Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

“. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Yrbruary as, 1959 Bon. 8. L. AnI.1, Tatmary M, 19'59,PagT@t lM&ua~ g4mlu peymont. Thlr $soo.oo 08 8hS11 8SUOS1 ll1 UIOti8& 1 1 .88 M d l804S~lltS ph0.d 46SailI8tth484 pollelS8 held by Tht Rote Yedein. -That th4M 8hdl h4 BO 18OrSS88.Q? =d\rotiO8 b #8 rata am peld bJ tbo Tlat Rate Member, hUt that tt 8hS11 ?OSI&l S8 t8.* *oh umloty &all k hold te k la@- 1~ 8Ob4ut 10 10~6a8 the fund8 in it8 pO88- 8881Ollln lQUAl tQ W in 8X0888 Of it8 matarad liebilltio8....m biW8'Of ruoh W4i8ty ahall proddo that if th8 8ktSd p~rbdioal Sontrl- btrtlonr or th 0wmb438 lra h8urri0ht to pay all matured death and dlmblllty alala In full, ad to provide for the oraatlon and 6alntearnos Of the fund@ nqulrod by It8 1~18 additional, . laoroauad or lr tb ar et4 8 of ooatribotloa 8hall b 8ollsoted frCa th4 14Pbbr8 to m8.t 8uoh d6- ri0i4noy; end 8UOh laws ma7 prorlda upou that* the rrltten appllostlonor aonaent of the mom- bar, his osrtifioatemay bs oherged with Its proportion or lny d4ri0h0y dlaoi084d by valaatioa,rith Interest not exossdlag ilrs p4r oentus par 8mum.~ Tha by-lawa of thr organlrationlawfully edopt- ld p r o v1 d.r lA0848884nt8mod otllar p8ymenta may be levied by thS arand Lodge upoa the mmboraof the hiOWE.~t h~artE4llt tQ met dOii4i8llOf in the 8ndMSt itmd Snd meld SSSSSMSSt8 8h411 b4 lori4d la the nannor provided by the Sraternel b4nari0hry lm18 Or thr stat0 or ?SXS~.* ph. paw? Of & korrlola~ 88SOShltiOS to nqulra eytwnt Oi dUS8 Snd r8SS8SMOSt8.b ordimrill ronforrod t J it8 8OMtitutlOn and bplrw8 and under 8-o OlrO~n- _. . lieu.1. L. DmIe1, ?*brawy 25, 19s9, Peg. 5 &48008 tb UOUUt Or (048 OT 888088WtS 11b3jk ia- UO88Sd. It la rirrly 8Stsbl~8had th a t l beaarlelal ltih tiOn Uy Vdid,lf bOl-MO8 it8 ht88 Or l8aSS8- Hnts and suthor$tJ to Iaorsa8o la 8Omti84 lxpr488ly 8 ?t84?Vd iS tb 8OSStitUti~. m.ttWr Of UOt ?&48 8ha11 k inOl’44845 18 l Utkr of ~8tUd8etiOa by the &OWniR( kdj, Oi tb4 8OOiSty and, it thS $8OrSe8. $8 lvS8oSebl0, 8uoh dSknl8etlos dll 8ot be Interiere4 with. The manner ln wlileban Inero88e may be made or uoar.6 18 likowiw loft to the raa8Onable llwntloo or ttlo8oTeniry body. o;tinlJ 8rrpr8MLobb, Itni@ht8 Of @thi”aV~.$3 16’1 m m; girts f8e &T8I’8i$S 8. 0. w., . %S ;IItUMi &id8 Or ilrwm bOa8r;t & S$8t$S8 Us 8Suallf ~o+OrMd by the 8On8tltUtIOE and by- lsri. By-law sbvul4 &a r31 ut8rhl raspeats k roe- roneble \nd lh o ultl aOt Ubdy 8 npudiatlas Of khatit Oe~iriMt48 laaue,Uprior to thslr laaotment. alting ~U&UW~ 0OUll841 f8e httle, 79 = be9; Matkln V8e &Ip?~e bdgo ai@iht8 Of ffODO?, 18 a 306; TeTlt. tur.Vol. 6, page 404. The 4464, &sari110 Potual &nerolent Aaaoole- tioa ~8. tranklin at al, SS SU I&nd) 859 holds, la dfeot, that lutnel sld 88aoeIetiona are not authotlrod ta ohan lontraot 80 a8 to irp8Ir bemerits to whloh lnaumd was entitled uuder polloy. In peaslag upon l llsllar question in the oaeo, Rookwell vs. Inights lesplar and Ueaonio Yutusl Aid Aaao- olatloo 119 How York, Supp. 515, the oourt used the fol- loul!l~i*agueget lR veroorporatloa y hss l right to make *ml ohaqa It8 In a 8eaner not in- bpl8ws 8o??airkntiith law end luoh right doer not glra it the power to obange It8 written 8ontreat or lmpoae 99~~ a perty aontraotlng rlth it obligation8 whioh were Mter a8aumd.g lawo$Stlon8 uy Eetaetlolel wna thlr oonatl- tut$on and et will, provided thr emondamnt8 60 mot bplSu8 rlolat~ the teden COU8titUtiOU or the 14W8 oi the 8t~t~ OS do not, wIthOut his OOnSSpt, deprive 8 ulbor Of the Substantial d&t oonremd b,t hla oertIiIe6ta er oaatraot or laaursnoe mid PrWldsb also the l4DdmatS 8re r44801)- Xou. 9. L. Danid, Iobruary S6, 1666, ?a68 4 able. cit1B& suprau.Ledga xB1ghtr of Pythlaa vs. Ill=, RO4 8 891) 9.r. Jmr., Tel. 6, pa6a 606. k aro usable to ttnd any otatuta or d8elrien lxthorlriaguy fratorml knatlt 8oelotl88 to r&w0 the kuflt of tbelr uole8 a8 ut forth in pur ln- m-3. Wo do not be1r ova that mob rmdrretlonrooid k - roawnabl* lB this lBataBo0. Yoa are nepootfully adtiM that it 18 the oplalm of thlr Departunt that the Oran& Lode of Oolord Xalghtr of Pythlaala nuo nlilao t the hwaflt Of all flat rat. polldrr from hOO.00 te &OO.oO by vlrtw of lta by-lnvman4 the rwolutloa hareinabote 4rrsrlbed.