QCIlA8.m c. MAnw
..- ..*a
Haroh 81, 1999
.m. Mtur Htmriok
amntg mftor
HoDklnn count7
sulphur Gprllup, TOrae.
Dear Sir:
Tour latter
Peaoo gotr his
at or boom the
half of hi8
Ose, a040 of arimlaal Prooemm 5x-0-
rider aa lollowt
*Three Dollar8 #hall br paid .bbythe
oounty to the County &ad&e, or J#&@ !zy?the Can't
at Law and Two Dollar8 anCfiity oentr 8hall
be paid by tM oounty to tho JPetios, Of the
Mr. Lotue Hatnrlok, Xaaroh 2l, 1999, Page 2
Peaoa, for laoh oriminal action tried and
finally dlaporad of b&ore him. provided,
however, that In all oountiaa having a popu-
lation of 2O;OOO or lass the JUatloa of the
Peace ahall raoaiva a trfal fee oi Three
Dollara. Suah Judes or Juatloa ahall pro-
aqnt to the Comlaalonera* Court of hi8
oounty at a r48Ular termthereor, a rrlttan
aooount 8peoltyIng each orlmlnal action In
whloh ha olalma auoh fee, oertlrled b auoh
Jud e or JuatIoe to be oorreot, and ? f 104
wlitf the County Clerk. The Conmiaalonera*
Court ah811 approve auoh looount for Nob
amount a4 they rind to be 00rr40t, and
order a drart to be 14~44 upon the aounty
Treasurer In favor or auoh Judge or Juatioa
for the mount 80 a proved. Provided the
CommlaaIonar8c COure ahall not pay any
aooount 40 approted. Prorlded the com-
mlaaIonara* Court ahall not ay any aooount
or trial tma in an
whloh an acquittal
of Taxaa waa repreaanted In the trial of
raid oauaa by the Count Attorney, or hi8
aaalatant Criminal Die t riot Attorney or
hla aaeIatant,and tha oertlfIoato or aald
Attorney is lttaohed to aald aooount oertl-
tying to the faot that raid 0~88 was tried,
and the State of Texan waa rapreaentad, and
that ln hi8 judgment then waa 8urrlOIent
avIden In said oauae to demand a trial
or k344t~.*
Artlola lOS2 aupra, by It8 t4m 8peOIrlOaUy
provide8 that the Juatfoe of the Peace ahall be al4 by
the oounty the 8ug1 of $Z.SO for aaoh orlmlnal a0 e Ion
tried and finally 418 oaed of baiora him. The manner
-in whloh tine8 ara pa ! 4 or worked out on the count
farm or other pub110 works la Imaterlal. Under t g a
statute above uoted the Justloe ot the Peaoe la On-
titled to $2.S8 ror &.mlnal aotloaa rittaliy dIspoas4
or barore him In counties havb a opulatlon oi mora
than 20 00 Inhabitants and the SUBe loe Or the Pea08
In oount Pea having a population of 20 000 or leaa II+
habitants ahall reoelve a trial fee 0) 03.00, ior eaoh
oaae rlnally Alapoaed of.
Mr. Lotus Hamrlok, Muoh 2l, 1959, Pa@ s
In view or tha roragolng statute, pu are
reapeotfully ldvI88d that It IS the opinion Of-this
Department that the Juatloea of the Paaoe in all ooun-
tlaa having a population or more than 20,000 Inhabl-
tanta la lntltlad to a tee of $2.50, to be paid by
the oounty for eaoh orlmlnal notion finally dlapoaed
ot b*rora him and in oountiaa having a population of
20,000 or leas inhabitants, the JUatloee of tM Peqoe
are entitled to a fee or #s.OO iOr aaoh orlmIna1 ao-
tlon aiapoaea or.
!fntatIng that the toragolng anawara your
. latplry, vm romala
Vary truly pure
_:, 3
BY (signed)
Ardall wllllama