Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN bfaroh16, 1930 Bon. &. 8. Thornton,Jr. Chainnan, .$ppropriotions Committee House of Representatives Anmtl.tl* Texas WI0 wnmtruetfon OP Artlole 7 see of Texas 18 reeolvod. antSoP to am oplil- artuont under Uate th: JMnaraUe.L..A. @~&a, Oh a wpy OP that opinion b of the Conatltutlon,among elature ahaZlpr~Id%bjiar matioa 0Q ~31 ofiiaere, wr- and publio wntraatar m%t r sn this Oanst.itutfon.* n 9 of Article B rae adopted at an election held Wovaaber 2, 3BS6, and, slang other thlnge, prorides that out of aertain fuad+3 to be derived Prom taxation *St uhallbe the duty of the State Board 09 Education t% set amide a euffSolentamouut out of the eaid tax to pr%vi.de free text-booksfor the use a? ahlldren attend&q the pub- 110 tree,schoole of this State; provided, hwever, that should the llmlt CP tslurfiOn herein XM&%~ be ITmuft~Ol~nf the detioit may be met by ap#WopriationfPolathe general Ron. IS.AL Thornton, Jr., March IS, 39930,PagQ 2 fund of the State." At the time of the adoption of this amendment Seotlon 8 of Article 7 of the Constitutionprovidedr "The Governor, Comptrolleran& Seore- tary of State r&all wnetltute a Board of Eduoation,who shall dlstrlbute,saldfunde to the severnl countiesand perfow such other duties wnoeming publio schools as may be prescribed by law." At en e&eotion held Nwmber es lDS& 3eotlon 3, Artl.ale7 of the Gonstitutim rae amended 110that it DOI m-t VheLei#f+lature mhallpmrlde~byla~ for a 8tste Boar+ of Bdwathxb whew mea- : hers mhaUbeappeiatedoreleotedin suah mannerandby su0hauthOrit amI shrllserm fo r laohtenum a9 theLegl J ature mhallpre- wadbe mat exoeodhg 8lx p8ra. The uid Bonrd ohall perPow 8uN.1 duties OP may be prewrlhed by 1-r State eoonetltutione are adopt&l as a whol% and a elauae waiah, stwdhg by itwlf, might em, of dodhtf'ul lm- portamy yetberrrdsplsinby c4neparkwnrithother61auna or portioarr of the m-e inWrment~ therolb~ It is a pm- per rule of wnstruct~on that the -1s is ta be axaminaL tit& avlew tc arrirlng at the true intent at eaohpart. sn wnatrubg Seotion a Artlole 7ef the Oonmtitu- fion, the uh0le tinetrmmnt must be aonmidersd, and partlOu- larly the provl&ms ot the 30nstltutl0n abets cpoteib Xt will be noted th8t in Seatian 3 Of &t&ale PI it the'f'rmda derivedSnna the murues o~taxationm~itioned in the me- ttan are deplete& theLeglalaturerillhe oalledupon fa supply the detXai%ncielr from the general revenuea. PaplW-~ of the Btete Board 0%'EdIXoPtiOn are either off+loerec,*enante oragenteoithe State, and Bwtlon44 of&tiOle3plaue61 within the exalueire )urisdlotion of the Legislature the maf- ter of prwldAng for their wmpeneation. 8lnoe the adoptian of 8wtion 3 of Artiale 7, Section 8 of Artidle i has tieea and the Legidature, is direoted te pr0~ide for a a~~e~~deil+ state hoar(i of Edueatiorq whoeemembere shall be appointed or eleoted, and who shall perioxm suoh duties ae may be pre- lion.E. R. Thornton, Jr., March 16, 18~~~ Page 3 scribed by lar. When all of these provisionsare considered and given full ?oroe and effect, the conclusionmust nooessarflybe reached that the Legislaturehas ex- clusive control over the compensationto be received by the officers, servants and agents of the State, in- eluding the employeesof the State Board of Education. Strength Is given to this wnstruotion when the pro- visions of Seotion 3 of Artiole 7 are considered,vhloh provide that any defioienoleswhich may be oreated in the funds must be met by.appropriationfrom the general funds of the Btate. We are thoretore of fhe opinion t&at 3ection 3 o?Article?o? theConstitnt%ondaasnotlimif the powor given to the Leghl8ture by Seotion 44 of ArtSole S of the Constltutlon,and that the Legislaturemay pm- ride for the aosqmnfmtlox8 of apployees of the State Board ok? Biusattiq thereby fixing their salaries. Theopinionabovere?erred to ishersbyover- rnled APPBomDr G.--U-- . ATTOBNEX 8EKEWL OF TSKA8 \ . -