Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Clint A. Barham County Attorney Erath-coullty BtqhentQl;le, or. All or those pa* in thee* numberaa aeatu e~~softhe&ow,andatthi and or the show atitenaatata rolle a eel around 005tabliU6 (111the 0 aeats 05 small tlOket8. 805a to draw a nunbar end the man ait- tlng lo the seat whose number omzegponds wltb the number that .lsdrawn is &mm t&O raoney Ln addition tcithis the cbai68105 tan $?&rtidrnight 1e iire omts high&r than it is on the othbr,weeknfBhls8.” Hon. Clint A. Barham, April E6, 1939, Page 2 asotion 47) Article 3 of the State Constitution reads as follows: Vhe Leglslauureshall pass laws prohlblt- ing the establishmentof lotteries aad gift enterprisesIn this state, as well as the sale or tickets in lotteries,gift enterprisesor other evasions Involvingthe lottery principle, establishedor ex.ist&ngin other 5tates.v Ori a5y person shall establl5helott#q or bispme or any eetate, real or per8Onal*by lottery, he &all be Sined not leas than 050 hundred nor more~thau 05e thoiman4 dollars1 .or.If my pewon sh+l aal& gffer r0r sale or keep *or:we. any tfa$et or part ticket in auy ldttery, a+-1 be $+¬ leas tha5 taq~: . nor:mr+ th&u ~lft~.d~Ilara~~~ The te& *lOttarf'.hasno teoh5ioal slgnUloi-. tion~In the law'and srioaeopt statute does .notpr@lbe & definition;lta wqning mat be deteirained from popular utlagq. doooavling~to?&atWqti a lottery'lsa #ohm@ for the distributionoi.prIcea~.by lot e.ohanoa amo5g Wore who have paid oi hare agreedit pay a aonslderatloP,i~ .t@ right to partialpateth@r~in~~.ar the dietributtoa~lt- State t(l.Randle U.Tex$-dpQI;Featherstaa T& $&~Ieu$ Seqvioa St&ion &asoahtlon of Texaa,,~lO 81 &d lB4; Bodtright',vfL .StA$a;58 BW,$htd87; Te% W. 'Vol. 2S, yage UQ.~: In the:'oase'of Featheratonevs. IndependentBar- . vim Station fi+n+tion; >upira;the oourt gave the iollow- ing derlnlt$onto,~ a lott?:', *A lottery ror all praotioal purposes w bs derined airany soheme ror the distribution 0r ~ieekt, by lot or ohcL50dr for one on swing money or giving ,othaything of.vslue to another obtains a token yhiah.entitlee h* to xeeeive a larger or am@ler value or noqbe, aa scma tormula or ahanae may.:detarx&W&_ T, Eon. Clint A. Sarham, April 26, 1939,'Page3 The Federal Cirauit Court of Appeals in the case Peek VB. United Safes, 61 Fed 2nd 973, deiined OS : a-,lottery as: -‘A scheme for the distributionof prizes or thingsor value by lot or chanoe emong personswho have paid or agreed to pay a velu- able aonsiderat3.on for the change to obtain a prize. A~hame by whioh a rent&% Is reaohed by some aotion or m t&ma; In whIoh result mm's oholoe or uIll hu no part, nob &II hmran PeMOIl, Mgaolty or duIg5 enable hlilto knew or deter&m umtIl tha.? h+ 'beenaeoomplIsbad.a The SupresteC&t la the #~e.oi City Ot id vs. Orlillt Amwmment 00.; loosws5d 695;usadths+ollaw- lnglanguage: Wmr0 a theatai eonduoted '8ank l?lgit* at whl money weusawarded, after rihowiug P or the%mvIng pietWo, by drari56 number front lque &araphemalIdby members .oZaudlenoe, xi at publio oould pattloipatewithout paylx@ a&n$asIonor ~t;hoat'sate.ring theater did not prevent the ~ohkme'fmm~'beInglottery. wQmio'e at a prlzq d&gnated aitfree awl . glvin with purohaee q'not'bn raot tree though artlole pmohasml b.wcuth &ll ploe as re- speots whether triwaotion eeonatltutes a lottery -but paymeat for~qhanoe Is embraoed in part or purchase prIoei*" In the aase.of Qraqt vs. State, 112 Sk'lC68, the court he&d, among other thlngs,'thatr ; *2verydrawIn& &are money.or property la offered a8 prlees to JM dfltributedby ohahoe aocording to a specktied soheme or.plan and a ticket or tickets-soldwhIoh entitles the holder to money or property and whlal:is dependentupon ohanoe, is a lottery." Hon. Clint A. Berhsm, April 26, 1939, Page 6 You are respectfullyadvised that It Is the opinion of this Departmentthat a number system used by a theaterwhere each seat In the theater Is mmbered and where a ticket Is selected or drawn from a number of tickets containingall the numbers on the seats end a money award or other thing ot value Is given to the per- son sitting In the seat that has a number corresponding with the nwnber drawn Is a lottery and the operation thereor 1s.a violationof .@tIcle 654 of the Penal Code. 'lhstingthat the f@regolnganswers your in- quiry, we remeln . ._