedby the oounty, ohall be bou&ht in
the -6s preoorlbedby lax for the purohaso
or supplies and paid tar out or the General
Fund or tho oounty and thoy ahall b8 and rc-
main the property or tho oouuty. The rxponee
or aaIntonano0,&prooIatIon and oporatIca~@
ouob automobileseo caaybo allok&, whether -
puroha8od by the oounty or own*6 by tne nhsrirr
or hi4 doputioo pereonally,oball be pald for
by the aberlff and the amount thomor ohall
be mpottd by tho ohortrt 0x1tho report lbwo
. ; masMonod, In the-mame mannor as herein pro-
rids6 Sot othor expon801~~
A8 uIl1 bo notod from tho above.quoted la-o,
thd oxpm6e of mainbenanoe,UeprooIatIonand 0pemtIan
OS mob automobilea ~&lowed the ,aharISt whether owned'
by bin psroonally,hko doputloo poroonollyor the oouaty
ohall be paid for by the ahetISf and reported by the
on the report mqntnd by Artlola 5899.
lh e tlfi
Ilofafl to find say 1ImIktlbn In Art1010 8S99
or 01Seuhe~0 In the statute8 as to the onourttthat oan
bo alaImod by the shotlff for otafatenanoo, doproeirtlou
and operationof auWobIlo8. Suah Artiolo merely ro-
*...,ruahexpon&e aoootmt ohall be sub-
jeot to tho audit of county audItor, If any,
othorwicls by the GozatItu~Io~t~*Court;.and
li It appear@ that any IttsaOf 6ueh oxpenoo
was not Inourmd by euoh oifioer or suoh item
woe not a neoessary oxpease or 0rri00, ouah
Item shall be by euch audItor.oroourt rajeot-
ed, In whtoh aaae the oolloatlonaof ouch Item
may be adjudioatedIn any aourt of ooatpetont
jurI5QIotIon. -
It la, therefore, the oplnlon ot this Depart-
ment and you art 80 adrfsed.that there Io no 1Imitatlon
upon the amount that a abrlii ban alalm ao expense of
Mr. ?nU Borrle, Maroh 27, lQS9, Page 3
offlao ror malntonanae,deproolationand operationof
autcmobllesused In the execution of the dutlas of 01s
orrice sxoapt that they ba *....a neoessaryexpense
0r orri00.-
vary truly yours