Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN i-0. MANN -- kiarah28, 1939 Bon.Bill 9. Vatklns OountyAttorney Llano aosntr -. ‘. ._ ’ Hon. Bill S. Watkins,liarah 28, 1939, pago 2 of at leastthreemembersof the Coemiasi~n- era* Court.. Artlole 3896. supra,authorlseaan allowanoe for 8~-0fii010ser*iosawithinthe llmltatlonastated, %x-Offloloasignifiesrrom or by tirtue of offloe, It meant3 an authorityderlv64iron oiflolalobarcrotor to the oSloid poaltlon an4 not eapreaaly or .annexad oonsermdapontho lnal~l&uaL Tba:~xpraaalonhaabam . aaidtoritfortoaervieoarhiah,tihou&lqoaaLppao the oif1o.tbnauaa of his oSf~o~al.poaltlon,~~n~aat .~'>.l-:' lLaae*aarfly lnoidont to tha parforaouoeOS the @mleal duttoaof h%aoffiua. slaola va* -oalTeaton Ooiorff* . _, Z66 86 lll6: ., 9, &tlolo iJoi tha.T&aa Cor~aiSt,atic~~ 'Seatlo ,., prtJaarlbqathe Baldma rate of tua8~.~aMral porpoir i.. . ~ror.s0d8 :.I .a&4bribaa. ror Alar&u.asa ior .Bumanout sm- p-at8 reapeothiy. Tiiemo&y arialug~froa .%ama Xeviid.andoolleote4Sor aaoh of dae aMe wmmmakd purpoaeaare oonatltutlonilttIn4a. ml& 4b y 'taxation io r a ny p ur p m a h ua bll e lp p l4 fo 4’ thi'pa~iotbt! pprpoaaaud no other, OarrollW+:rillir eoa~sr6c4# Ault‘a. Bill Colae~,xl6 8w SSQ) Tes. &iY, Vol. ll,,page88 609-10-11;fien4araon comfy vat mTk* 66a SW 94. : IOU am 2wpeoklly that ad&4 it is iha o&don OS thba B+rtimaatthe eboff~oia~a&Ary~ that of the ooost]i"atfQrnq or no pet thereofoam be 14 out of the GeneralStu#:anU Brl4gs Rm4 aa this faad p"a a Hon. Bill S. ~~tkina,Zaroh 28, 19S9,Page 3 oooetltutlonal run4 and the money of aooh oonetltutlona fund must be appliedto that partloobr purpoaafor whloh it was ralaedand no other* Truatlngthat the ioregolnganawerayour lr q&y, we mmaln . , ,ATTORBEY OlE6GZ&OF:- -*., ‘.. .,.. . ‘r . . ..‘. -__ . . . .. ‘,‘. -A&v .. .: ..