I’ -
Hon. J. P. Bryan
County Attorney
BMroria kmntf
Dsar Sirr OpinionNo. O-369
Re, Itbotherconstablefee of )2&O
is allowd when arretis made
by highwaypatrolman.
Your letterof February7th addressedto Hon. Gszald C. Nsnn,
AttorneyGsnsMl of Texas, has ken receivedby this Ibpartment.
Your questionia rair?d by the followingst&#Wnt aontained
in your letter:
"The State HighnayPatrolawnhave infom&j the .
Justioeof the Peace in PracinotNo. 6 that.i&$xing
the ooots in highmy violationcases,
were made by the HighwayPatrolman,
)2.00 fee for an arrest and oolleotor gf? thirr+n
oouatablein hia preainat. I undsrqi&@ irlthese in-
stanosathe aonstablswas not worki,ng,,with
the Highway
Patrolmanat the time of the arrest.?‘.
Ue beg to adviesthat the idsntioalquestionraised iq,JIOW letter
was rsa&tly Pnsnursdby this Departmentin OpinionO-106, wrihw, bp Hon.
Claude 0. Rootiman,AmmsistautAttormy General,and addrsasadto Roik.Thor.
A. ltheat,CountyAttornsy,LibertyCounty,Liberty,Texas, under data of
, . January18, 1939, a oopy of whioh opinionis herewithsnolosed.
In rwpon~e to the secondparagraphof your letter,the authorira-
tion of the State HighwayNotor Patrol is found under authoritygrantedto
the State HighwayDepartmentand provisionsfor suoh offioertand their au-
thorityto enforcethe lam found in Artiole 027a, Section 16, Penal Code of
Texas, as amendedby the Aots of 1931, 42nd Legislature,Chapter164.
, Vary truly yours,
APPROVED - Xarch 3, 1939
/s/GsMld C. krm By /s/k. J. B. King