Hon. Clint A. Barham
County Attorney
or. All or those pa*
in thee* numberaa aeatu
e~~softhe&ow,andatthi and
or the show atitenaatata
rolle a
eel around 005tabliU6 (111the
0 aeats 05 small tlOket8. 805a
to draw a nunbar end the man ait-
tlng lo the seat whose number omzegponds wltb
the number that .lsdrawn is &mm t&O raoney
Ln addition tcithis the cbai68105 tan
$?&rtidrnight 1e iire omts high&r than
it is on the othbr,weeknfBhls8.”
Hon. Clint A. Barham, April E6, 1939, Page 2
asotion 47) Article 3 of the State Constitution
reads as follows:
Vhe Leglslauureshall pass laws prohlblt-
ing the establishmentof lotteries aad gift
enterprisesIn this state, as well as the sale
or tickets in lotteries,gift enterprisesor
other evasions Involvingthe lottery principle,
establishedor other 5tates.v
Ori a5y person shall establl5helott#q
or bispme or any eetate, real or per8Onal*by
lottery, he &all be Sined not leas than 050
hundred nor more~thau 05e thoiman4 dollars1
.or.If my pewon sh+l aal& gffer r0r sale or
keep *or:we. any tfa$et or part ticket in auy
ldttery, a+-1 be $+¬ leas tha5 taq~:
. nor:mr+ th&u ~lft~.d~Ilara~~~
The te& *lOttarf'.hasno teoh5ioal slgnUloi-.
tion~In the law'and srioaeopt statute does .notpr@lbe
& definition;lta wqning mat be deteirained from popular
utlagq. doooavling~to?&atWqti a lottery'lsa #ohm@ for
the lot e.ohanoa amo5g Wore
who have paid oi hare agreedit pay a aonslderatloP,i~
.t@ right to the dietributtoa~lt-
State t(l.Randle U.Tex$-dpQI;Featherstaa T&
$&~Ieu$ Seqvioa St&ion &asoahtlon of Texaa,,~lO 81
&d lB4; Bodtright',vfL .StA$a;58 BW,$htd87; Te% W.
'Vol. 2S, yage UQ.~:
In the:'oase'of
Featheratonevs. IndependentBar-
. vim Station fi+n+tion; >upira;the oourt gave the iollow-
ing derlnlt$onto,~
a lott?:',
*A lottery ror all praotioal purposes w
bs derined airany soheme ror the distribution
0r ~ieekt, by lot or ohcL50dr for one on swing
money or giving ,othaything of.vslue to another
obtains a token yhiah.entitlee h* to xeeeive
a larger or am@ler value or noqbe, aa scma
tormula or ahanae may.:detarx&W&_
Eon. Clint A. Sarham, April 26, 1939,'Page3
The Federal Cirauit Court of Appeals in the
case Peek VB. United Safes, 61 Fed 2nd 973, deiined
: a-,lottery
scheme for the distributionof prizes
or thingsor value by lot or chanoe emong
personswho have paid or agreed to pay a velu-
able aonsiderat3.on for the change to obtain a
prize. A~hame by whioh a rent&% Is reaohed
by some aotion or m t&ma; In whIoh result
mm's oholoe or uIll hu no part, nob &II hmran
PeMOIl, Mgaolty or duIg5 enable hlilto knew
or deter&m umtIl tha.? h+ 'beenaeoomplIsbad.a
The SupresteC&t la the #~e.oi City Ot id
vs. Orlillt Amwmment 00.; loosws5d 695;usadths+ollaw-
Wmr0 a theatai eonduoted '8ank l?lgit*
at whl money weusawarded, after rihowiug
or the%mvIng pietWo, by drari56 number front
lque &araphemalIdby members .oZaudlenoe,
xi at publio oould pattloipatewithout paylx@
a&n$asIonor ~t;hoat'sate.ring theater did not
prevent the ~ohkme'fmm~'beInglottery.
wQmio'e at a prlzq d&gnated aitfree awl .
glvin with purohaee q'not'bn raot tree though
artlole pmohasml b.wcuth &ll ploe as re-
speots whether triwaotion eeonatltutes a lottery
-but paymeat for~qhanoe Is embraoed in part or
purchase prIoei*"
In the aase.of Qraqt vs. State, 112 Sk'lC68, the
court he&d, among other thlngs,'thatr
*2verydrawIn& &are money.or property la
offered a8 prlees to JM dfltributedby ohahoe
aocording to a specktied soheme or.plan and a
ticket or tickets-soldwhIoh entitles the holder
to money or property and whlal:is dependentupon
ohanoe, is a lottery."
Hon. Clint A. Berhsm, April 26, 1939, Page 6
You are respectfullyadvised that It Is the
opinion of this Departmentthat a number system used by
a theaterwhere each seat In the theater Is mmbered and
where a ticket Is selected or drawn from a number of
tickets containingall the numbers on the seats end a
money award or other thing ot value Is given to the per-
son sitting In the seat that has a number corresponding
with the nwnber drawn Is a lottery and the operation
thereor 1s.a violationof .@tIcle 654 of the Penal Code.
'lhstingthat the f@regolnganswers your in-
quiry, we remeln